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Fourth convocation

May 2009

INFORMATION on meetings of representative bodies of local self-government of Omsk region in May 2009

Districts Date of meeting Main issues considered at the meeting
Azov 6 1. On the execution of the budget of the Azov German National Municipal District of Omsk Oblast for the first quarter of 2009.

2. On amendments to the resolution of the Council of the Azov German National Municipal District of Omsk Oblast No.5-28 dated 19.11.08 "On the single tax on imputed income"
Bolsherechensky 27 1. On the work of the education committee of the administration of the Bolsherechensky municipal district on the implementation of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

2. On amendments to the resolution of the Council of the Bolsherechensky municipal district dated 12.12.2007 No.304 "On approval of the regulation on the remuneration of municipal employees of the Bolsherechensky municipal district of Omsk Oblast".

3. On the work of the municipal healthcare institution "Bolsherechenskaya Central District Hospital" in providing medical care to the population of Bolsherechensky Municipal District.

4. On the work of the deputy of the Council of Bolsherechensky Municipal District in the electoral district
Bolsheukovsky 22 1. On the execution of the budget of Bolsheukovsky Municipal District for 2008.

2. On approval of the register of municipal property of Bolsheukovsky Municipal District of Omsk Region.

3. Approval of standards for consumption of utilities for the population, organizations of Bolsheukovsky Municipal District
Gorkovsky 5 1. On measures to organize health improvement, recreation and employment of minors in the summer.

2. On amendments to the Charter of the Gorky Municipal District of Omsk Oblast.

3. On approval of the regulation establishing the procedure for exchanging residential premises under a social tenancy agreement for a smaller one, which is in municipal ownership of the Gorky Municipal District.

4. On establishing the minimum value of municipal property recorded in the register of municipal property.

5. On amendments to Resolution of the Council of the Gorky Municipal District No.

4 dated 30.03.2007 "On Approval of the Maximum and Minimum Sizes of Land Plots Provided from Municipal Property of the Gorky Municipal District".

6. On the Results of Municipal Property Inventory in 2008
Isilkulsky 29 1. On the Implementation of the Investment Program "On the Development of Municipal Infrastructure Systems for Sewerage in the City of Isilkul for 2008-2010".

2. On the Exercise of the Powers of the Municipal District to Ensure Conditions for the Development of Physical Culture and Mass Sports in the District, on the Organization of Official Physical Culture, Health, and Sports Events in the Municipal District, and on the Development of Children's Sports in the Municipal District.

3. On the Implementation of the District Demographic Development Program for 2006-2010.

4. On the work of the Council deputies in the electoral districts
Kolosovsky 18 1. On the program "Health of the population of the Kolosovsky municipal district for 2010 - 2015".

2. Report on the work of the standing commission on the agro-industrial complex, construction, transport, energy and communications
Kormilovsky 21 1. On amendments to the budget of the Kormilovsky municipal district for 2009.

2. On amendments to the Charter of the Kormilovsky Municipal District
Krutinsky 25 1. On the results of the budget execution of the Krutinsky Municipal District for 2008.

2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Krutinsky Municipal District dated November 26, 2008 No.344 "On a single tax on imputed income".

3. On the transfer of part of the powers of the municipal district to resolve issues of local importance to the urban and rural settlements of the Krutinsky Municipal District
Lyubinsky 28 1. On the state of medical care provided to the population of the Lyubinsky Municipal District.

2. On the progress of the municipal target program "Demographic development of the Lyubinsky municipal district for 2006-2010" (monitoring the decision of the Council dated September 28, 2006, No. 71).

3. On the deputy's report on work in the electoral district
Maryanovsky 28 1. On the report "On the progress of the priority national project "Education" in the territory of the Maryanovsky municipal district.

2. On the deputy's report on work in the electoral district
Muromtsevsky 12 1. On the execution of the budget of the Muromtsevsky municipal district for the first quarter of 2009.

2.On the progress of implementing the Council's decision of 23.11.2006 No. 94 "On the program for the development of tourism in the Muromtsevsky municipal district" for 2007-2010.

3. On the implementation of the decision of the Council of the Muromtsevsky Municipal District dated 20.10.2006 No. 75 "On the target program "Integrated development of the communal infrastructure of the Muromtsevsky Municipal District for 2007-2010".

4. Report of the deputy on work in the electoral district
Nazyvaevsky 21 1. On the interaction of the Nazyvaevsky GOVD with the public and residents of the municipal district in matters of maintaining law and order, strengthening the rule of law and preventing crime.

2. On measures to implement the regulation "On the management of municipal property of the Nazyvaevsky Municipal District" in the period 2006-2009.

3. Report of the deputy on work in the electoral district
Nizhneomsky 22 1. On the implementation of the target program for the demographic development of the Nizhneomsky municipal district for the medium term (2007-2010).

2. On the work of the public organization VOI and the Council of Veterans.

3. On the implementation of the target program "Prevention of drug addiction in the territory of the Nizhneomsky municipal district" for 2008-2011.

4. Information from a deputy of the Council of the Nizhneomsky municipal district on work in the electoral district
Novovarshavsky 28 1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the municipal district No.332 of 11/27/2008 "On the budget of the Novovarshavsky municipal district for 2009".

2. On amendments to the comprehensive program for the socio-economic development of the Novovarshavsky municipal district of Omsk region.

