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Fifth convocation

June 2014


Main issues
considered at the meeting


1. On approval of the program "Comprehensive socio-economic development of the Azov German national municipal district for 2014-2016"


1. On the exchange of property owned by the municipality of the Bolsherechensky municipal district.

2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Bolsherechensky municipal district "On the budget of the municipal district for 2014 and for the planning period 2015 and 2016".

3. On Amendments to the Forecast Plan (Program) for the Privatization of Municipal Property of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District for 2014.

4. Report of a Deputy of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District Council on Work in the Electoral District


1. On Approval of the Regulations of the Bolsheukovsky Municipal District Council.

2. On the Work of the Administrative Commission of the Bolsheukovsky Municipal District for 2013 and 2014.

3. On the Organization and Practice of Work of Rural Settlements of the Bolsheukovsky Municipal District on the Improvement of Their Territories


1. On the progress of housing construction in the Gorky municipal district in 2014.

2. On the work of cultural institutions of the Gorky municipal district in 2014.

4.On Amending the Decision of the Council of the Gorky Municipal District "On the Budget of the Gorky Municipal District for 2014 and for the Planning Period of 2015 and 2016"


1. On the Work of the Administrative Commission of the Isilkul Municipal District in 2013.

2. On the Progress of Implementation of the Long-Term Program "Employment of the Population of the Isilkul Municipal District of the Omsk Region for 2011-2014" in 2013.

3. On Ensuring Authority for Completion, Storage, Accounting and Use of Documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, Which Are in the Municipal Ownership of the Isilkul Municipal District.

4. On the Progress of Implementation of the Long-Term Program "Development of the education system of the Isilkul municipal district for 2010-2014" in 2013


1. On the state of the material and technical base for physical education and sports in the education system of the Kolosovsky municipal district and measures to improve it.

2. On the execution of the budget of the Kolosovsky municipal district for 2013


1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Kormilovsky municipal district "On the budget of the Kormilovsky municipal district for 2014 and for the planning period 2015-2016".

2. Report on the work of the Youth Chamber under the Council of the Kormilovsky Municipal District.

3. On the activities of the administration of the Kormilovsky Municipal District to increase the investment attractiveness of the Kormilovsky Municipal District.


1. On the execution of the budget of the Krutinsky Municipal District for the 1st quarter of 2014.

2. On amendments to the decision of the Krutinsky District Council of the Krutinsky Municipal District "On the district budget of the Krutinsky Municipal District for 2014 and for the planning period of 2015 and 2016"



1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of Maryanovsky Municipal District "On the budget of Maryanovsky Municipal District for 2014 and for the planning period of 2015 and 2016".

2. Reports of deputies of the Council of Maryanovsky Municipal District on work in electoral districts.


1. On the implementation of events in the field of youth policy in the Moskalensky municipal district.

2. On the monetary remuneration of the Chairman of the Council of the Moskalensky municipal district.

3. On ensuring access to information on the activities of the Council of the Moskalensky municipal district.

4. On approval of agreements between local government bodies of settlements of the Moskalensky municipal district and local government bodies of the Moskalensky municipal district on the transfer of the implementation of part of their powers


1. On the results of the 2013-2014 heating season years and preparation for the 2014-2015 heating season in the Muromtsevsky municipal district.

2. On the progress of the implementation of the long-term target program "Prevention of crime and drug addiction in the Muromtsevsky municipal district".

3. Report of the deputy of the Muromtsevsky municipal district council on work in the electoral district


1. On amendments to the decision of the Odessa municipal district council "On the budget of the municipal district for 2014 and for the planning period of 2015 and 2016".

2. On approval of the register of municipal property of the Odessa municipal district.

3. On the work of cultural institutions with public organizations and associations for the preservation and revival of national cultures and traditions in the territory of Odessa municipal district


On the work of health care institutions in the territory of Okoneshnikovsky municipal district on providing services to the population


1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of Pavlograd municipal district "On the budget of Pavlograd district for 2014 and for the planning period of 2015 and 2016".

2. Report of the deputy of the Council of Pavlograd municipal district on work in the electoral district


1. On the organization of nutrition in preschool educational institutions of the Poltava municipal district.

2.On Amending the Decision of the Poltava Municipal District Council "On the Budget of the Poltava Municipal District for 2014 and for the Planning Period of 2015 and 2016".

3. On Approving the Register of Municipal Property of the Poltava Municipal District


1. On Appointing Public Hearings on the Draft Report on the Execution of the Budget of the Russko-Polyansky Municipal District for 2013.

2. On the Progress of Implementing the Decision of the Russko-Polyansky Municipal District Council "On the Road Fund of the Russko-Polyansky Municipal District of Omsk Oblast".

