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Fifth convocation

June 2012

INF O R M A T I O N on meetings of representative bodies of local self-government of Omsk Oblast in June 2012

Districts Date
of the meeting
Main issues considered at the meeting
Azovsky 27 On the implementation of the Federal Law of 06.10.2003 No. 131-FZ "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government and the Russian Federation" in the territory of Tsvetnopolskoye rural settlement of the Azovsky German National Municipal District
Bolsheukovsky 22 1. On measures to increase the revenue side of the budget of Bolsheukovsky Municipal District.

2. On the implementation of the Federal Law of 10.12.1995 No. 196-FZ "On Road Safety" in the territory of Bolsheukovsky Municipal District
Gorky 22 1. On Amendments to the Resolution of the Council of the Gorky Municipal District "On the Budget of the Municipal District for 2012".

2. On the Progress of Purchasing Milk from the Population in the Gorky Municipal District.

3. On the Work of the Department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development for the Gorky Municipal District.

4. On the Efficiency of the Work of Cultural Institutions of the Gorky Municipal District in Providing Services to the Population.

5. Information from the Head of the Roshchinskoye Rural Settlement on Work in 2011
Znamensky 29 1. On the Progress of Implementing the Long-Term Target Program "Development of the Education System of the Znamensky District for 2011 - 2015".

2. Report of the Control Body of the Council of the Znamensky Municipal District on Work in 2011.

3. On awarding the title "Honorary Citizen of Znamensky District".

4. On the official salary for the junior position of municipal service of Znamensky Municipal District "specialist".

5. On the work plan of the Council of Znamensky Municipal District for the second half of 2012 - second reading.

6. Report of a deputy of the Council of Znamensky Municipal District on work in the electoral district
Isilkulsky 21 1.On the progress of implementing the long-term program of the Isilkul municipal district "Housing" (2010 - 2015).

2. On the progress of implementing the long-term program of the Isilkul municipal district "Clean Water" (2010 - 2015).

3. On the implementation of its powers of the Isilkul municipal district to organize water supply within the boundaries of the municipal district.

4. Information on the audit work of the finance and control committee of the administration of the Isilkul municipal district for 2011.

5. On the progress of the implementation of the long-term program "Development of small and medium entrepreneurship in the Isilkul municipal district (2010 - 2014).

6. Information on the status of labor rights and guarantees of employees of small and medium-sized businesses in the territory of the Isilkul municipal district
Kalachinsky 28 1. On the progress of the implementation of the long-term target program of the Kalachinsky municipal district "Energy conservation and improvement of energy efficiency in the Kalachinsky municipal district for 2010 - 2015 years".

2. On the work of Kommunalnik LLC, Vodokanal Kalachinsky LLC, and Teplovaya Kompaniya LLC on the development of housing and communal services in the Kalachinsky municipal district.

3. On the provision of social support measures to the population for payment of housing and communal services in the Kalachinsky municipal district
Kolosovsky 25 1. On the progress of implementing the Federal Law of 06.10.2003 No. 131-FZ "On the General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" in the territory of the Strokinskoye rural settlement of the Kolosovsky municipal district.

2. Report of the deputy of the Kolosovsky municipal district council on work in the electoral district
Kormilovsky 26 On holding public hearings and publishing the draft resolution of the Council of the Kormilovsky Municipal District "On Amendments to the Charter of the Kormilovsky Municipal District of Omsk Oblast"
Krutinsky 25 1. On the execution of the budget of the Krutinsky Municipal District for the quarter of 2012.

2. On amending and supplementing the resolution of the District Council "On the budget of the Krutinsky Municipal District for 2012"
Lyubinsky 28 1. On amending the resolution of the Council "On the budget of the Lyubinsky Municipal District of Omsk Oblast for 2012".

2.On the adoption of powers to create conditions for housing construction in the territory of the Lyubinsky municipal district.

3. On the long-term work plan of the Council of the Lyubinsky municipal district for the second half of 2012.

4. Report of a deputy of the Council of the Lyubinsky municipal district on work in the electoral district
Maryanovsky 21 1. On amendments to the Council decision "On the budget of the Maryanovsky municipal district for 2012".

