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dated March 25, 2010 N 93


Having considered the annual report on the work of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region for 2009, the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region decides:

1. Take note of the annual report on the work of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region for 2009.

2. Publish an annual report on the work of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region for 2009 in the Gazette of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region and the Omsky Vestnik newspaper.
Chairman of the Legislative Assembly

Report on the work of the Control and Accounts Chamber of the Omsk Region for 2009

This report has been prepared in accordance with with the requirements of Article 31 of the Law of the Omsk Region of January 9, 1997 No. 87-OZ “On the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region”.

I. General information

In 2009, the activities of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region, the Chamber) were carried out in accordance with the approved work plan, one of the main components of which were activities initiated by the committees of the Legislative Meetings of the Omsk region.

A special place was occupied by events within the framework of the implementation of Art. 264.4 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, concerning mandatory external verification of the annual reporting of the chief administrators of regional budget funds.

The organization of the work of the Chamber has traditionally been based on the strengthening and development of the fundamental principles that are basic for the effective functioning of the activities of the control body in the field of public finance: legality, objectivity, independence, transparency and consistency in the implementation of all forms of financial control.

Particular attention was paid to disclosing issues of the effectiveness of budget investments, achieving goals and implementing the tasks set by the Governor of the Omsk Region in socio-economic policy.

An important area in the activities of the Chamber, through which the function of preliminary control is implemented, is expert-analytical activity, during which an examination of draft regional laws is carried out.

The public activities of the Chamber as a participant in the main events related to the discussion and adoption of the regional budget and approval of the report on its implementation received further development.

In accordance with the principle of transparency of state financial control, 36 publications about the activities of the Chamber were published in the media in 2009, of which 9 materials were published in printed publications, and 27 were published on the Chamber’s website.

II. The main results of the control and expert-analytical activities of the Chamber

In accordance with the work plan of the Chamber for 2009, 78 control activities were carried out, including:
- on the issues of effective and targeted use of funds allocated from the regional budget for the maintenance of government institutions in the Omsk region - 19;
- on the implementation of activities and the use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of target programs in the Omsk region - 29;
- on the use of regional budget funds in certain areas of activity of public authorities of the Omsk region and budgetary institutions (thematic audits) - 27;
- comprehensive audit of the municipal district on the issues of targeted and effective use of interbudgetary transfers received from the regional budget - 1;
- external audit of the budget reporting of the chief administrators of budget funds, within the framework of which the Chamber conducted 34 audits, covering all areas of spending the regional budget funds;
- external audit of the annual report on the budget execution of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Omsk Region.

Of the total number of control events, 46 events were carried out as part of the execution of instructions of committees and deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, the topics of 32 events were determined by the direct requirements of legislation.

The list of control activities carried out by the Chamber in 2009 is contained in Appendix No. 1 to this report.

The total number of objects of control measures is 100, of which 32 are executive authorities of the Omsk region, 3 are territorial bodies of executive authorities of the Omsk region, 15 are local governments, 43 are educational, treatment and preventive, sports and other state and budgetary institutions of the Omsk region, 2 – municipal institutions, 1 – Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Omsk Region, 4 – other organizations.

Within the framework of the current legislation, on the basis of requests from the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, examinations of 24 draft regulatory legal acts of the Omsk Region, including 20 draft laws of the Omsk Region, were carried out. 6 analytical notes were prepared on topical issues of the activities of executive authorities of the Omsk region and budgetary institutions.

In 2009, 19 meetings of the Chamber's board were held, at which 220 issues were considered. The Board of the Chamber approved the results of all inspections carried out, as well as conclusions on draft laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region on financial and budgetary issues, reports on the completion of work on the implementation of materials of control measures and other documents of the Chamber.

III. Control activities

In 2009, the CSP of the Omsk region focused on monitoring the targeted expenditure of budget resources, as well as the effectiveness of their use.

Based on the results of control activities, the Chamber identified violations in the financial and budgetary sphere totaling 121,071.0 thousand rubles (including local budget funds), including misuse of budget funds - in the amount of 3,750.2 thousand rubles, inefficient use of budget funds - 3,767.6 thousand rubles, violations in remuneration - 1,167.7 thousand. rubles, other violations – 112,385.5 thousand rubles.

Based on the results of the control, the Chamber sent 82 submissions for taking measures to eliminate the identified violations, 34 information letters to government authorities of the Omsk region, 13 inspection materials were transferred to the Prosecutor's Office of the Omsk region.

In total, based on the results of control activities carried out in 2009, the Omsk Region PSC proposed to reimburse the budget or carry out paid but not completed work for a total amount of 10,641.7 thousand rubles. In the reporting period, 8,275.9 thousand rubles were reimbursed, including voluntarily during inspections and according to the recommendations of the Chamber - 8,090.4 thousand rubles. When violations were identified, the Omsk Region PSC gave recommendations not only on their elimination in the organization that was the object of the inspection, but also on taking measures to prevent such violations in the future.

Based on the results of inspections carried out by the prosecutor's office based on the acts of control measures of the Chamber, no criminal cases were initiated in 2009, 8 submissions were made, as a result of which 3 officials were brought to disciplinary liability.

Based on the Chamber's submissions, sent based on the results of control activities, 26 employees were brought to disciplinary liability for violations in the expenditure and accounting of budgetary funds, 3 of whom were relieved of their positions.

