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Districts | Date of meeting | Main issues considered at the meeting |
Azov | 23 |
1. On the procedure for reflecting budgetary appropriations for the implementation of budget investments in municipal capital construction projects in the budget decision and in the consolidated budget breakdown. 2. On the execution of the budget of the Azov NNMR of Omsk Oblast for 9 months of 2007. |
Bolsherechensky | 24 |
1. On the budget of Bolsherechensky municipal district for 2009. 2. On the progress of implementation in the territory of Bolsherechensky municipal district of the Law of Omsk Oblast "On youth policy in Omsk Oblast". 3. On approval of the program "Improvement of working conditions and labor protection in Bolsherechensky district for 2008 - 2010". 4. On approval of the program "Improving road safety for 2009-2012" |
Bolsheukovsky | 12 | On the budget of Bolsheukovsky municipal district for 2009" |
Gorkovsky | 19 |
1. On the draft budget of Gorkovsky municipal district for 2009. 2. On the implementation of co-financing of the school meals subsidy by the budget of the municipal district in 2008 |
Znamensky | 8 |
1. On the budget of the municipal district for 2009 (second reading). 2. Report on the work of the standing commission on financial and budgetary policy of the Council of Znamensky Municipal District |
Isilkulsky | 25 |
1. Information on control over decisions made by the Council of Isilkulsky Municipal District in 2008. 2. On ensuring fire safety in educational and leisure institutions. 3. On the Council's work plan for 2009 |
Kalachinsky | 18 |
1. On the budget of Kalachinsky Municipal District for 2009. 2.On the program "Development of the health care system of the Kalachinsky municipal district for 2009 - 2011" |
Kolosovsky | 15 |
1. On the budget of the Kolosovsky municipal district for 2009 (second reading). 2. On the regulation "On the procedure for forming competition committees, the procedure and conditions for holding competitions to fill vacant positions in the municipal service of the Kolosovsky municipal district of the Omsk region". 3. Report of the deputy on work in the electoral district |
Kormilovsky | 5 |
1. On the budget of the Kormilovsky municipal district for 2009 (second reading). 2. On approval of rental rates for the use of agricultural land and lands of populated areas |
Krutinsky | 29 |
1. Report on the work of the Chairman of the Krutinsky District Council. 2. On the execution of the budget of the Krutinsky municipal district for 9 months of 2008 |
Lyubinsky | 4 |
1. On the budget of the Lyubinsky municipal district of the Omsk region for 2009. 2. On the implementation of the measures of the decision of the Council of the Lyubinsky Municipal District No. 10 of 28.02.2008 "On the implementation of Federal Law No. 181 "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation" in the territory of the Lyubinsky Municipal District." 3. On the implementation of the municipal target program "Comprehensive development of housing and communal infrastructure in the Lyubinsky Municipal District for 2006-2011." 4. On the implementation of the municipal target program "Provision of housing to young families in the Lyubinsky Municipal District for 2006-2010" (monitoring of the Council's decision No.65 of 31.08.2006) |
25 | 1. On the implementation of the municipal target program "Development of individual housing construction in the Lyubinsky Municipal District municipal district -for 2008-2010 (control of the Council decision of 28.08.2008 No.64). | |
2. On the progress of implementation of the priority national project "Health" in the territory of the Lyubinsky municipal district. 3. On approval of agreements "On the transfer of the implementation of part of its powers" in the area of tariff regulation for 2009. 4. On the report of the Chairman of the Council of the Lyubinsky municipal district on the work done in 2008 |
Maryanovsky | 22 |
1. On the budget of the Maryanovsky municipal district for 2009. 2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Maryanovsky municipal district dated 24.12.2007 No.55/7 "On the budget of Maryanovsky municipal district for 2008". 3. On the departmental target program "Teaching personnel 2009-2010" |
Moskalensky | 17 |
1. On the expected results of the socio-economic development of the district for 2008 and the forecast for 2009. 2. On approval of the budget of the municipal district for 2009. 3. On the implementation of the "Territorial program for promoting employment of the population of Moskalensky district for 2008-2010". 4. Report on the work of deputies in electoral districts |
Muromtsevsky | 22 | On the budget of Muromtsevsky municipal district for 2009 |
Nazyvaevsky | 24 |
1. On the problems of the labor market in Nazyvaevsky municipal district and ways to solve them. 2. Report of the deputy on work with voters in the electoral district. 3. On the work plan of the Council of Nazyvaevsky municipal district for 2009. 4. On Amendments to the 2008 Budget |
Nizhneomsky | 12 |
1. On the budget of the Nizhneomsky municipal district for 2009 (second reading). 2. On the procedure for assessing the effectiveness of tax breaks for local taxes and other types of benefits provided at the municipal level in the Nizhneomsky district. 3. On the progress of the target program for improving working conditions and safety in the Nizhneomsky municipal district. 4. Information of the deputy of the Nizhneomsky Municipal District Council on work in the electoral district |
Novovarshavsky | 25 |
1. On amendments to the decision of the Municipal District Council No.259 of 14.11.2007 "On the budget of the Novovarshavsky Municipal District for 2008". 2. On changing the level of payments for the population for utilities for 2009. 3. On approval of the regulation on municipal purchases of the Novovarshavsky Municipal District. 4. On amendments and additions to the regulation "On municipal service". 5. On Amendments and Supplements to the Regulation "On Pension Provision for Municipal Employees of Novovarshavsky District" |
Odessa | 22 |
