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Districts | Date of meeting | Main issues considered at the meeting |
Azov | 17 |
1. On the comprehensive program of socio-economic development of the Azov German National Municipal District for 2011 - 2015. 2. On the budget of the Azov German National Municipal District for 2011 |
Bolsherechensky | 10 |
1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District dated 18.12.2009 No.501 "On the budget of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District for 2010". 2. On the appointment of public hearings on the draft budget of Bolsherechensky Municipal District for 2011 |
Bolsheukovsky | 17 |
1. On the implementation and prospects of youth policy in the territory of Bolsheukovsky Municipal District. 2. On the appointment of public hearings on the budget of Bolsheukovsky Municipal District for 2011 |
Gorkovsky | 3 |
1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of Gorky Municipal District "On the budget of the municipal district for 2010". 2. On the regulation on the procedure for establishing the payment and recalculation of pensions for length of service to municipal employees in the Gorky Municipal District. 3. On the implementation of the long-term target program of the Gorky municipal district "Development of the education system of the Gorky municipal district of the Omsk region (2010-2014)" |
Znamensky | 19 |
1. On the progress of implementing the target program "Development of the education system of the Znamensky municipal district of the Omsk region until 2010". 2. On approval of the comprehensive program of socio-economic development of the Znamensky municipal district for the medium term 2011-2015. 3. Report on the work of the standing commission on social issues of the Council of the Znamensky municipal district |
Isilkulsky | 18 |
1. On the budget of the Isilkulsky municipal district for 2011 (first reading). 2.On the results of implementing the Agreement on interaction between the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region and the administration of the Isilkul municipal district. On the results of the work of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development Administration for the Isilkul district in 2009. 3. Report of deputies on work in electoral districts |
Kalachinsky | 25 |
1. On the draft budget of the Kalachinsky municipal district for 2011. 2. On the implementation of the program "Development of housing construction in the Kalachinsky municipal district for 2008 - 2010". 3. On the work of health care authorities on medical care for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers. 4. Report of the deputy on work in the electoral district |
Kolosovsky | 29 |
1. On the budget of Kolosovsky municipal district for 2011. 2. On the concept of the program for improving working conditions and labor safety in Kolosovsky municipal district for 2011-2013 |
Kormilovsky | 15 |
1. On scheduling public hearings on the draft budget of Kormilovsky municipal district for 2011. 2. On approval of the program for comprehensive socio-economic development of Kormilovsky municipal district for the medium term (2011-2015). 3. On approval of the regulation on management of municipal property of Kormilovsky municipal district |
Krutinsky | 29 |
1. On the district budget for 2011. 2. On the program of socio-economic development of Krutinsky municipal district for the medium term (2011 - 2015) |
Lyubinsky | 25 |
1. On the draft budget of Lyubinsky municipal district for 2011 (first reading). 2. On licensing medical activities of municipal preschool educational institutions. 3. On the adoption of powers of local government bodies of settlements of Lyubinsky municipal district on issues of urban development activities. 4. On the adoption of powers of local government bodies, settlements of the Lyubinsky municipal district on matters of tariff regulation |
Maryanovsky | 25 |
1. On amendments to the Charter of the municipal formation Maryanovsky municipal district of Omsk region. 2. Report on the work of deputies in electoral districts |
Muromtsevsky | 26 |
1. On approval of the program of comprehensive socio-economic development of the Muromtsevsky municipal district for the medium term (2011 - 2015). 2. On the draft budget of the Muromtsevsky municipal district for 2011 (first reading). 3.On the forecast plan (program) for the privatization of property of the Muromtsevsky municipal district for 2011 |
Nazyvaevsky | 25 |
