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Fifth convocation

February 2012

INFORMATION on meetings of representative bodies of local self-government of Omsk region in February 2012

Districts Date of meeting Main issues considered at the meeting
Azovsky 29 1. Report of the Chairman of the Council of the Azovsky German National Municipal District on the work of the Council in 2011.

2. On the work of the Department of Culture of the Azovsky German National Municipal District
Bolsherechensky 01 1. On amendments to the budget of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District for 2012.

2. Report of the Bolsherechensky Police Department on its work in 2011.

3. On amendments to the Charter of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District of the Omsk Region.

4. Report of the deputy of the Bolsheukovsky Municipal District Council on work in the electoral district
Bolsheukovsky 17 1. Report of the head of the Bolsheukovsky Municipal District on work for 2011.

2. Report of the Chairman of the Bolsheukovsky Municipal District Council on the work of the Council in 2011.

3. On the work plan of the Bolsheukovsky Municipal District Council for 2012.

4. On amendments to the budget of the Bolsheukovsky Municipal District for 2012
Gorkovsky 03 1. Report of the head of the department for youth affairs, physical education and sports of the Gorky Municipal District administration on the work done in 2011.

2. On amendments to the budget of the Gorky municipal district for 2012.

3. On approval of the work plan of the Council of the Gorky municipal district for 2012.

4. On amendments to the Charter of the Gorky municipal district of the Omsk region.

5. On approval of the terms of privatization of municipal property in 2012. 6. On summing up the results of milk purchases in personal subsidiary farms
for 2011 and tasks for 2012
Znamensky 17 1. Report of the Chairman of the Council of the Znamensky municipal district on the work of the Council in 2011.

2. On the organization of meals in preschool educational institutions of the Znamensky municipal district.

3.Report of the deputy of the Council of Znamensky municipal district on work in the electoral district
Isilkulsky 22 1. On the progress of implementing the long-term program "Comprehensive socio-economic development of the cultural sector of the Isilkul municipal district of Omsk region".

2. On the progress of implementing its own powers by the Isilkul municipal district to create conditions for providing services for organizing leisure and culture.

3. On the progress of implementing the long-term program "Development of the education system of the Isilkul municipal district for 2010 - 2014".

4. On organizing meals for schoolchildren in educational institutions of the Isilkul municipal district.

5. On measures to implement the rights of children to preschool education in the territory of the Isilkul municipal district. 6. Information on measures taken in Isilkul municipal district to prevent the spread of drug addiction in the district
Kalachinsky 21 1. Report of the committee for the management of municipal property of the administration of Kalachinsky municipal district on the implementation of the program for the privatization of municipal property in 2011.

2. On the progress of the long-term target program of Kalachinsky
municipal district "Prevention of crime and drug addiction in the territory of Kalachinsky municipal district for 2010 -

3. On the progress of the implementation of the long-term target program of the Kalachinsky
municipal district "Prevention of terrorism and extremism, as well as minimization and elimination of the consequences of these manifestations in the territory of the Kalachinsky municipal district for 2010 - 2015"
Kolosovsky 27 1. On the progress of implementation in the territory of the Kolosovsky municipal district of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2008 No. 607, the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 11, 2008 No. 1313 in the field of education for 2011 and tasks for 2012.

2. On work to ensure participation of Kolosovsky municipal district in the regional target program "Clean Water"
Kormilovsky 28 1. On amendments to the budget of Kormilovsky municipal district
for 2012.

2. On approval of the Regulation on the structure of the administration of Kormilovsky municipal district
Krutinsky 27 Report of the head of Krutinsky municipal district on the main results of the work of the administration of Krutinsky municipal district in 2011
Lyubinsky 22 1.On the results of socio-economic development of the Lyubinsky municipal district in 2011.

2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Lyubinsky municipal district "On approval of the report on the implementation of the privatization program for 2011 and adoption of the forecast plan (program) for the privatization of property of the Lyubinsky municipal district for 2012".