1. On the budget of Odessa municipal district for 2009 (second reading). 2. On the problems and prospects of youth policy in the territory of the municipal district. 3. Report of the Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the municipal district on work in 2008 |
Okoneshnikovsky | 24 |
1. On the work plans of the Council of Deputies and standing committees for 2009. 2. On the reports of standing committees on work in 2008. 3.On the deputy's report on work in the electoral district |
Omsk | 25 |
1. On the progress of implementing the program for the socio-economic development of the Omsk municipal district of the Omsk region. 2. On amending the decision of the Council of the Omsk municipal district of November 29, 2007, No. 91 "On the budget of the Omsk municipal district for 2008". 3. Youth policy in the territory of the Omsk municipal district of the Omsk region: experience, problems, prospects. 4. On approval of the free budget schedule of the Omsk municipal district of the Omsk region for 2009. 5. On the results of the implementation of the program "Organizational and creative activities of the administration of the Omsk municipal district of the Omsk region on interaction with the Council of Veterans and the Committee of Veterans of War and Military Service of the Omsk municipal district in 2008 |
Pavlogradsky | 5 | On the budget of the Pavlograd municipal district of the Omsk region for 2009 |
Russko-Polyansky | 5 | On the budget of the Russko-Polyansky municipal district for 2009 (first reading). |
18 |
1. On the budget of the Russko-Polyansky municipal district for 2009 year (second reading). 2. On the work plans of the Russko-Polyansky Municipal District Council and the Council's standing committees for 2009 |
Sargatsky | 19 |
1. On the budget of the Sargatsky Municipal District for 2009 (second reading). 2. On amendments to the decision of the Sargatsky Municipal District Council dated 20.12.2007 No. 82 "On the budget of the Sargatsky Municipal District for 2008". 3. On the progress of implementing the state youth policy in the territory of the Sargatsky Municipal District. 4. On approval of the work plan of the Sargatsky Municipal District Council for 2009. 5. Report of the Head of Sargatsky Municipal District of Omsk Region for 2008 |
Sedelnikovsky | 17 |
1. On the budget of Sedelnikovsky Municipal District for 2009 (second reading). 2. On approval of the register of municipal property for 2009 |
Tavrichesky | 10 |
1. On the budget of Tavrichesky Municipal District of Omsk Region for 2009 (second reading). 2. On amendments to the decision of the 42nd (extraordinary) session of the Municipal District Council of the third convocation dated 12.12.2007 No.392 "On the budget of the Tavrichesky Municipal District of Omsk Region for 2009". 3.On the implementation of the Law of Omsk Region "On youth policy in Omsk Region" |
Tarsky | 5 | On the budget of Tarsky Municipal District for 2009 (second reading). |
30 | On amendments and additions to the decision of the IV session of the Council of Tarsky Municipal District dated 06.12.2007 "On the budget of Tarsky Municipal District for 2008" | |
Tevrizsky | 12 |
1. On amendments to the decision of the District Council "On the budget of Tevriz Municipal District for 2008". 2. On the budget of Tevriz municipal district for 2009 (second reading). 3. On establishing land rental rates. |
Tyukalinsky | 12 |
1. On the budget of Tyukalinsky municipal district of Omsk region for 2009. 2. On amendments and additions to Council decision No. 110 of 13.12.2007 "On the budget of Tyukalinsky municipal district of Omsk region for 2008". |
26 |
1. On approval of regulations on structural divisions of the municipal district administration. 2. On the report of the standing commissions of the Council on their work. 3. Reports of the deputies of the Council of Tyukalinsky Municipal District on work in the electoral districts |
Ust-Ishimsky | 23 |
1. On approval of the regulation on remuneration of employees of budgetary institutions of the Ust-Ishimsky Municipal District. 2. On the work plan of the Council of the Ust-Ishimsky Municipal District for 2009 |
Cherlaksky | 19 |
1. On approval of the budget of the Cherlaksky Municipal District for 2009 (second reading). 2. On the progress of the implementation of the priority national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex in the territory of the Cherlak municipal district" |
Sherbakulsky | 3 |
1. On the appointment of the date of early elections of the head of the Sherbakulsky municipal district. 2. On the district target program "Implementation of youth policy in the territory of the Sherbakulsky municipal district for 2009 - 2011". 3. On heat consumption standards and the level of payments for the population of the district for 2009. 4. On the execution of the budget of the Sherbakulsky municipal district for 9 months of the current year. |
5. On amendments to the Council's decision No.331 of November 14, 2007 "On water consumption standards for the population of the Sherbakulsky municipal district for 2008 - 2011". 6.On additional paid services for the population of Teplovik LLC. 7. On control and audit work. On measures to implement the results of audits. 8. Regulatory legal acts on municipal service in accordance with Federal Law No.25-FZ "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation". 9. On approval of the draft budget of Sherbakulsky municipal district for 2009 (second reading). |
24 |
1. On the execution of the budget of Sherbakulsky municipal district for 9 months of 2008. 2. On control and audit work of the finance and control committee for 9 months of 2008. 3. On the efficiency of use of lands owned by the municipality of the district in accordance with federal legislation. 4. On land rent for 2009. 5. Report of the deputy on the work in the Yekaterinoslav electoral district. 6. On the work plan of the district Council for 2009 |
Omsk | 10 |
1. On the budget of Omsk for 2009 (first reading). 2. On approval of the Rules for land use and development of the municipal formation of the urban district of Omsk, Omsk region. 3. On approval of the Program for the privatization of municipal real estate for 2009. |
24 | On the budget of the city of Omsk for 2009 (second reading) |