As part of monitoring the receipt of funds and expenses associated with the disposal and management of property in the Omsk region, it should be noted that one of the problems continues to be insufficient discipline in the implementation of both current legislation and administrative documents adopted by the Government Omsk region, which is expressed in violation of:
- the procedure for registering operational management rights to real estate owned by the Omsk region, and transferring said property for permanent use;
- use and disposal of property that is under operational management and economic management and transferred for permanent use to organizations, institutions and citizens, and settlements with counterparties;
- procedure for managing blocks of shares owned by the Omsk region.

Checking the effectiveness of management of the stake in the Omsk region, located in the authorized capital of OJSC "Bridge Repair and Construction Management", found that a number of decisions on the use of the reserve fund, raising borrowed funds from individuals, distribution of profits, determination of planned indicators economic efficiency of activities were adopted in violation of the procedures established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Omsk region, as well as the Charter of the company.

An inspection of the state enterprise of the Omsk region "Road Repair and Construction Department No. 1" on the issue of the efficiency of use of property transferred to the economic management of the enterprise, established the lack of registration of the right of economic management for a number of real estate objects, the use of property leased by the enterprise by third parties without registration of relevant documents, which led to unnecessary expenses in the form of rent paid in the amount of 86.0 thousand rubles, implementation of large transactions for the acquisition of material assets in the amount of 7,112.0 thousand rubles without the consent of the owner, the absence of production and consumption development funds formed in the established manner, as well as contributions to the reserve fund.

Analysis of the results of the implementation in 2008 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On Property Management of the Omsk Region” in terms of compliance with the provisions on leasing property owned by the Omsk Region, revealed the presence of a number of violations of the procedure for leasing land plots and execution of sublease agreements real estate objects, late state registration of lease agreements or lack thereof. Despite the increase in rental income to the regional budget compared to 2007 (by 16 percent), tenants' debt to the budget increased and amounted to 2,692.8 thousand rubles as of January 1, 2009. Facts of untimely payments under lease agreements were noted.

Checking the correctness of the provision of a preferential rental rate established the unlawful provision of non-residential premises to the organization for temporary use on preferential terms, which resulted in a shortfall in revenue to the regional budget in the amount of 169.4 thousand rubles. Based on the results of the inspection, a proposal was sent to the Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region to eliminate the identified violations.

One of the mandatory issues to be checked during any control event is compliance with the law when securing and disposing of property under the operational management and economic control of the organization being inspected. In most cases, violations in the use of property in the Omsk region are not observed, however, individual cases do occur.

So, the budgetary educational institution of the Omsk region of secondary vocational education “Omsk Pedagogical College No. 1” provides dormitory residential premises for the residence of citizens who are not studying at the institution and are not in labor relations with it. Part of the educational building of the institution is used by the tenant for catering without compensation for operating and utility services.

Similarly, in the budgetary health care institution of the Omsk region “Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases”, the tenant occupied the premises located in the building of the clinical and laboratory building without reimbursement of the cost of utilities.

In the Chamber's submissions sent to these institutions, it was proposed to carry out work on concluding agreements with tenants for reimbursement of utilities and restoring lost funds. As a result, the contracts were concluded, and funds in the amount of 12.4 thousand rubles were received from the tenants.

Inspection of the use of real estate in the budgetary health care institution of the Omsk region "Clinical Dermatovenerological Dispensary" established that part of the non-residential premises owned by the Omsk Region was rented out as a pharmacy on the basis of an agreement between the tenant and the property relations department of the Administration Omsk, which in this case illegally acted as a lessor. Also, on the premises of this institution, without title documents, there is a structural unit of the budgetary healthcare institution of the Omsk region “Medical and physical education dispensary”.

In 2008, the Soviet Department of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Administrative District of Omsk unlawfully accepted budgetary obligations (an agreement was concluded for the gratuitous use of non-residential premises and agreements for maintenance, provision of utilities) to ensure the performance of the functions of another legal entity - Medical sobering station at the Soviet Department of Internal Affairs for the Northern Administrative District of Omsk.

On all the stated facts, the relevant information was sent to the Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region.

In accordance with the proposal of the property committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, the Chamber conducted an inspection of the state institution of the Omsk Region “Omsk Regional Business Incubator” on the issue of targeted and effective use of regional property and funds allocated from the regional budget for the maintenance of the institution. The audit revealed a number of violations of regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region regarding the use of property and control over the activities of small businesses that were provided with premises in the business incubator building for rent. Not all lease agreements and acts of acceptance and transfer of property for lease indicate the dates of their conclusion and execution. Of the total area of ​​non-residential premises in the building of the institution designated for the location of a business incubator, only 21.5 percent can be used for rent to small businesses, of which at the time of inspection (July 2009) 25.8 percent are free from tenants.

It has been established that small businesses have in use without appropriate registration movable property in the amount of 1,246.0 thousand rubles, transferred to the operational management of the institution, which indicates a violation of the Law of the Omsk Region of July 6, 2005 No. 652 -OZ “On property management of the Omsk region”.

In violation of the orders of the Ministry of Economy of the Omsk Region and the institution on the procedure for monitoring the implementation of business plans of small businesses, the institution untimely reviews or does not consider the results of the implementation of business plans at all. Monitoring the implementation of business plans of small businesses over the audited period indicates that the production and financial indicators stated in the business plans and the indicators of increasing employment are not being met (with the exception of two tenants).

The Chamber's submission, sent to the institution, recommended eliminating the noted violations and shortcomings.

