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Districts | Date of the meeting | Main issues considered at the meeting |
Azovsky | 16 | On the execution of the budget of the Azovsky NNMR of Omsk Oblast for 2008 |
Bolsherechensky | 1 |
1. On amendments to the Charter of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District. 2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District dated 14.12.2008 No. 149 "On the budget of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District for 2009". 3. On the implementation of the decision of the Council of Bolsherechensky Municipal District dated 28.11.2007 No.294 "On the program of comprehensive socio-economic development of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District of Omsk Region for 2008". 4. On the work of a deputy of the Council of Bolsherechensky Municipal District in the electoral district |
Bolsheukovsky | 24 |
1. On the implementation of the budget of Bolsheukovsky Municipal District for the first quarter of 2009. 2. On approval of the structure of the administration of Bolsheukovsky Municipal District of Omsk Region. 3. On the implementation of the programs for the socio-economic development of the Bolsheukovsky municipal district of the Omsk region for the medium and long term |
Gorkovsky | 3 |
1. On approval of the program for the formation and development of municipal property of the Gorky municipal district for 2009. 2. On approval of the data of the register of municipal property of the Gorky municipal district as of 01.01.2009. 3. On approval of the regulation on the register of municipal employees in the Gorky municipal district. 4. On approval of the youth prize of the head of the municipal district. 5. On approval of the program "Gasification of settlements of the Gorky municipal district for 2009 - 2011". 6. On approval of the municipal target program "Teaching staff of the Gorky municipal district" for 2009-2011". 7. On the execution of the budget of the Gorky municipal district for 2008 |
Znamensky | 20 |
1. On the execution of the budget of the municipal district for 2008. 2. On the progress of implementing the decision of the Council of the municipal district dated 23.06.2008 No. 19 "On the target program for employment of the population of the Znamensky municipal district of the Omsk region for 2008-2010". 3. On amendments and additions to the Charter of the Znamensky municipal district |
Isilkulsky | 30 |
1. On the implementation of the employment program of the Isilkul municipal district for 2008-2010. 2. On the exercise of powers of the municipal district to approve territorial planning schemes of the municipal district. 3. On the exercise of powers by the municipal district to participate in the prevention of terrorism and extremism, and the elimination of the consequences of their manifestation within the boundaries of the municipal district |
Kalachinsky | 9 | Report of the head of the municipal district on the work of the administration in 2008 |
Kolosovsky | 27 | On the progress of the implementation of Federal Law No. 91 "On Amendments to Article 1 of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage" in organizations and enterprises of the Kolosovsky municipal district |
Krutinsky | 1 |
1. Report of the head of the Krutinsky municipal district on the work of the administration in 2008. 2. On the progress of implementing the PNP "Affordable and comfortable housing - to citizens of Russia" |
Lyubinsky | 22 |
1. On the execution of the budget of the Lyubinsky municipal district of the Omsk region for 2008. 2. On the progress of implementing the municipal target program "Children of the Lyubinsky district". 3. On the work of the standing commission of the Council on social issues and health care |
Maryanovsky | 9 | Report of the head of the Maryanovsky municipal district "On the work of the administration of the Maryanovsky municipal district in 2008" |
Moskalensky | 29 |
1. On approval of the district target program "Development of schools of additional education for children of the Moskalensky municipal district for 2010 - 2013". 2. On approval of the comprehensive program for the promotion of reading "I read, we read, everyone reads!" 3. On approval of municipal grants in the field of education:"School of the Year", "Kindergarten of the Year", "Teacher of the Year". 4. On approval of the target program "Development of military-applied sports in the Moskalensky municipal district for 2010 - 2013". 5. Report on the work of deputies in electoral districts |
Muromtsevsky | 29 |
1. On the execution of the budget of the municipal district for the first quarter of 2009. 2. On the progress of implementing the Council's decision of 23.11.2006 No. 94 "On the program for developing tourism in Muromtsevsky Municipal District" for 2007-2010 |
Nazyvaevsky | 16 |
1. On the execution of the municipal district budget for 2008. 2. On the progress of implementing the decision of the Council of Nazyvaevsky Municipal District of 29.11.2007 No.293 "On the municipal target program for developing the healthcare system of Nazyvaevsky Municipal District for 2008-2010" in 2008. 3. On the approval of prices for the provision of additional paid services to the population by the Municipal Health Institution "Nazyvaevskaya Central District Hospital" |
Nizhneomsky | 24 |
1. Report on the execution of the budget of Nizhneomsky Municipal District for 2008. 2. Information on the execution of the budget for the first quarter of 2009. 3. On the implementation of the target program "Development of the education system of Nizhneomsky Municipal District" until 2010. 4. Information from a deputy of the Council of Nizhneomsky Municipal District on work in the electoral district |
Novovarshavsky | 23 |
1. On the progress of the implementation of the target municipal program "Staffing of the municipal education system for 2008 - 2010". 2. On amendments to the comprehensive program of socio-economic development of the Novovarshavsky municipal district of the Omsk region. 3. Report on the execution of the budget of the municipal district for 2008 |
Odessa | 20 |
1. On the progress of implementing the Council's decision of 28.02.2007 No. 2 "Development of the education system of the Odessa municipal district until 2010". 2. On amendments and additions to the decision of the Council of Deputies dated 29.12.2008 No. 1 "On the budget of the Odessa municipal district for 2009" |
Omsk | 30 |