2. On the results of monitoring the effectiveness of local government bodies of the Maryanovsky municipal district for 2010, preliminary results for 2011, plans to improve the effectiveness of local government bodies in 2012.

3. Reports of the deputies of the Maryanovsky Municipal District Council on work in the electoral districts
Moskalensky 20 1. On the progress of the long-term target program "Ensuring road safety in the Moskalensky Municipal District for 2010 - 2014".

2. On the progress of the long-term target program "Development of trade in the Moskalensky Municipal District" for 2011 - 2015.

3. On the progress of the long-term target program of the Moskalensky Municipal District "Improving the demographic situation of the Moskalensky Municipal District for 2010 - 2014".

4. On the development of informatization of educational institutions of the Moskalensky Municipal District.

5. On approval of amendments and additions to the Charter of the Moskalensky Municipal District of the Omsk Region
Muromtsevsky 29 1. On the progress of implementing the long-term target program "Development of small and medium-sized businesses of the Muromtsevsky Municipal District for 2010 - 2012".

2. On the progress of implementing energy-saving measures by the Education Committee of the Administration of the Muromtsevsky Municipal District in accordance with Federal Law No. 261-FZ of 23.11.2009 "On Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency".

3. On measures to improve medical care for the population of the Muromtsevsky Municipal District.

4. Reports of the deputies of the Council of the Muromtsevsky Municipal District on work in the electoral districts
Novovarshavsky 21 1. On ensuring measures to implement decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Omsk Region and the administration of the Novovarshavsky Municipal District on the implementation of a unified State policy and civil defense, protection of the population and the territory of the district in emergency situations.

2.On preparation for the heating season in 2012 - 2013 in Novovarshavsky municipal district.

3. On the organization of social services for senior citizens and disabled people living in the territory of Novovarshavsky municipal district.

4. Report of the deputy of the Novovarshavsky municipal district Council on work in the electoral district
Odessa 28 1. On amendments to the Council decision "On the budget of the Odessa municipal district for 2012".

2. On the development of private subsidiary farms in the Odessa municipal district.

3. Report on the work of the commission of the Odessa municipal district Council on social issues in 2011
Okoneshnikovsky 27 1. On measures taken by Krasovsky and Sergeyevsky rural settlements of Okoneshnikovsky municipal district for the efficient use of agricultural land and other settlement lands, and to increase land tax collection.

2. Report of a deputy of the Council of Deputies of Okoneshnikovsky municipal district on work in the electoral district
Omsky 28 Report of the head of Omsk municipal district on the results of the activities of the administration of Omsk municipal district in 2011
Poltavsky 28 1. On the state and prospects for the development of mass sports and physical education and health work in Poltava municipal district.

2. On the register of municipal property of Poltava municipal district.

3. On Amending the Council Resolution "On the Budget of Poltava Municipal District for 2012".

4. Report of the Poltava Municipal District Council Deputies on Work in Electoral Districts
Russko-Polyansky 29 1. On the Execution of the Budget of Russko-Polyansky Municipal District for 2011.

2. On the Status of Work on Concluding Collective Agreements in Organizations of Russko-Polyansky Municipal District Based on the Results of 2011.

3. On Improving the Level of Fire Safety in Populated Areas of the District in Preparation for the Spring-Summer Fire Hazard Period of 2012.

4. Report of the deputy of the Council of Russko-Polyansky municipal district on work in the electoral district
Sargatsky 8 1. On amendments to the regulations on the committee of finance and control of the administration of Sargatsky municipal district.

2. On amendments to the budget of Sargatsky municipal district for 2012.

3. Report of the chairman of the Council of Sargatsky municipal district on work in 2011.

4.Information on the work of the department of architecture, urban planning and housing and communal services of the administration of the Sargatsky municipal district.

5. On the progress of the long-term target program "Creating conditions for the development of agricultural production in the Sargatsky municipal district".