As in previous years, significant attention in the implementation of control activities was paid to sectors of the social sphere. In 2009, funding for the sectors of education, healthcare, culture, physical culture and sports, and social policy was carried out in accordance with budget assignments. A transition to a sectoral wage system was made, and one of the main tasks when conducting thematic inspections on this issue was to assess the effectiveness of the new wage system, monitor compliance with the labor rights of workers, the availability of all necessary regulatory documents, and take measures to optimize the number of budgetary institutions in the Omsk region.

checks of compliance with the minimum wage established by the Federal Law of 19.06.2000 No. 82-FL “On the minimum wage” at the level of 4330 rubles, Labor in the amount of 616 rubles in the budgetary institution of healthcare of the Omsk Region "Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after Dalmatov D.M. ". During the check of the chamber, the specified amount was paid to the employee. No other violations on this issue have been established. With the introduction of the sectoral system of remuneration in the trusted institutions, the fixed part of the wages (official salary (tariff rate), compensation and mandatory payments) not lower than the fixed part wages paid earlier on the basis of a single tariff grid.

At the same time, the following violations take place:
- non-compliance with the terms of transition to the sectoral system of remuneration of labor established by the Decree of the Government of the Omsk Region dated October 15, 2008 No. 172-P “On the phased introduction of industry systems of wages of employees budgetary institutions in the Omsk region ”;
- violation of employees' labor rights in terms of non-compliance with the notification procedure for two months on the introduction of a new system of remuneration, as well as payment of wages for the first half of the month;
- the absence of labor contracts concluded in writing with employees, the employed labor contracts are not fully determined by the conditions of remuneration of labor;
- incomplete implementation of measures to optimize the number of employees;
- violations in the preparation and approval of staffing institutions;
- violations when hiring and remuneration of persons working on a part-time basis.

checks of the use of funds allocated for wages, there are also cases of incorrect application of regulatory legal acts on remuneration, orders and local acts of institutions that resulted in underpayments and overpayments to employees.

In the budgetary health care institution of the Omsk region “Center for the prevention and combating of AIDS and infectious diseases”, cases of unreasonable increase in salaries (tariff rates) for work related to direct contact with AIDS and HIV-infected, are established in 2008 employees from among the average medical, medical personnel and pharmacy personnel, as well as unreasonable payment of the allowance for the tariff rate (salary) for work in Dangerous, especially dangerous to health and difficult working conditions.

Violations in wages for all control measures carried out during the year were expressed in a total of 1,167.7 thousand rubles.

Fulfilling the representations of the chamber, institutions took measures to eliminate the identified violations. In those institutions where employees' rights were violated in terms of non -payment of the advance payment for the first half of the month, labor legislation is currently being observed.

Control measures regarding the spending of budget funds for education conducted in special (correctional) educational institutions showed that the most typical financial violation is non -compliance with the established standards for the organization of nutrition and soft inventory procurement. In trusted institutions in the implementation of purchases, the order placement mechanism is poorly used. The bulk of the procurement of food and soft inventory products is carried out under supplies concluded for an amount not exceeding the maximum amount of settlements in cash between legal entities established by the Bank of Russia on one transaction. As a comparative analysis of food prices showed, the prices of goods purchased under such agreements significantly exceed the prices of similar products purchased under state contracts: meat - by 18 percent, dairy products - by 25 - 40 percent. Crushing of procurement in order to “leave” from the application of the procedures for placing an order led in some cases to violation of the law, in particular, excess of the maximum allowable procurement of the same goods during the quarter.

Verfes are also established by checks in the execution of food supplies concluded based on the results of centralized purchases conducted by the chief manager of budgetary purchase budget funds: without coordination with the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region of the Omsk Region “School-boarding school No. 16 of the VIII type »Reduced the volume of supplies under such contracts by 35 - 73 percent, while, as the audit showed, in most cases this led to ineffective use of budgetary funds, since after the cessation of supply of food products under state supplies, supplies continued, but already at high prices. Facts of non -compliance with the qualitative characteristics of the supplied products determined by state contracts were also established.

Analysis of compliance with the norms of the provision of pupils established by the Government of the Omsk region revealed a rather uneven provision of food in various boarding schools. One of the reasons for the prevailing imbalance, according to the chamber, was the insufficiently effective work of the chief manager of budgetary funds for the collection and analysis of data on the need for subordinate institutions in food products, timely redistribution of budget allocations in order to align the volume of social services provided.

Based on the results of control measures, the chamber sented submission to trusted institutions, as well as information to the Governor of the Omsk Region. Given the typical nature of the majority of identified violations, in order to take measures to eliminate them and prevent the occurrence of the Omsk region in other educational institutions, generalized information was sent to the results of inspections of correctional institutions with a detailed list of violations and recommendations to increase the efficiency of using funds regional budget.

At the suggestion of the Committee on Social Policy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, the chamber conducted inspections of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region according to the Nazyevsky, Znamensky, and Tarsky districts. The main share of these institutions is occupied by budgetary funds for the social security of the population, providing expenses for the provision of social support measures to certain categories of citizens in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Omsk region.

The inspections showed that all public obligations are fulfilled in full, facts of improper use of the funds of the regional budget have not been established.