1. Report on the work of the property relations department of the administration of the Omsk municipal district of Omsk region. 2. On adoption in the first reading of the decision of the Council of the Omsk municipal district of Omsk region "On amendments to the regulation "On property management of the Omsk municipal district of Omsk region", approved by the decision of the Council of the Omsk municipal district of Omsk region dated 06.03.2006 No.27. 3.On the implementation of the priority national project "Health" in the Omsk municipal district of the Omsk region. 4. Report of the deputy of the Council of the Omsk municipal district of the Omsk region on work in the electoral district. 5. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Omsk municipal district of 27.11.2008 No. 81 "On the budget of the Omsk municipal district for 2009" |
Poltavsky | 30 |
1. On the conclusion of the audit commission of the Council of the Poltava municipal district on the draft report on the execution of the budget of the Poltava municipal district for 2008. 2. On the execution of the budget of the Poltava municipal district for 2008. 3. On the progress of implementing the municipal target program "Improving the demographic situation in the Poltava district for 2007-2010". 4. On the report of deputies on work in the electoral districts |
Russko-Polyansky | 30 |
1. On adopting amendments and additions to the Charter of the Russko-Polyansky municipal district. 2. On conducting an external audit and preparing a conclusion on the annual report on the execution of the budget of the Russko-Polyansky municipal district for 2008. 3. On the progress of implementing the decision of the Council of the Russko-Polyansky municipal district dated 28.04.2008 No.362 "On approval of the program for improving working conditions and labor protection in the Russko-Polyansky municipal district for 2008-2010". 4. On scheduling public hearings on the draft report on the execution of the budget of the Russko-Polyansky municipal district for 2008 |
Sargatsky | 24 |
1. On the progress of implementing the target program of the Sargatsky municipal district of the Omsk region "Prevention of offenses and prevention of extremism in the Sargatsky district". 2. On amending the decision of the Council of the Sargatsky municipal district dated 19.12.2008 No. 87 "On the budget of the Sargatsky municipal district for 2009". 3. On the execution of the budget of the Sargatsky municipal district of the Omsk region for 2008. 4. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Sargatsky Municipal District dated 19.12.2008 No. 91 "On approval of the privatization program of the municipal district of the Sargatsky Municipal District for 2009". 5. On approval of the list of real estate property owned by the Sargatsky Municipal District of the Omsk Region, transferred free of charge to the ownership of the Shcherbakinsky rural settlement of the Sargatsky Municipal District of the Omsk Region. 6. On the work of the commission on financial and economic issues. 7. Report of the deputy on work in the electoral district |
Sedelnikovsky | 28 |
1. Report on the execution of the budget of the Sedelnikovsky Municipal District for the first quarter of 2009.2. Report of the head of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district of the Omsk region for 2008. 3. On the progress of implementing the program for ensuring road safety in the Sedelnikovsky municipal district of the Omsk region for 2007-2010 |
Tavrichesky | 30 |
1. Report of the head of the Tavrichesky municipal district on the implementation of the "Action Plan of the district administration for socio-economic development for 2008". 2. On the execution of the budget of the Tavrichesky municipal district for 2008. 3. On amendments to the decision of the 54th (extraordinary) session of the Municipal District Council of the third convocation dated 10.12.2008 No.507 "On the budget of the Tavrichesky Municipal District of Omsk Oblast for 2009" |
Tarsky | 17 |
1. On the annual report of the head of the Tarsky Municipal District. 2. On the results of monitoring the implementation of the program for the comprehensive socio-economic development of the Tarsky Municipal District for 2006 and 2007. 3. On the implementation of the priority national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex" in the territory of the Tarsky District and on the progress of the municipal program "Development of the agro-industrial complex of the Tarsky Municipal District until 2010". 4. On the progress of the municipal target program "Promoting employment of the population of the Tarsky municipal district of the Omsk region for 2008-2010" |
Tevrizsky | 29 |
1. On amendments to the decision of the district Council "On the budget of the municipal district for 2009". 2. On approval of the district target program "Development of the "Culture" industry of the Tevriz municipal district for 2009-2011". 3. On approval of the draft amendments to the Charter of the Tevriz municipal district of the Omsk region |
Tyukalinsky | 24 |
1. On the results of the budget execution of the Tyukalinsky municipal district for the first quarter of 2009. 2. On the implementation of the regulation on the organization of transport services for the population between settlements within the boundaries of the Tyukalinsky municipal district. 3. On the implementation of the regulation on the organization of library services for the population by inter-settlement libraries, acquisition and preservation of their library collections |
Ust-Ishimsky | 24 |
1. On the progress of the implementation of the district comprehensive program "Improving the demographic situation in the Ust-Ishimsky municipal district for 2007 - 2010". 2. On amendments and additions to the Charter of the Ust-Ishimsky municipal district of Omsk region |
Cherlaksky | 24 |
1.On the implementation of the decision of the Council of Cherlaksky Municipal District dated 27.01.2006 No. 1 "On the target program "Social support for single-parent families for 2006-2008". 2. On the implementation of the decision of the Council of Cherlaksky Municipal District dated 27.01.2006 No.2 "On the target program "Social support for elderly citizens for 2006-2008". 3. On the implementation of the decision of the Council of Cherlaksky Municipal District dated 27.01.2006 No.3 "On the target program "Provision of targeted social support to citizens in difficult life situations for 2006-2008". 4. Report on the work of the standing commission of the Council of the municipal district on social issues, education, health care, culture, youth policy and sports. 5. Information on the work of deputies in electoral districts |
Omsk | 8 |
1. On qualification requirements for filling municipal service positions in Omsk. 2. On amendments to the citywide target program "Targeted training of specialists" (2006-2010). |
3. On amendments to the citywide target program "Improving legal culture in Omsk" |