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Fourth convocation

July 2010

INFORMATION on meetings of representative bodies of local self-government of Omsk region in July 2010

Districts Date of meeting Main issues considered at the meeting
Azov 28 1. On amendments to the budget of the Azov NNMR of Omsk region.

2. On the draft regulation on the deputy audit.

3. On the draft regulation on the procedure for considering deputy inquiries and appeals
Bolsherechensky 28 1. On amendments to the Charter of the Bolsherechensky municipal district of Omsk region.

2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Bolsherechensky municipal district dated December 18, 2009 No.501 "On the budget of the Bolsherechensky municipal district for 2010"
Bolsheukovsky 23 1. On the problems of the market in the Bolsheukovsky municipal district and ways to solve them.

2. On the state of public order in the territory of Bolsheukovsky municipal district
Gorkovsky 5 1. On approval of the Agreement between the local government bodies of Lezhanskoye rural settlement and the local government bodies of Gorky municipal district.

2. On approval of the data of the register of municipal property of Gorky municipal district for 2009.

3. On amendments to the regulation on the management of municipal property of Gorky municipal district
Znamensky 12 1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of Znamensky municipal district "On the budget of the municipal district for 2010".

2. On awarding the title "Honorary Citizen of Znamensky Municipal District"
Kalachinsky 29 1. On the progress of implementing the decision of the Council of Kalachinsky Municipal District "Integrated Development of Public Infrastructure Systems of Kalachinsky Municipal District of Omsk Region".

2. Report of the Education Committee on the Prevention and Warning of Child Neglect, Identification and Placement of Orphans and Children Left Without Parental Care.

3.On the organization of provision of subsidies and benefits for housing and communal services in the Kalachinsky municipal district
Kolosovsky 19 On the execution of the budget of the Kolosovsky municipal district for the first half of 2010
Kormilovsky 23 1. On the appointment of additional elections of a deputy of the Council of the Kormilovsky municipal district for electoral district No.2.

2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Kormilovsky municipal district dated December 16, 2009 No. 72 "On the district budget of the Kormilovsky municipal district for 2010"
Krutinsky 19 1. On the lease of land plots owned by the Krutinsky municipal district.

2. On amendments to the decision of the district Council dated November 30, 2009 No.420 "On the budget of the Krutinsky municipal district for 2010"
Lyubinsky 23 1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Lyubinsky municipal district dated December 23, 2003 No. 105 "On the budget of the Lyubinsky municipal district for 2010".

2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Lyubinsky Municipal District dated May 28, 2010 No.54 "On social guarantees and monetary remuneration of the head and chairman of the Council of the Lyubinsky Municipal District"
Maryanovsky 29 1. On amendments to the Charter of the municipality "Maryanovsky Municipal District of Omsk Region".

2. On amendments to the decision of the Council dated December 14, 2009 No. 91/14 "On the budget of the Maryanovsky Municipal District for 2010"
Muromtsevsky 23 1. On the execution of the budget of the Muromtsevsky Municipal District for the first half of 2010.

2. Information on the prevention of child neglect and juvenile delinquency in the Omsk region.

3. On the progress of the long-term target program "Family and Demography of the Muromtsevsky Municipal District for 2010 - 2014".

4. On the regulations of the Council of the Muromtsevsky Municipal District.

5. On the regulations on the procedure for conducting the qualification exam of municipal employees in the Muromtsevsky Municipal District.
Odessa 26 1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of Deputies of the municipal district dated December 29, 2009 No. 78 "On the budget of the municipal district for 2010".

2.On the progress of the implementation of the federal programs "Housing" and "Social Development of the Village until 2010" on the territory of the municipal district
Sargatsky 14 On the readiness of social and cultural facilities, housing stock and life-support structures and communications for operation in the winter period
Sedelnikovsky 7 1. On amendments to the Charter of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district of the Omsk region.

2. On the regulation on organizing work with voters' orders
Tavrichesky 23 1. On amendments to the decision of the 66th session of the Council of the Tavrichesky Municipal District of the third convocation dated December 17, 2009 No.622 "On the budget of the Tavrichesky Municipal District for 2010".

2. On consideration of the long-term target program of the Tavrichesky Municipal District of the Omsk Region "Program for improving working conditions and labor protection in the Tavrichesky Municipal District for 2010 - 2014"
Tarsky 16 1. On the honorary citizen of the city of Tara.

2. On amendments to the regulation on the salaries of municipal employees of the Tarsky Municipal District.

3. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Tarsky Municipal District dated May 22, 2009 No.

459/80 "On approval of the list of municipal property intended for transfer into ownership and (or) use by small and medium-sized businesses." 4. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Tarsky Municipal District dated December 14, 2009 No.520/90 "On the budget of the Tarsky Municipal District for 2010"
Tyukalinsky 12 On the appointment of early elections to local government bodies
of the Tyukalinsky Municipal District
Ust-Ishimsky 9 1. On the development of physical culture and sports in the territory of the Nikolskoye rural settlement of the Ust-Ishimsky Municipal District.

2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Ust-Ishim Municipal District dated April 7, 2006 No. 118 "On approval of the regulation on the establishment, payment and recalculation of the amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension of persons who held municipal positions and municipal service positions in local government bodies of the Ust-Ishim Municipal District of the Omsk Region"
Omsk 7 1. On the introduction, as a legislative initiative, of the draft law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments to the Code of the Omsk Region on Administrative Offenses".

2.On the reports of the committees of the Omsk City Council on the work done during the autumn session of 2010

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