Also, on the proposal of the Committee on Social Policy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, control measures were held in three budgetary institutions of social services for the population of the Omsk region. Separate violations have been established in the use of the regional budget funds allocated for the purchase of food in the Sosnovo boarding house for the elderly and disabled people, non-compliance with the norms for providing workers with special clothing; The issuance of soft inventory living with non -compliance with the standards and wear terms. During the overhaul of the premises, the Yekaterininsky boarding house for the elderly and disabled people, the payment of unreasonably overstated volume of repair and construction work in the amount of 409.8 thousand rubles was allowed. The verification act draws attention to the weak control of the progress of work by the state customer - the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region, as well as the institution itself. The elimination of the identified violation was carried out at the expense of the work performed by contracting organizations provided for by the documentation.

checking the use of the regional budget funds for citizens of subsidies for payment of housing and utilities carried out by the KSP of the Omsk Region in the state institution of the Omsk Region “Regional Center for Housing Subsidies, Social Payments and Benefits”, established that in violation of the Housing Code The Russian Federation was calculated on the basis of tariffs for payment of housing and utilities excluding the regional standard of the value of housing and communal services. The development of this standard by the Government of the Omsk Region was entrusted to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region, the Ministry of Economy of the Omsk Region and the Ministry of Construction and the Housing and Communal Complex of the Omsk Region with the term of execution in 2008. However, at the time of verification (April 2009), the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services has not been developed.

by decision of the Board of the Chamber, information on the specified fact was sent to the Government of the Omsk Region and the Ministry of Finance of the Omsk Region. Decree of the Government of the Omsk Region No. 223-P “On the establishment of the size of regional standards of the cost of housing and communal services for 2010” was adopted on November 25, 2009.

On behalf of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the KSP of the Omsk Region, checks of state institutions of the Omsk Region, providing services in the field of physical culture and sports: the state institution of the Omsk Region "Center for Olympic training on boxing ”, state institution of the Omsk region“ Center for Olympic training on swimming, budgetary educational institution of the Omsk region of additional education of children “Specialized Children's and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve ”, according to the results of which the following main violations are established:
-non-compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law dated 07.21.2005 No. 94-FL“ On the placement of orders for the supply of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services for state and municipal needs ";
- violations in the remuneration of employees;
- incorrect application of the budget classification of the Russian Federation in the assignment of expenses for the consumption of classification of operations of the public administration sector;
- violation of the procedure for conducting cash transactions when issuing funds for the report and sending of employees on business trips.

As in past years, one of the areas of the KSP of the Omsk Region is to control expenses in the field of law enforcement. According to the results of inspections conducted in the Soviet Department of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Administrative District of Omsk and the temporary detention center for minor offenders of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Omsk Region, systemic violations in the remuneration of employees and the procurement of goods, work and services were not established. At the same time, the Soviet administrative district of Omsk was repeatedly violated by the Soviet Administration of the Soviet Administrative District of Omsk: the redistribution of funds received at the cash desk between the articles and the consumptions of the budget classification of expenses, and the excess of the established limit of the balance of cash at the checkout were allowed. Certain cases of writing off building materials with a deviation from the norms were also revealed.

The chamber in 2009 is paid to checking the effectiveness and intended use of the regional budget funds aimed at implementing targeted programs of the Omsk region. In this direction, 10 target programs of the Omsk region were checked, 29 control measures were carried out.

The main factors that did not allow, like in past years, to fully assess the effectiveness of existing targeted programs, was the absence of a system of targeted indicators and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of programs. Of the 10 verified targeted programs, only four of them presented the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of financed measures and evaluate the effectiveness of the program.

So, the target program of informatization of the Omsk region “Electronic Region” for 2006-2008, approved by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 07.06.2006 No. 764-OZ, is one of the main regulatory documents regulating the development of information technology in Omsk region. The expected results of the implementation of the program are to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the Omsk region due to the wider implementation of modern information technologies, at the same time, the indicators of the expected result of the implementation of the program are not determined.

Control measures in relation to the specified program were carried out in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, 9 executive bodies of the Omsk region and 14 subordinate budget institutions. Violations in the use of budget funds were identified in three departments - the Ministry of Culture of the Omsk Region, the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region and the Main Directorate of Information Technologies and Telecommunications of the Omsk Region.

According to the results of the inspections, the facts of violation by the executors of the fulfillment of obligations under concluded agreements were noted, for which counterclaims on the part of customers on the payment of penalties and penalties were not presented, as well as certain provisions of the Federal Law of 21.07.2005 No. 94-FZ "On the placement of orders for the supply of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services for state and municipal needs."

In addition, the ineffective use of budget funds in the amount of 26.9 thousand rubles was revealed, which are unsuccessfully spent on the installation of video conferences equipment in the budgetary educational institution of the Omsk Region “Institute for the Development of Education of the Omsk Region”. Due to the wrong choice of the place of work at the stage of their planning, the installed equipment was dismantled. The same institution was allowed to overtake the volume of work when compiling design estimate documentation to create a cable network, as a result of which 8.5 thousand rubles were excessively paid by the contracting organization. During the audit, the funds were returned to the revenue of the regional budget.

Cases of inconsistencies of the volumes of acts of the work actually performed are also noted in the materials of the inspections of the Main Directorate of Information Technologies and Telecommunications of the Omsk Region.

The facts of the illegal use of purchased equipment are established, that is, not in accordance with the goals determined by the target program. So, in the budgetary institution of the Omsk Region “Regional Innovation and Analytical Center”, computer equipment worth 236.0 thousand rubles purchased as part of the hardware and software complex for the technical equipment of the created regional resource center for informatization of education, was used to ensure the current activities of the institution. The violation was eliminated during the check of the chamber.

Control measures regarding the execution of targeted programs and the use of the regional budget allocated for the protection of the environment, in 2009 were carried out at the Ministry of Industrial Policy, Transport and Communications of the Omsk Region, 2 budget institutions of the Omsk region and 3- X bodies of local self -government that have received subsidies from the regional budget.