3. On the Implementation of the Action Plan of the Russko-Polyansky Municipal District Administration for Socioeconomic Development Russko-Polyansky municipal district for 2013


1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of Sargatsky municipal district "On the budget of Sargatsky municipal district for 2014 and for the planning period of 2015 and 2016".

2. On amendments to the regulations of the Council of Sargatsky municipal district.

3. On amendments to the Charter of Sargatsky municipal district of Omsk region.

4. On approval of the list of objects transferred from the ownership of Sargatsky municipal district to the ownership of Omsk region


1. On the progress of the municipal target program "Development of the cultural sphere of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district of the Omsk region for 2010-2014".

2. Report of the deputy of the Council of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district on the work in the electoral district.

3. On the establishment of rules for standardization in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services to meet municipal needs in the Sedelnikovsky municipal district


1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Tavrichesky municipal district "On the budget of the Tavrichesky municipal district for 2014 and for the planning period of 2015 and 2016".

2. On the creation of a recreation area on the territory of the Leninsky rural settlement of the Tavrichesky municipal district


1. Report of the deputy of the Council of Tarsky Municipal District on work in the electoral district.

2.On Amending the Resolution of the Council of the Tarsky Municipal District "On the Budget of the Tarsky Municipal District for 2014 and for the Planning Period of 2015 and 2016".

3. On Approval of the Regulation "On Notification by Municipal Employees, Persons Holding Municipal Positions, of Receipt of a Gift in Connection with Protocol Events, Business Trips and Other Official Events, Participation in Which is Related to Their Official Position or Performance of Official (Official) Duties, the Procedure for Delivery and Assessment of a Gift, Sale (Redemption) and Crediting of Funds Proceeds from its Sale".

4. On the Free Transfer of Municipal Property of the Tarsky Municipal District to the Ownership of Settlements of the Tarsky Municipal District


1. On the implementation of the long-term target program of the Tevriz municipal district "Development of the cultural sector of the Tevriz municipal district of the Omsk region" (2011-2015).

2. On the implementation of the long-term target program of the Tevriz municipal district "Development of the education system of the Tevriz municipal district of the Omsk region" (2011-2015)


1. On the results of the execution of the budget of the Tyukalinsky municipal district for the first half of 2014.

2. On the implementation of powers to form and maintain a municipal archive in the Tyukalinsky municipal district.

3. On the implementation of decisions of the Council of Deputies of the Tyukalinsky municipal district.

4. On the implementation of the regulation on the municipal service of the Tyukalinsky municipal district.

5. Reports on the work of the standing committees of the Council of Deputies of the Tyukalinsky municipal district for the first half of 2014


1. On the progress of the implementation of the Federal Law "On the General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" on the territory of the Zagvazdinsky rural settlement of the Ust-Ishimsky municipal district.

2. On approval of the program for the comprehensive socio-economic development of the Ust-Ishimsky municipal district for 2014-2016.

3. On the condition of roads on the territory of the Ust-Ishimsky municipal district.

4. On the results of the audit of the execution of the budget of the Ust-Ishimsky municipal district and the budgets of rural settlements Ust-Ishim municipal district for 2013.

5.On Amendments to the Decision of the Ust-Ishim Municipal District Council "On the Budget of the Ust-Ishim Municipal District for 2014 and for the Planning Period of 2015 and 2016"


1. On the implementation of the Federal Law "On Guardianship and Trusteeship" in the territory of the Cherlaksky Municipal District.

2. On the progress of the implementation of the Federal Target Program "Sustainable Development of Rural Areas for 2014-2017 and for the Period up to 2020".

3. On the work of the standing commission of the Cherlaksky Municipal District Council on social issues, education, health care, culture, youth policy and sports.

4. Report of the deputy of the Cherlaksky Municipal District Council district on work in the electoral district


1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Sherbakulsky municipal district "On the budget of the Sherbakulsky municipal district for 2014 and for the planning period of 2015 and 2016".

2. Reports of deputies of the Council of the Sherbakulsky municipal district on work in electoral districts.

3. On the results of monitoring the effectiveness of the administration of the Sherbakulsky municipal district in 2013.

4. On priority areas for the development of the cultural sector in the Sherbakulsky municipal district for the period 2014-2016


1. On the execution of the budget of the city of Omsk for 2013.

2. On amendments to the rules of land use and development of the municipal formation of the urban district of the city of Omsk, Omsk region.

3. On approval of the regulation on the procedure for writing off accounts receivable of the municipal formation of the city of Omsk, arising from contracts providing for the transfer of rights of ownership and (or) use of municipal property.

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