3. On the implementation of the target municipal program "Healthy Woman - Healthy Child for 2005-2009".

4. On the work of the district inspectors service of the ROVD for Novovarshavsky district.

5. Report of the deputy on work in the electoral district
Okoneshnikovsky 27 1. On the implementation of the regulation on ensuring conditions for the development of mass physical culture and sports in the Okoneshnikovsky municipal district of Omsk region, approved by the decision of the Council of Deputies No. 171 dated July 26, 2006.

2. On the implementation of the municipal target program "Support and development of small and medium entrepreneurship in the Okoneshnikovsky municipal district of Omsk region for 2008-2010".

3. On the deputy's report on work in the electoral district
Omsk 28 1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Omsk Municipal District of the Omsk Region dated 28.08.2008 No.56 "On approval of the comprehensive municipal target program "Culture of the Omsk Municipal District of the Omsk Region - 2009".

2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Omsk Municipal District of the Omsk Region dated August 28, 2008 No.58 "On approval of the comprehensive municipal target program "Historical and cultural heritage of the Omsk Municipal District of the Omsk Region for 2009".

3. On the progress of implementation of the priority national project "Affordable and comfortable housing - for citizens of Russia" on the territory of the Omsk Municipal District of the Omsk Region.

4. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Omsk Municipal District dated 27.11.2008 No. 81 "On the budget of the Omsk Municipal District for 2009"
Pavlogradsky 22 1. On the execution of the budget of the Pavlogradsky Municipal District of the Omsk Region for 2008.

2. On approval of the regulation on the system of criteria for the availability of goods and services of public utilities organizations of the Pavlograd Municipal District of Omsk Oblast used by consumers
Russko-Polyansky 28 1. On the completion of the 2008-2009 heating season and the tasks of preparing housing and communal services and social sphere facilities for operation in winter conditions of 2009-2010.

2. On the progress of implementing the program "Development of the housing and communal services complex of the Russko-Polyansky Municipal District for 2008-2011"
Sargatsky 22 1. On the execution of the budget of the Sargatsky Municipal District of Omsk Oblast for the first quarter of 2009.

2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Sargatsky Municipal District dated 19.12.2008 No. 87 "On the budget of the Sargatsky Municipal District for 2009".

3. On the progress of implementing the target program "Development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Sargatsky Municipal District of Omsk Oblast for 2008-2010".

4. On approval of the program "Rodent control and prevention of natural focal, especially dangerous zoonotic infectious diseases in the Sargatsky District of Omsk Oblast" for 2009-2010.

5. Report on the work of a deputy in the electoral district
Sedelnikovsky 25 1. On the progress of implementing the program for the development of the education system of the Sedelnikovsky Municipal District until 2010.

2. On ensuring fire safety in the territory of Sedelnikovsky municipal district.

3. Reports of deputies on work in electoral districts
Tavrichesky 7 1.Report of the Head of Tavrichesky Municipal District on the Implementation of the "Action Plan of the District Administration for Social and Economic Development for 2008".

2. On the implementation of the budget of Tavrichesky Municipal District for 2008.

3. On amendments to the decision of the 54th (extraordinary) session of the Council of the municipal district of the third convocation dated 10.12.2008 No.507 "On the budget of Tavrichesky Municipal District of Omsk Region for 2009"
Tarsky 22 1. On the implementation of the budget of Tarsky Municipal District for 2008.

2. On the draft forecast plan for the privatization of municipal property of Tarsky Municipal District for 2010.

3. On the draft forecast plan for the privatization of municipal property of Tarsky Municipal District for 2010-2012.

4. On the report on the implementation of the forecast plan (program) for the privatization of municipal property for 2008
Tevriz 29 1. On the progress of implementing the priority national project "Education" in the territory of the Tevriz municipal district.

2. On the work of preschool institutions.

3. On the progress of implementing the priority national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex" in the territory of the Tevriz municipal district
Tyukalinsky 29 1. On amendments to the Charter of the Tyukalinsky municipal district of Omsk region.

2. On the implementation of the Federal Law "On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" No. 131-FZ in the territory of the Tyukalinsky municipal district.

3. On the implementation of the regulation on the organization of emergency medical care in the Tyukalinsky municipal district of the Omsk region.

4. On the implementation of the regulation on the management of municipal property in the Tyukalinsky municipal district of the Omsk region.
Ust-Ishimsky 15 1. On the execution of the budget of the Ust-Ishimsky municipal district for 2008.

2. On amendments and additions to the decision of the Council of the Ust-Ishim Municipal District dated September 28, 2005 No. 73 "On the procedure for managing and disposing of property in municipal ownership of the Ust-Ishim Municipal District"
Cherlaksky 29 1. On the progress of implementing the national priority project "Health" in the territory of the Cherlaksky Municipal District.

2. On the progress of implementing the decision of the Council of the Cherlaksky Municipal District dated November 28, 2008 No. 76 "On the target program "Development of healthcare in the Cherlaksky Municipal District for 2009 - 2011".

3. Report on the work of the standing commission of the Council of the municipal district on economic,financial and budget policy.

4. Information on the work of deputies in electoral districts
Sherbakulsky 20 1. On amendments to the Charter of the Sherbakulsky Municipal District.

2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Sherbakulsky Municipal District "On a single tax on imputed income".

3. On the organization and financing of meals in educational institutions of the Sherbakulsky Municipal District.

4. On the prospects for improving the water supply of the Sherbakulsky Municipal District
Omsk 13 1. On scheduling public hearings on the report on the execution of the budget of the city of Omsk for 2008.

2. On Amendments to the Citywide Target Program "Demographic Development of Omsk" until 2030 (Decision of 25.04.2007 No.4)
27 (Off-site meeting) Report of the Mayor of Omsk on the work done in 2008

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