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Fourth convocation

January 2011

INFORMATION on meetings of representative bodies of local self-government of Omsk region in January 2011

Districts Date of meeting Main issues considered at the meeting
Azov 26 Report of the Chairman of the Council of the Azov German National Municipal District on the work of the Council in 2010
Bolsherechensky 26 1. Report of the Head of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District on the work in 2010.

2. Report on the work of the Council of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District
Isilkulsky 27 1. Information from the Department of Internal Affairs on the state of crime in the Isilkulsky Municipal District in 2010 and the preventive measures taken to prevent crime in the district.

2. Report of the deputies on the work in the electoral district.

3. On the work of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Administration of the Municipal District on the implementation of powers in the field of architecture and urban planning
Kolosovsky 31 1. On amendments and additions to the Charter of the municipality "Kolosovsky municipal district of Omsk region".

2. On approval of the agreement on the transfer of powers by the municipal district to rural settlements for the disposal and recycling of industrial and household waste.

3. Information of the Finance and Control Committee of the Kolosovsky municipal district administration on the expenditure of budget funds in 2010 for fire safety measures and planned expenditures in 2011
Lyubinsky 27 1. On the results of the socio-economic development of the Lyubinsky municipal district and the work of the Lyubinsky municipal district administration in 2010.

2. On the long-term work plan of the Council of the Lyubinsky Municipal District for the first half of 2011. 3. On amendments to the Council decision of 28.01.2010 No.

4 "On approval of the new version of the regulations of the Council of the Lyubinsky Municipal District of the Omsk Region".

4. On compensation payments to deputies of the Council of the Lyubinsky Municipal District
Maryanovsky 27 1.On amendments to the Council decision "On the budget of the Maryanovsky municipal district for 2011".

2. On the regulations on the Youth Chamber of Deputies under the Council of the Maryanovsky municipal district. 3. Report on the work of deputies in electoral districts
Odessa 31 1. Report of the head of the Odessa municipal district "On the main results of the implementation of the plan for the socio-economic development of the municipal district in 2010 and tasks for 2011".

2. On changing tariffs for paid services rendered by cultural institutions of Odessa municipal district 3. On the work of a deputy in the electoral district
Omsk 27 1. On amending the decision of the Council of Omsk municipal district of Omsk region dated 09.12.2010 No.

58 "On the budget of Omsk municipal district of Omsk region for 2011".

2. On the results of the Year of the Teacher in Omsk municipal district. 3. On the regulations of the Council of Omsk municipal district.

4. On amending the decision of the Council of Omsk municipal district dated 24.12.2009 No. 98 "On approval of the structure of the administration of Omsk municipal district of Omsk region".

5. On the work plan of the control sector of the Council of Omsk Municipal District for 2011
Russko-Polyansky 28 1. On the work of the Council of Russko-Polyansky Municipal District in 2010.

2. On the regulation on the Youth Chamber of Deputies under the Council of Russko-Polyansky Municipal District
Sargatsky 28 1. On approval of the program of integrated socio-economic development of Sargatsky Municipal District for the medium term (2011 - 2015) (second reading).

2. On approval of the work plan of the Council of Sargatsky Municipal District for 2011
Sedelnikovsky 28 1. On the work of the Council of Sedelnikovsky Municipal District in 2010.

2. On the work plan of the Council of Sedelnikovsky Municipal District for 2011
Tarsky 21 1. On agreements on the transfer of some powers between local government bodies of Tarsky Municipal District and settlements of Tarsky Municipal District.

2. On the work plan of the Council of Tarsky Municipal District for 2011
Tyukalinsky 27 1. Report of the Chairman of the Council of Deputies of Tyukalinsky Municipal District on the work of the Council of Deputies in 2010.

2. On the Youth Chamber of Deputies under the Council of Deputies of Tyukalinsky Municipal District. 3.On the forecast plan for the sale of land plots and the sale of the right to conclude lease agreements for land plots
Cherlaksky 28 Report on the work of the Council of the Cherlaksky Municipal District in 2010
Omsk 26 On measures of social support for travel on municipal passenger transport in Omsk

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