3. On amendments to the budget of the Lyubinsky municipal district for 2012.

4. Report of a deputy of the Council of the Lyubinsky municipal district on work
in the electoral district
Moskalensky 08 1. On the organization of therapeutic and dietary nutrition for patients of medical and preventive institutions and children aged 0 to 3 years in the Moskalensky municipal district.

2. Report on the activities of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moskalensky district for 2011.

3. On the results of the socio-economic development of the district in 2011 and the action plan of the administration of the Moskalensky municipal district for 2012
Muromtsevsky 17 1. Report of the head of the Muromtsevsky municipal district on the state of affairs in the Muromtsevsky municipal district and on the work of the administration of the Muromtsevsky municipal district in 2011.

2. Report of the chairman of the Council of the Muromtsevsky municipal district on the work of the Council in 2011.

3. On the implementation of the Long-Term Targeted Employment Program for 20112013 in the Muromtsevsky Municipal District
Nizhneomsky 03 1. Report of the Head of the Nizhneomsky Municipal District on the main results of the work of the administration of the Nizhneomsky Municipal District in 2011 and the action plan for 2012.

2. Report of the Chairman of the Council of the Nizhneomsky Municipal District on the work of the Council in 2011.

3. On awarding the title of "Honorary Citizen of the Nizhneomsky District of Omsk Region"
Novovarshavsky 22 1. Report of the Chief of the Police Department for the Novovarshavsky District on the state of crime and measures to strengthen law and order in the district.

2. On the action plan of the Novovarshavsky municipal district administration for 2012.

3. On the procedure for conducting anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts and draft regulatory legal acts of the Novovarshavsky municipal district Council.

4. On the work plan of the Novovarshavsky municipal district Council for 2012.

5. Report of a deputy of the Novovarshavsky municipal district Council on work in the electoral district
Odessa 29 1. On amendments to the budget of the Odessa municipal district for 2012.

2. On measures to develop physical culture and sports in the Odessa municipal district.

3.On employment of the population of Odessa municipal district.

4. Report of the deputy of the Council of Odessa municipal district on work in the electoral district
Okoneshnikovsky 15 1. On the results of the work of the Council of Deputies of Okoneshnikovsky municipal district in 2011.

2. Reports of the standing committees of the Council of Deputies of Okoneshnikovsky
municipal district on work in 2011.

3. On information of the prosecutor of Okoneshnikovsky district on the state of crime and measures to strengthen law and order in the territory of Okoneshnikovsky municipal district.

4. On amendments to the Charter of the Okoneshnikovsky Municipal District of Omsk Oblast
Omsky 09 1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Omsk Municipal District "On approval of the Regulation on the management of property of the Omsk Municipal District of Omsk Oblast".

2. On amendments to the budget of the Omsk Municipal District for 2012
Russko-Polyansky 29 1. On the readiness of local government bodies, the MO Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Russko-Polyansky" to ensure public order and safety of citizens during the preparation and holding of the elections of the President of the Russian Federation and the measures taken to eliminate existing deficiencies.

2. Information of the Chairman of the Council of the Russko-Polyansky Municipal District "On the work of the Council of the Russko-Polyansky Municipal District in 2011".

3. Information on the implementation of the program "Promoting Employment of the Population of the Council of the Russko-Polyansky Municipal District for 2011 - 2015" for 2011
Sargatsky 13 1. On amending the decision of the Council of the Sargatsky Municipal District "On the procedure for recognizing arrears and debt on penalties to the district budget as hopeless for collection and write-off".

2. On amending the Charter of the Sargatsky Municipal District of the Omsk Region.

3. On approval of the regulations on municipal land control on the territory of the Sargatsky Municipal District.

4. On approval of the regulations on municipal forest control on the territory of the Sargatsky Municipal District.

5. Approval of the work plan of the Council of the Sargatsky Municipal District for 2012. 6. Report on the activities of the OP MIA of Russia "Sargatsky" for 2011
Sedelnikovsky 29 1. On approval of the Register of municipal property of the Sedelnikovsky Municipal District.

