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Districts | Date of meeting | Main issues considered at the meeting |
Azov | 12 |
1. Report of the Chairman of the Social Commission of the Council of the Azov NNMR of Omsk Oblast. 2. Amendments to the resolution of the Council of the Azov NNMR of Omsk Oblast "On the budget of the Azov NNMR of Omsk Oblast for 2009". 3. On the draft budget of the Azov NNMR of Omsk Oblast for 2010 (first and second reading) |
Bolsherechensky | 25 |
1. On amendments to the resolution of the Council of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District dated 24.12.2008 No.419 "On the budget of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District for 2009". 2. On the draft resolution "On the budget of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District for 2010". 3. On approval of the procedure for the maintenance and repair of local roads outside the boundaries of populated areas within the boundaries of the Bolsherechensky municipal district. 4. On the program of comprehensive socio-economic development of the Bolsherechensky municipal district of Omsk region for 2010. 5. On the work of a deputy of the Council of the Bolsherechensky municipal district in the electoral district |
Bolsheukovsky | 20 |
1. On the forecast of socio-economic development of the Bolsheukovsky municipal district of Omsk region for 2010. 2. On the appointment of public hearings on the draft resolution "On the budget of the Bolsheukovsky municipal district of Omsk region for 2010". 3. On approval of electoral districts for elections to local government bodies of Bolsheukovsky municipal district of Omsk region |
Gorky | 3 |
1. On the draft budget of Gorky municipal district for 2010. 2. On rent for land plots in municipal and state ownership of land before its delimitation. 3. On amendments and additions to the program of integrated socio-economic development of Gorky municipal district for the medium term (2006 - 2010). 4.On approval of the scheme of multi-mandate electoral districts for elections of deputies of the Council of the fourth convocation of the Gorky Municipal District |
Znamensky | 23 |
1. On the budget of the municipal district for 2010 (first reading). 2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Znamensky Municipal District "On the budget of the municipal district for 2009". 3. On amendments and additions to the Charter of the Znamensky Municipal District of Omsk Region |
Isilkulsky | 26 |
1. On the implementation of the comprehensive program of socio-economic development of the Isilkulsky Municipal District for the medium term until 2010. 2. On the results of the implementation of the Agreement on interaction between the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region and the administration of the Isilkul municipal district. On the results of the work of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development Administration for the Isilkul district in 2009. 3. On the budget of the Isilkul municipal district for 2009 (second reading). 4. Reports of deputies on work in electoral districts |
Kalachinsky | 26 |
1. On the budget of the Kalachinsky municipal district for 2010 (first reading). 2. On the program of socio-economic development of the municipal district for 2010 (second reading) |
Kolosovsky | 30 |
1. On the budget of Kolosovsky municipal district for 2010 (first reading). 2. On making additions to the register of real estate and land plots owned by Kolosovsky municipal district. 3. On the forecast of socio-economic development of Kolosovsky municipal district for 2010 |
Kormilovsky | 13 |
1. On amending the decision of the Council of Kormilovsky municipal district dated 05.12.2008 No. 78 "On the district budget of Kormilovsky municipal district for 2009". 2. On scheduling public hearings on the draft resolution of the Council of Kormilovsky Municipal District "On the budget of Kormilovsky Municipal District for 2010" |
Krutinsky | 30 | On the draft budget of Krutinsky Municipal District of Omsk Region for 2010 |
Lyubinsky | 26 |
1. On the budget of Lyubinsky Municipal District of Omsk Region for 2010 (first reading). 2. On the report of the deputy on work in the electoral district. 3. On the results of socio-economic development of Lyubinsky Municipal District of Omsk Region for the past period of 2009. Approval of the forecast for the socio-economic development of the Lyubinsky municipal district of the Omsk region for 2010-2012. 4.On approval of the new version of the regulation "On the single tax on imputed income in the Lyubinsky municipal district of the Omsk region" |
Maryanovsky | 26 |