Budget funds were used for their intended purpose, however, it was established that the Ministry of Industrial Policy, Transport and Communications of the Omsk Region, in violation of the law regarding the mandatory state registration of rights to real estate, did not ensure registration of ownership and operational management rights for the constructed fence especially protected natural area of ​​regional significance of the natural monument "Arboretum named after P.S. Komisarova" with an initial cost of 2,200.0 thousand rubles. In addition, the contractors violated the deadlines for completing work under the state contract and agreements totaling 2.3 million rubles, for which the customer did not take measures to collect penalties totaling 40.8 thousand rubles.

Inspection of the budgetary institution of the Omsk region "Bird Harbor" Natural Park It was established that bonuses were unlawfully accrued to the head of the institution in the total amount of 64.1 thousand rubles. In response to the Chamber’s submission, the institution indicated that in connection with the transition to an industry-based remuneration system, bonus payments made previously were cancelled.

Control measures regarding the implementation of target programs aimed at developing agriculture in the Omsk region were carried out in two executive authorities of the Omsk region and two budgetary institutions of the Omsk region.

Use of regional budget funds for the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region "Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food in the Omsk region" for 2008-2012" for 2008, 8 areas of the program were checked, cash expenses for which amounted to 277,158.5 thousand rubles. The reliability of the data from the program implementation report for 2008 has been established. Analysis of the interim results of the target program showed that its target indicators and the forecast of expected results are largely being met. In many areas, there is rapid growth in program performance indicators.

The audit revealed misuse of budget funds in the amount of 30.0 thousand rubles. The violation was expressed in the provision of a one-time allowance to a young specialist working in the agro-industrial complex, with non-compliance with the mandatory condition for entering a job in the specialty received. On this fact, a representation from the Chamber was sent to the verified ministry, in response to which measures were taken to recover the illegally obtained amount in court.

Checking the effectiveness of the use of regional budget funds allocated for carrying out anti-epizootic measures within the framework of the above-mentioned target program, carried out in the Main Veterinary Directorate of the Omsk Region, established that as a result of the implementation in 2008 of a complex of anti-epizootic, laboratory-diagnostic and veterinary-sanitary measures in The territory of the Omsk region has not allowed the emergence of foci of particularly dangerous animal diseases. It was also noted as a positive point that as a result of placing an order for the purchase of biological products and disinfectants for anti-epizootic measures, budget savings in the amount of 204.7 thousand rubles were achieved. At the same time, in violation of the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs,” which provides for the conclusion of a government contract on the terms specified in the notice of a request for quotation , for 9 government contracts in the amount of 1,974.1 thousand rubles, the delivery time was changed (increased) or the delivery time was not specified at all goods.

In accordance with the instructions of the Committee on Economic Policy and Investments of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, the Chamber conducted an audit of the implementation of measures, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target program of the Omsk Region “Modernization and development of highways in the Omsk Region until 2025.” ; for 2008. Budgetary allocations of the budgetary institution of the Omsk region "Department of Road Facilities of the Omsk Region" in 2008, the implementation of program activities amounted to 1,000,340.2 thousand rubles (excluding raised federal funds).

The control event established the misuse of funds in the amount of 3,127.2 thousand rubles, which was expressed in the fact that budgetary allocations allocated for the maintenance of public roads of regional and intermunicipal importance were aimed at paying for capital works: archaeological excavations in boundaries of the right-of-way and construction site during road construction, assessment of the market value of the demolished residential building, implementation of measures to ensure the technical feasibility of power supply during construction of an overpass. In addition, at the expense of funds intended for the ongoing repair of production bases for the functioning of the road sector, the production base of the State Enterprise "Russko-Polyanskoye DRSU" was reconstructed.

Based on the results of the audit, facts were noted of overestimation of the cost of construction and repair work due to the unlawful inclusion in the cost of expenses of contractors for the delivery of food, keeping records of traffic intensity, carrying out commissioning work, and expenses for winter increases in prices. If the deadline for completing design and survey work on the reconstruction of the Omsk-Muromtsevo road is missed, the contractor was not presented with the penalties provided for by the state contract; as a result, the regional budget did not receive income in the amount of 64.1 thousand rubles. Information on the materials of the inspection of the budgetary institution was sent to the Governor of the Omsk Region, the inspection report – to the prosecutor's office of the Omsk region.

Inspection of the results of activities provided for by the target program of the Omsk region “Ensuring road safety in the Omsk region” for 2007-2012”, carried out in 3 executive authorities of the Omsk region, a budgetary institution of the Omsk region and a municipal entity of the Omsk region, it was established that in 2008, four out of five program implementers made incomplete use of allocated budget funds totaling 275, 2 thousand rubles. Budget funds were allocated for their intended purpose, but facts of non-use of purchased equipment were established. Thus, in the budgetary healthcare institution of the Omsk region “Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine” The balance sheet includes medical equipment for the provision of primary medical care, purchased to equip stationary posts and vehicles of the road patrol service of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Omsk Region.

The Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Omsk Region, without coordination with the Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region, transferred fixed assets worth 879.8 thousand rubles for use to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Omsk Region.

The priority area of ​​activity in the field of control over the expenditure of budget funds in the investment sphere was checking the efficiency of spending funds allocated for capital construction and the implementation of targeted programs in the Omsk region aimed at the development of individual housing construction in the Omsk region.