1. On the work of the management of the City Department of Internal Affairs on the selection and training of personnel in light of the comprehensive program for the prevention of offenses in the Nazyvaevsky municipal district for 2009 - 2011. 2. On the budget of the Nazyvaevsky municipal district for 2011. 3. On assigning the title of "Honorary Citizen of the Nazyvaevsky District" |
Nizhneomsky | 16 |
1. On the draft budget of the Nizhneomsky municipal district for 2011 (first reading). 2. Information on the execution of the budget of Nizhneomsky municipal district for 9 months of 2010. 3. On the state of innovative and experimental activities in the education system of Nizhneomsky municipal district. 4. On a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities |
Novovarshavsky | 25 |
1. On the draft budget of Novovarshavsky municipal district for 2011. 2. On the adoption of the target program "Prevention of hospital infections for 2011 - 2015" |
Odessky | 22 |
1. On the draft budget of Odessky municipal district for 2011. 2. Report on the work of deputies in electoral districts |
Okoneshnikovsky | 24 |
1. On the plan for socio-economic development of the municipal district for 2011. 2. On the budget of the municipal district for 2011 |
Omsky | 25 |
1. On holding public hearings on the draft budget of the Omsk municipal district of Omsk region for 2011. 2. On the draft resolution of the Council of the Omsk municipal district "On the budget of the Omsk municipal district of Omsk region for 2011" (first reading). 3. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Omsk Municipal District "On the budget of the Omsk Municipal District of the Omsk Region for 2010" |
Pavlogradsky | 26 | On the draft budget of the Pavlogradsky Municipal District for 2011 (first reading) |
Poltavsky | 17 |
1. On the budget of the Poltavsky Municipal District for 2011. 2. On the financial report of the Poltava territorial election commission on the results of the elections of October 10, 2010 |
Sedelnikovsky | 16 |
1. On the draft budget of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district for 2011. 2.On the implementation of the priority national project "Health" in the territory of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district. 3. On the state registration of the Council of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district as a legal entity |
Tavrichesky | 25 |
1. On the budget of the Tavrichesky municipal district for 2011. 2. Report of the deputy on work in the electoral district |
Tarsky | 19 |
1. On the budget of the Tarsky municipal district for 2011. 2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Tarsky municipal district "On the budget of the Tarsky municipal district for 2010". 3. On the progress of the long-term target program "Development of the education system of the Tarsky municipal district until 2013" |
Tyukalinsky | 26 |
1. On the forecast of the socio-economic development of the Tyukalinsky municipal district for 2011. 2. On the draft resolution of the Council of Deputies of the Tyukalinsky municipal district "On the budget of the Tyukalinsky municipal district of the Omsk region for 2011" (first, second reading). 3. On the implementation of the municipal target program "Children of the Tyukalinsky district" for 2009 - 2011. 4. On the work of the construction and architecture department on the implementation of issues of local importance of the municipal district. 5. Reports of deputies on work in electoral districts |
Ust-Ishimsky | 10 |
1. On the implementation of the Federal Law of 24.06.1999 No. 120-FZ "On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Delinquency of Minors" in the territory of the Ust-Ishim Municipal District. 2. On approval of the procedure for granting, using and returning budget loans to the budgets of settlements from the budget of the Ust-Ishim Municipal District |
Cherlaksky | 26 |
1. On the budget of the Cherlaksky Municipal District for 2011 (first reading). 2. On information on the work of the State Administration of the Pension Fund of Russia in the territory of the Cherlaksky Municipal District. 3. On the progress of the implementation of the target program "Social Development of the Village until 2012" |
Sherbakulsky | 24 |
1. On the draft budget of the Sherbakulsky municipal district for 2011 (first reading). 2. On the progress of preparations for the licensing of the MUNICIPAL HEALTHCARE FACILITY "Sherbakulskaya Central District Hospital" in 2011. 3.On the creation and activities of innovation complexes (InCO) to prepare for the transition to federal state educational standards (FSES) of the second generation in the education system of the Sherbakulsky municipal district |
Omsk | 10 |
1. On the draft budget of the city of Omsk for 2011. 2. On the program of privatization of real estate for 2011 |