1. On establishing standards, tariffs, size and level of payment by the population for services of housing and communal services organizations of the Maryanovsky municipal district of the Omsk region. 2. On the execution of the budget of the Maryanovsky municipal district for 9 months of 2009. 3. On the report of the deputy on work in the electoral district |
Muromtsevsky | 23 |
1. On the draft budget of the Muromtsevsky municipal district for 2010. 2. On the progress of implementation of the priority national project for development of the agro-industrial complex and the program "On the development of agriculture in the Muromtsevsky municipal district for 2007-2010" in the territory of the Muromtsevsky municipal district |
Nazyvaevsky | 26 |
1. On the budget of the municipal district for 2010. 2. On determining the scheme of electoral districts for holding elections of deputies of the Council of the Nazyvaevsky municipal district of Omsk region on March 14, 2010. 3. On the organization of library services to the population of the Nazyvaevsky municipal district |
Nizhneomsky | 27 |
1. Information on the execution of the budget of the Nizhneomsky municipal district for 9 months of 2009. 2. On the draft budget of Nizhneomsky Municipal District for 2010 (first reading). 3. On approval of tariffs for housing and communal services rendered by MUP "Nizhneommskoye ZhKH". 4. On a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities |
Novovarshavsky | 26 |
1. On amendments and additions to the decision of the Council of Novovarshavsky Municipal District dated 27.11.2008 No.332 "On the budget of Novovarshavsky Municipal District for 2009". 2. On approval of the budget of Novovarshavsky Municipal District for 2010. 3. On amendments and additions to the Charter of Novovarshavsky Municipal District of Omsk Region. 4. On a single tax on imputed income. 5. On Amending Council Resolution No.346 of February 26, 2009 "On Establishing Standards for Consumption of Public Utilities" |
Odessa | 23 |
1. On the draft budget of the Odessa municipal district of Omsk region for 2010 (first reading). 2. Report on the work of a deputy in the electoral district. 3. On the progress of implementing the action plan for reforming the housing and communal services of the Odessa municipal district of Omsk region and implementing Federal Law No. 185-FZ of July 21, 2010 on the territory of the Odessa municipal district.2007 "On the Fund for Assistance to Reforming the Housing and Public Utilities Sector" |
Okoneshnikovsky | 25 |
1. On approval of the plan for socio-economic development of the Okoneshnikovsky municipal district for 2010. 2. On the results of the external audit of the draft budget of the Okoneshnikovsky municipal district for 2010. 3. On the draft budget of the Okoneshnikovsky municipal district for 2010 (first reading). 4. On amendments and additions to the Charter of the municipal formation of the Okoneshnikovsky municipal district of the Omsk region. 5. On the report of the deputy on work in the electoral district |
Omsk | 12 | On the draft budget of the Omsk municipal district of Omsk region for 2010 |
26 |
1. On adoption in the first (second) reading of the draft resolution of the Council of the Omsk municipal district of Omsk region "On the budget of the Omsk municipal district of Omsk region for 2010". 2. On approval of the regulations on the finance and control committee of the administration of the Omsk municipal district of Omsk region. 3. On approval of the regulations on the agriculture department of the administration of the Omsk municipal district of Omsk region. 4. On the results of the Year of Youth in the territory of the Omsk municipal district of Omsk region. 5. On amendments to the budget of the Omsk municipal district of the Omsk region for 2009, approved by the decision of the Council of the Omsk municipal district of the Omsk region dated 27.11.2008 No. 81 |
Pavlograd | 26 |
1. On preliminary results of the socio-economic development of the Pavlograd municipal district of the Omsk region in 2009 and on the forecast of socio-economic development for 2010. 2. On the draft budget of Pavlograd municipal district of Omsk region for 2010 |
Russko-Polyansky | 10 |
1. On the progress of implementing the program "Improving the disaster medicine service of Russko-Polyansky municipal district for 2008-2010". 2. On the formation of electoral districts for holding elections to local government bodies of Russko-Polyansky municipal district |
Sargatsky | 13 |
1. On the budget of Sargatsky municipal district for 2010. 2. On approval of the program for the development of the education system of Sargatsky municipal district for 2010-2012. 3. On approval of tariffs for payment of utilities. 4. On approval of the "Rules for organizing transport services for the population in the territory of the Sargatsky municipal district of the Omsk region". 5.On the deputy's report on work in the electoral district |