2. On approval of amendments and additions to the Charter of the Sedelnikovsky
Municipal District of the Omsk Region.

3.On approval of the municipal property privatization program for 2012
Tavrichesky 28 1. Report of the head of the Tavrichesky municipal district on the work of the administration of the Tavrichesky municipal district in 2011.

2. Report of the chairman of the Council of the Tavrichesky municipal district on the work of the Council of the Tavrichesky municipal district in 2011.

3. On the results of the implementation of a set of measures to modernize the general education system of the Tavrichesky municipal district in 2011 and tasks for 2012
Tarsky 17 1. On the work plan of the Council of the Tarsky municipal district for 2012.

2. On the establishment and payment of targeted compensation for utility costs to a separate category of citizens in 2012.

3. Report of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of the Tarsky district on the work for 2011.

4. On amendments to the budget of the Tarsky municipal district
for 2012
Tevriz 27 1. On the progress of the long-term target program of the Tevriz municipal district "Development of housing construction in the territory of the Tevriz municipal district of the Omsk region" (2011 - 2015).

2. On the adoption of the regulation on the control and accounting body in the Tevriz
municipal district.

3. On the adoption of the Regulation on the Secretariat of the Council of the Tevriz municipal district.

4. Report of the Chairman of the Council of Tevriz Municipal District on the work done in 2011
Tyukalinsky 24 1. On the implementation of the municipal long-term target program "Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food of Tyukalinsky Municipal District (2010 - 2014)", provisions on creating conditions for the development of agricultural production in the settlements of Tyukalinsky Municipal District of Omsk Region.

2. On the regulation on the education committee of the administration of Tyukalinsky Municipal District.

3. On the implementation of orders of voters of Tyukalinsky Municipal District.

4. On the activities of municipal educational institutions on military-patriotic education of schoolchildren.

5. On approval of agreements between the administration of the Tyukalinsky municipal district and the administrations of the Tyukalinsky urban and rural settlements on the transfer of the implementation of part of their powers. 6. Report of the deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Tyukalinsky municipal district on work in the electoral district
Ust-Ishimsky 21 1.On the implementation of the Federal Law "On General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" in the Utuskunskoye rural settlement of the Ust-Ishim municipal district.

2. On the implementation of the long-term target program of the Ust-Ishim municipal district "Development of the cultural sphere in the Ust-Ishim municipal district for 2011-2016"
Cherlaksky 29 1. On the implementation of the long-term target program "Development of small and medium entrepreneurship in the Cherlak municipal district for 2010-2014".

2. Report of the deputy of the Council of Cherlaksky municipal district on work in the electoral district
Sherbakulsky 08 1. Report of the head of Sherbakulsky municipal district on work
in 2011.

2. Report of the deputy chairman of the Council of Sherbakulsky municipal district on the work of the Council in 2011.

3. On the work plan of the Council of Sherbakulsky municipal district for

4. On approval of the list and price list of prices for paid services rendered by the inter-settlement center for work with children and youth.

5. On approval of tariffs for motor transport services for the delivery of solid fuel on the territory of Sherbakulsky municipal district for 2012 - 2013.
Omsk 08 1. On information from the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the city of Omsk "On the state of the operational situation and the results of operational and service activities of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Omsk for 12 months of 2011".

2. On amendments to the regulations on territorial public self-government in the city of Omsk.

3. On amendments to the regulations on the procedure for organizing and holding public hearings in the city of Omsk.

4. On the Department of Architecture and Urban Development of the Administration of the city of Omsk (adopted in the first reading).

5. On amendments to the regulations on the Department of Road Activities and Improvement of the Administration of the city of Omsk (accepted for consideration). 6. On assigning a name to a street in the Oktyabrsky administrative district of the city of Omsk. 7. On an appeal to the Federal Agency for State Property Management with a proposal to transfer to the ownership of the Russian Federation real estate owned by the municipal formation of the urban district of the city of Omsk, Omsk Region. 8. On amendments to the resolution of the Omsk City Council "On an appeal to the Federal Agency for State Property Management with a proposal to transfer to the ownership of the Russian Federation real estate owned by the municipal formation of the urban district of the city of Omsk, Omsk Region,used by the units of the Internal Affairs Directorate for Omsk Oblast"

Districts Date of the meeting Main issues considered at the meeting
Azovsky 14 Report of the Chief of the Azovsky Police Department on work in 2011
Isilkulsky 26 1. On the implementation of the Federal Law "On Guardianship and Trusteeship" on the territory of the Isilkulsky Municipal District district.