Inspection of the progress of implementation and effectiveness of the activities of the target program of the Omsk region "Development of the housing and communal services complex of the Omsk region" for 2008-2010" carried out in municipalities of the Omsk region, which received funds from the regional budget on co-financing terms in the tested period. Based on the results of control activities carried out by the Chamber during the reporting period, a number of problematic issues were identified.

It was established that in 2008, for the implementation of measures to improve the water supply of the population of the Omsk region within the framework of the above target program, all municipalities of the Omsk region participating in their implementation fully provided their own share of funding. At the same time, there were violations and shortcomings in the activities of municipal administrations in terms of fulfilling their obligations to monitor the progress of contract work and their acceptance at the facilities provided for by municipal contracts. In three districts of the Omsk region – Azov, Sargat and Bolsherechensk – it was established that the cost of construction and reconstruction of water wells and water supply networks was overstated by a total of 862.8 thousand rubles. Reimbursement of illegally received budget funds was made by offsetting the volumes of work performed by contractors as provided for in the design and estimate documentation. In addition, 18.2 thousand rubles were transferred to the regional budget revenue.

An inspection of the Gorky municipal district of the Omsk region regarding the implementation of the activities of the above-mentioned target program of the Omsk region in terms of construction and reconstruction of property of the municipality noted that the reconstruction of the central boiler house in the village. Novopokrovka contributed to a reduction in fuel and electricity consumption during the 2008-2009 heating period compared to the previous heating period in the amount of 311.7 thousand rubles.

The fact of the lack of proper control on the part of local governments over the implementation of activities financed from the regional budget is also confirmed by an inspection of the Kormilovsky municipal district of the Omsk region and the Borchansky rural settlement of this area. It was established that the regional budget funds received in 2007 for the construction of a water pipeline in the amount of 750 thousand rubles were used to pay for uncompleted work. Part of the work under the municipal contract, concluded in 2007 in the amount of 1,627.7 thousand rubles, was completed only in November 2009. Of the planned length of the water pipeline, 3 km long, 2 km were built; construction of the remaining part of the water pipeline was stopped due to lack of funding in 2008-2009. The inspection revealed violations of building codes – lack of design estimates, construction permits, and necessary licenses. Based on the results of the inspection, submissions were sent to the district and rural administrations; the issue remains under the control of the Chamber.

As a result of control activities on the implementation of subprograms of the target program of the Omsk region “Housing” for 2008-2010”, carried out in the Kalachinsky and Kormilovsky municipal districts of the Omsk region, the following was established. Implementation of activities of the subprogram “Development of individual housing construction in the Omsk region” in these areas was carried out on different principles. In the Kalachinsky district, state support was carried out based on the maximum coverage of citizens who expressed a desire to receive a social payment; as a result, the specified payment was provided to all 20 citizens on the list, on the terms of co-financing from budgetary funds in the amount of 11-26.5 percent. In the Kormilovsky district, due to the limitation of the categories of citizens entitled to become recipients of social payments established by the municipal target program, state support in 2008 was provided to 5 citizens in the amount of 46.6 percent of the estimated cost of construction. The district inspection report indicates the illegality of restricting the rights of citizens in need of improved housing conditions.

Inspections also revealed a number of violations regarding the preparation by citizens of a package of documents to receive social support, the provision of payments without confirmation of the availability of own funds in the required amount, the conclusion of a 2-party purchase and sale agreement for residential premises without the participation of the district administration, discrepancy in the area of ​​premises, specified in the construction documentation. The administrations of municipal districts, as investors, did not fully exercise technical supervision and control over the progress and quality of construction work, compliance with construction deadlines, targeted use of allocated funds, compliance of the materials and equipment used with the terms of the contract and project documentation, which resulted in absence at the sites at the time inspections of construction materials and equipment in the amount of 250.0 thousand rubles and overestimation of the cost of work performed by developers in the amount of 415.4 thousand. rubles.

Most of the financial violations were eliminated during control activities; the rest were taken measures based on the results of consideration of the Chamber’s submissions. Information about the inspections was sent to the Committee on Economic Policy and Investments of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.

Use of budget funds allocated for the implementation of the subprogram “Resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock, carrying out major repairs, reconstruction and modernization of residential buildings” target program of the Omsk region "Housing" for 2008-2010", tested in the Kalachinsky municipal district of the Omsk region. A violation of the deadlines for the construction and commissioning of apartment buildings for the resettlement of citizens, a violation of the law during an open auction and the execution of a municipal contract were established. The administration of the Kalachinsky municipal district of the Omsk region has not ensured the timely identification of citizens subject to resettlement.

Implementation of the subprogram regarding the overhaul of residential buildings included the overhaul of 13 houses. The audit established facts of violation of the cost of work and expenses, unreasonable overestimation of the physical volumes of repair and construction work, etc., for a total amount of 697.5 thousand rubles.

Based on the results of the inspection, the Administration of the Kalachinsky Municipal District of the Omsk Region sent a proposal to eliminate violations to the Committee on Economic Policy and Investments of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region – information as part of the summary information based on the results of similar inspections carried out to the Ministry of Economy of the Omsk Region and the Prosecutor's Office of the Omsk Region – information about identified violations and an inspection report. The inspection materials are under the control of the Chamber until the violations are completely eliminated.

Checking the progress of the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region "Development of mortgage housing lending in the Omsk region until 2010" for 2008, conducted by the Chamber at the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Complex of the Omsk Region, showed that the amount of social benefits credited to the personal account of each recipient corresponds to the amount of state support established by the legislation of the Omsk Region. At the same time, a discrepancy between the contents of the certificate form for the provision of social benefits and the requirements of regulations was revealed, the provision of social benefits in violation of the current procedure, including to a person who does not have the right to receive it, as well as to a person who has not confirmed the right to receive it. In the latter case, the funds were fully restored to the regional budget.