Sedelnikovsky | 27 |
1. On the progress of implementation of the priority national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex" in the territory of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district. 2. On the draft budget of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district for 2010 (first reading). 3. The deputy's report on work in the electoral district |
Tavrichesky | 26 |
1. On amendments to the budget of the Tavrichesky municipal district for 2009. 2. On the budget of the Tavrichesky municipal district for 2010 (first reading). 3. On the program of socio-economic development of the Tavrichesky municipal district for 2010 |
Tarsky | 16 |
1. On scheduling public hearings on the draft budget of the Tarsky municipal district for 2010. 2. On amending the regulation on the Book of Honor of the Tarsky municipal district |
30 | On the budget of the Tarsky municipal district for 2010 (first reading) | |
Tevrizsky | 10 |
1. On the draft budget of the Tevriz municipal district for 2010 (first reading). 2. On approval of the medium-term financial plan for 2010-2012. 3. On amendments to the resolution of the Council of Tevriz Municipal District dated 25.04.2008 No.380-r "On the procedure for establishing and organizing the collection of fees for the use of residential premises for tenants of premises under social tenancy agreements". 4. On amendments to the Charter of Tevriz Municipal District |
Tyukalinsky | 13 |
1. On scheduling public hearings on the draft resolution of the Council of Deputies of Tyukalinsky Municipal District "On the budget of Tyukalinsky Municipal District of Omsk Region for 2010". 2. On amendments to the program of integrated socio-economic development of the Tyukalinsky municipal district of Omsk region (2006-2010). 3. On the results of consideration of the appeal of the Council of Deputies of the Tyukalinsky municipal district of Omsk region. 4. On the results of consideration of the deputy's request. 5. Reports of deputies on work in electoral districts and in the Council of Deputies |
27 |
1. On the draft resolution of the Council of Deputies of the Tyukalinsky municipal district "On the budget of the Tyukalinsky municipal district of Omsk region for 2009". 2. On the implementation of the regulation on the organization and implementation of measures for mobilization training of municipal enterprises and institutions located on the territory of the Tyukalinsky municipal district of Omsk region. 3.On the implementation of municipal programs in the sphere of education of the Tyukalinsky municipal district until 2010. 4. Reports of deputies on work in electoral districts and in the Council of Deputies |
Ust-Ishimsky | 17 |
1. On approval of the scheme of electoral districts for holding elections to local government bodies of the Ust-Ishimsky municipal district. 2. On the implementation of the national priority project "Education" in the territory of the Ust-Ishimsky municipal district |
Cherlaksky | 30 |
1. On the draft budget of the Cherlaksky municipal district for 2010 (first reading). 2. On the implementation of the priority national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex" in the territory of the Cherlaksky municipal district. 3. On the progress of the municipal program "Creating conditions for improving the demographic situation in the Cherlak municipal district for 2008-2010". 4. On the progress of gasification work in the Cherlak municipal district. 5. Information on the work of deputies in the electoral districts |
Sherbakulsky | 25 |
1. On the income received by the budget of the Sherbakulsky municipal district for 9 months from personal income tax for the lease of a land share, from the lease of municipal property. 2. On the execution of the budget of the Sherbakulsky municipal district for 9 months of 2009. 3. On amendments and additions to the Council decision "On the district budget for 2009". 4. On amendments and additions to the district target program "Staffing of municipal institutions and the agro-industrial complex for 2008-2011". 5. On approval of the scheme of single-mandate constituencies for elections of deputies of the district Council in March 2010. 6. On water consumption standards by the population of the Sherbakulsky municipal district for 2010-2012. 7. On heat consumption standards by residents of the village of Kutuzovka, receiving heat from boiler house PU No. 17 |
City of Omsk | 11 25 |
1. On amendments to the Charter of the city of Omsk. 2. On the appointment of public hearings on the draft budget of the city of Omsk for 2010. 3. On the ethics of a deputy of the Omsk City Council |