2. Information on the state of crime in the Isilkul municipal district for 2011 and the preventive measures taken to prevent crime in the district.

3. On the implementation of activities to realize the powers of the Isilkul municipal district in the field of architecture and urban development, aimed at identifying persons evading state registration of ownership of completed real estate objects and unregistered buildings for the implementation of measures aimed at registering them with the registration service authorities and technical inventory authorities.

4. Report of the deputies of the Council of the Isilkul municipal district on work in the electoral districts
Kalachinsky 26 1. Report on the activities of the MO Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Kalachinsky" for 2011.

2. On the procedure for providing residential premises of the municipal specialized housing stock of the Kalachinsky municipal district
Kolosovsky 30 1. On the state of crime and measures to strengthen law and order in the territory of the Kolosovsky municipal district.

2. Report of the deputy of the Council of the Kolosovsky municipal district on work in the electoral district
Lyubinsky 26 1. On amendments to the budget of the Lyubinsky municipal district
for 2012.

2. On the long-term work plan of the Council of Lyubinsky Municipal District for the first half of 2012
Maryanovsky 26 On the long-term work plan of the Council of Maryanovsky Municipal District
Odessa 30 1. Report of the Chairman of the Council of Odessa Municipal District on the work of the Council in 2011.

2. On amendments to the budget of Odessa Municipal District for 2012.

3.On the long-term work plan of the Council of Odessa municipal district for 2012
Russko-Polyansky 27 1. On the progress of the long-term target program "Development of agriculture and distribution of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food in the Russko-Polyansky municipal district for 2009 - 2015.

2. On the progress of the program for the socio-economic development of the Russko-Polyansky municipal district for 2011 - 2015.

3. On the work plan of the Council of Russko-Polyansky municipal district for 2012
Sedelnikovsky 27 1. On approval of the Regulations on the structure of the divisions of the administration of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district, which are legal entities.

2. On amendments to the resolution of the Council of Sedelnikovsky Municipal District "On approval of the structure of the administration of Sedelnikovsky Municipal District".

3. On approval of the Regulation on the Audit Chamber of Sedelnikovsky Municipal District.

4. On approval of the draft amendments and additions to the Charter of Sedelnikovsky Municipal District of Omsk Region.

5. On the results of the work of the Council of Sedelnikovsky Municipal District for 2011. 6. On approval of the work plan of the Council of Sedelnikovsky Municipal District for 2012
Tevrizsky 30 On amendments to the Charter of Tevrizsky Municipal District of Omsk Region
Tyukalinsky 27 1. On amendments to the Charter of Tyukalinsky Municipal District of Omsk Region.

2. Report of the Chairman of the Council of Deputies of Tyukalinsky Municipal District of Omsk Region on the work of the Council of Deputies in 2011.

3. On the implementation of the municipal long-term target program "Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food of the Tyukalinsky municipal district (2010 - 2014), Regulations on the creation of conditions for the development of agricultural production in the settlements of the Tyukalinsky municipal district of the Omsk region, expansion of the market for agricultural products, raw materials and food.

4. On the progress of the implementation of the national project "Affordable and comfortable housing" in the Tyukalinsky municipal district
Ust-Ishimsky 20 1. On the progress of the implementation of the long-term target program of the Ust-Ishimsky municipal district "Development of the cultural sphere in the territory of the Ust-Ishimsky municipal district for 2011 - 2016".

2. On amendments to the budget of the Ust-Ishimsky municipal district for 2011.

3.On Amendments to the Budget of Ust-Ishim Municipal District for 2012"
Cherlaksky 27 1. Report on the Work of the Council of Cherlaksky Municipal District for 2011.

2. Report of a Deputy of the Council of Cherlaksky Municipal District on Work in the Electoral District

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