Based on the Chamber’s submission, the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Omsk Region carried out work to eliminate the violations and comments noted in the inspection report. The audit materials were sent to the Committee on Economic Policy and Investments of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region and the Prosecutor's Office of the Omsk Region.

One of the most significant issues that the Chamber regularly paid attention to during control activities was the efficiency of public procurement. Violations in this area, as evidenced by inspection materials, are systemic in nature. However, violations are not necessarily the result of abuse. Quite often this is due to the unpreparedness and lack of professionalism of officials, in particular, members of commissions for placing orders, especially in municipalities.

The efficiency of procurement at the expense of budgetary funds was negatively affected by violations in the organization of procurement of goods, works and services of the same name, which, in necessary cases, were carried out without placing an order. Government contracts often did not contain mandatory conditions on the liability of suppliers and performers for violation of obligations, and where these conditions were specified, the customers did not pay due attention to protecting the interests of the region in contractual relations. According to the chamber based on the materials of the checks, as a result of the non -use of measures to recover penalties for violating the terms of state contracts and agreements for 2009, the budget did not receive revenues for a total of 748.7 thousand rubles.

The traditional problem in the field of inter -budget relations is the non -compliance with local authorities of the procedure for using targeted funds received from the regional budget, the presence of systemic managerial deficiencies that have a significant impact on the effectiveness of budget expenditure.

A comprehensive control event carried out in the Azov German National Municipal District of the Omsk Region establishes a total of 19,086.3 thousand rubles, of which the cost of the cost of performed and paid contracts and costs in the amount of 5451.6 thousand rubles . Most financial violations were eliminated during the check of the chamber.

Verification of the use of subsidies allocated for thermal supply of budgetary institutions of the district revealed the excess of standards for thermal energy and solid fuel costs established by the fuel balance of the municipal district, the provision of premises by the district administration for use to third -party organizations without appropriate reimbursement of expenses for heating.

In violation of the procedures and conditions for the provision of subsidies from the regional budget:

- the area is not ensured by co-financing of expenses at the expense of the local budget in the amount of 161.5 thousand rubles;

- part of the funds intended for the material and technical equipment of the resource center of informatization of education was used not for the purpose of the purchase of building materials;

- subsidies received for reimbursement of part of the costs of paying interest on the loan are diverted to pay subsidies to reimburse part of the costs of personal subsidiary farms for the production of milk; The payment of subsidies was made in violation of the established deadlines.

The verification revealed a violation of budget legislation in terms of excess of the price of the municipal contract by 480.0 thousand rubles of the volume of budgetary obligations brought in 2008 in 2008 for the construction of two single-family residential buildings for orphans and children left without parental care, as well as children under the guardianship. With the deadline for the delivery of facilities on December 30, 2008, at the time of the audit (November 2009), the houses were not built, for 2 years children from among this category of citizens were not provided with housing.

checking the use of funds allocated within the framework of the federal target program socio -economic and ethnocultural development of Russian Germans for 2008 - 2012 and aimed at the construction of two 18-apartment residential buildings in the village. Azovo, the fact of untimely transfer to the municipal district of the relevant powers of the Azov rural settlement of the Azov NNMR Omsk Region, as well as violation of the conditions of concluded agreements and the procedure for subsidizing subsidies from the regional budget with the disposal of the housing fund.

When using funds allocated by the Azov district for the implementation of priority national projects, the facts of untimely supply of material values, non -ostal of one school bus, the use of property (school bus and computer equipment) purchased for general educational institutions, not for intended purpose, violations in the intended purpose. calculating cash payments to the medical personnel of the feldsher-midwife points.

A comprehensive audit of the district also noted facts of violations of the legislation, regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region in matters of using funds received from the regional budget for the provision of benefits for payment of housing and utilities to pedagogical and medical workers, social support measures of guardians (trustees), adoptive parents , the organization of the food of students of educational institutions, wages of employees of the budget sphere.

According to the results of the control event, proposals and recommendations have been developed that provide for the adoption of measures to eliminate violations and deficiencies in the activities of local authorities and trusted organizations, as well as reimbursing in the regional and local budgets of illegally spent funds. The question is under the control of the chamber until their fulfillment is fully implemented.

In 2009, integrated, intersectoral measures carried out by the Chamber are related to the need to fulfill the requirements of the budget legislation on the external audit of the annual report on the execution of the regional budget, a separate stage of which is the external verification of the budget reporting of the main administrators of budget funds.

Based on the results of control, the facts of the inaccuracy and incompleteness of the annual budget execution for 2008, taking into account the existing restrictions, were not revealed. At the same time, 15 out of 32 proven chief administrators of budget funds establishes separate facts of incomplete reflection in the explanatory note to the report of the necessary data, as well as other violations and disadvantages that can negatively affect the reliability of budget reporting forms.

IV. Expert-analytical activity

In 2009, according to the results of the examination, the chamber prepared 24 conclusions for bills received from the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.