6. Report of the deputy of the Council of the Sargatsky municipal district on the work in the electoral district.

7. On the payment of insurance premiums by organizations and enterprises of the Sargatsky municipal district for 2011 and the first half of 2012 to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
Sedelnikovsky 26 1. On the state of transport services to the population in the territory of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district.

2. On the implementation of the Federal Law "On Road Safety" in the territory of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district.

3. On approval of the agreement between the local government bodies of the Keize rural settlement and the local government bodies of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district on the transfer of some powers.

4. On amending the resolution of the Council of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district "On establishing a property tax for individuals".

5. On approval of the regulations on the structural divisions of the administration of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district
Tavrichesky 28 1. On the execution of the budget of the Tavrichesky municipal district for 2011.

2. On the progress of the implementation of the long-term target program "Development of the healthcare system of the Tavrichesky municipal district for 2010 - 2014".

3. Report of the deputy of the Council of the Tavrichesky municipal district on work in the electoral district
Tarsky 15 1. On the draft forecast plan for the privatization of municipal property of the Tarsky municipal district for 2013.

2. On the draft forecast plan for the privatization of municipal property of the Tarsky municipal district for 2013 - 2015.

3. On amendments to the Council decision "On the budget of the Tarsky municipal district for 2012"
Tevriz 4 1. On amendments and additions to the Charter of the Tevriz municipal district of the Omsk region.

2. On the progress of the long-term target program of the Tevriz municipal district "Development of physical culture and sports in the Tevriz municipal district" (2010 - 2015).

3.On the progress of the long-term target program of the Tevriz municipal district "Development of the cultural sector of the Tevriz municipal district" (2011 - 2015)
27 1. On the progress of the target program of the Tevriz municipal district "Ensuring road safety in the territory of the Tevriz municipal district for 2007-2012".

2. On the progress of the Program for spiritual and moral education of children and adolescents "Origins" for 2008-2011.

3. On the results of the heating season in the social sphere and housing and communal services in the Tevriz municipal district
Tyukalinsky 29 1. On the results of the budget execution of the Tyukalinsky municipal district for the first half of 2012.

2. On the regulation on the procedure for providing subsidies from the budget of the Tyukalinsky municipal district to non-governmental educational institutions implementing the main general educational program of preschool education in the territory of the Tyukalinsky municipal district.

3. On the implementation of the program "Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in the Tyukalinsky municipal district for 2011 - 2015".

4. On the work of the legal department of the administration of the Tyukalinsky municipal district.

5. Reports of the standing committees of the Council of the Tyukalinsky municipal district for the first half of 2012
Ust-Ishimsky 29 1. On the status and prospects for the development of physical culture and sports in the Ust-Ishim municipal district.

2. On amendments and additions to the Council decision "On the budget of the Ust-Ishim municipal district for 2012"
Cherlaksky 29 1. On the progress of implementing the target program "Development of the cultural sector of the Cherlak municipal district for 2011 - 2013".

2. On assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local governments of urban and rural settlements of the Cherlak municipal district for 2011 and planned indicators for a three-year period.

3. On the work of the standing commission of the Council of the Cherlak municipal district on social issues, education, health care, culture, youth policy and sports in 2011.

4. Report on the work of the deputy of the Council of Cherlaksky municipal district in the electoral district
Sherbakulsky 20 1. On the draft resolution "On approval of the Charter of the Sherbakulsky municipal district of the Omsk region" (new version).

2.On the regulation "On the procedure for establishing the payment and recalculation of pensions for length of service in the Sherbakulsky municipal district".

3. On amendments to the regulation "On the procedure for assigning the title "People's Artist of the Sherbakulsky District".

4. On approval of the regulation "On the award of the head of the Sherbakulsky municipal district named after Robert Rozhdestvensky"
Omsk 20 1. On amendments to the Decision of the Omsk City Council "On the procedure for admitting carriers to carry passengers by public transport along regular routes of the commercial route network in urban traffic on the territory of the city of Omsk".

2. On amendments to the list of municipal property that can be provided for free use in 2012

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