In accordance with the work plan, the auditors of the chamber prepared 6 analytical notes on topical issues of the activities of the executive authorities of the Omsk region and budgetary institutions of the Omsk region:

-  analysis of the directions of spending funds received by budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region from the provision of paid services and other income income;

-  analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of the regional budget, allocated for the implementation of measures of the target program of the Omsk region  development of agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and foods of the Omsk region for 2008-2012  For 2008 

- “Analysis of the implementation of activities of the subprogram “Development of individual housing construction in the Omsk region” within the framework of the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region "Housing" for 2008-2010";

- "Analysis of the dynamics of receipt and efficiency of use of income received by educational institutions of the Omsk region from the provision of paid services and other income-generating activities (using the example of similar institutions)";

- “Analysis of the impact (efficiency) of the introduction of a sectoral system of remuneration for employees of budgetary institutions on the results of the activities of government institutions in the Omsk region”

- “Results of checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target informatization program of the Omsk region “Electronic Region” for 2006-2008."

When preparing analytical notes, materials from control measures carried out by the Chamber, statistical information, as well as data provided by executive authorities of the Omsk region were used. The results of expert and analytical work were accepted by the Chamber's board and will be used in further work in assigned audit areas.

The Chamber supported the proposal of the Chairman of the Association of Control and Accounting Bodies of Russia S.V. Stepashin on the need to organize constant monitoring of the socio-economic situation in the region in connection with the financial and economic crisis. Since January 2009, the CSP of the Omsk region began conducting monthly monitoring, which was carried out in the following areas:

- the main manifestations of the crisis observed in the real sector of the economy;

- problems in the labor market;

- social problems: rising prices, situation with wages;

- the state of the budget system, changes made to the current budget law, execution of the consolidated budget;

- the situation in the banking sector of the region;

- anti-crisis measures of executive authorities, measures to ensure stabilization of the regional labor market.

V. Information, methodological and other activities

In the reporting year, KSP of the Omsk region continued to work on publicly presenting its activities. Information on the results of control activities was promptly sent to the Governor of the Omsk Region and the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. The official website of the Chamber, containing 11 sections, contains the main results of the control and expert-analytical activities, as well as methodological and other documents approved by the Chamber. The regional press published 9 publications on the results of the Chamber’s activities and individual control activities, including 6 publications prepared by the Chamber’s auditors.

KSP of the Omsk region is a regular participant in public hearings on draft regional budgets for the next financial year and reports on its implementation.

Legislative, financial, personnel and technical support of the Chamber allows it to solve the tasks assigned to it in implementing external financial control.

In 2009, the modernization of the software and hardware complex for preparing and recording the results of control activities continued. The issues of expanding the information support of the Chamber with the provision of information on budget indicators in electronic form, increasing the volume and improving the quality of information are very relevant.

In order to improve methodological support for the activities of the Chamber, methodological documents were approved in 2009: on the procedure for conducting an audit of the efficiency of using budget funds, the procedure for preparing and conducting expert analytical activities, on auditing reports on the results and main areas of activity of budget planning entities of the Omsk region, according to the procedure for planning the work of the Chamber.

Employees of the Chamber took part in seminars and meetings held by the Association of Control and Accounting Bodies of Russia, legislative and executive authorities of the Omsk region on issues of state and municipal financial control, state audit and management of budgetary resources of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, budget accounting and budget reporting , implementation of the Federal Law of December 25, 2008 No. 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption”, formation and training of personnel reserve, etc.

In 2009, the staff of the Chamber was 31 people. 100 percent of state civil servants have higher professional education.

In accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Omsk region on the state civil service of the Omsk region, in the reporting period, two competitions were held to fill vacant positions and to be included in the personnel reserve, 1 winner of the competition from among the employees of the Chamber was appointed to the position, enrolled in the reserve – 2 people. The Chamber held 2 meetings of the commission to conduct the qualification examination of state civil servants. 10 employees improved their skills at various courses.

VI. Conclusions and main tasks for the future


In accordance with the tasks and functions of the CSP of the Omsk region, the activities of the regional body of state financial control in 2009 were aimed at preventing and identifying violations in the execution of the regional budget, in the use of state property, and preparing proposals to improve the efficiency of management of regional finances and property.

The results of the Chamber's control activities in 2009 indicate that during the execution of the regional budget there are sufficient reserves for strengthening state financial discipline.

In identifying the main tasks facing the Omsk region PSC in the near future, the following main areas should be highlighted:

1. Study and implementation of modern methods of state financial control aimed at studying issues of cost efficiency;

2. Improving the methodology and expanding the scope of control activities on compliance with legislation when using state property and administering regional budget revenues.

3. Strengthening control over the implementation by executive authorities of the Omsk region of budgetary powers.

4. Ensuring compliance with legislation in terms of conducting, if necessary, external audits of annual reports on the execution of local budgets.

5. Analysis of current legislation and draft laws being developed for potential corruption in order to minimize opportunities for abuse in the financial sector by participants in the budget process.

6. Strengthening interaction with committees of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region when planning and reviewing the results of control activities in order to increase their relevance, feasibility and effectiveness.

7. Expanding the scope of interaction between the Chamber and the executive authorities of the Omsk region, including through electronic document management, in order to improve methods of expert analytical work, increase the efficiency and quality of control activities.

8. Continuation of the practice of interaction of the Chamber with other state financial control bodies, as well as law enforcement agencies on the basis of concluded agreements, in order to prevent and suppress violations in the financial and budgetary sphere, including within the framework of joint control activities.

9. Further improvement of the regulatory legal framework of the Omsk region based on the need to ensure that it fully reflects the tasks and functions of the Chamber, taking into account the requirements of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation.

This report was approved by the decision of the board of the PSC of the Omsk region (minutes dated February 26, 2010 No. 28/3).

Chairman V.S. Black

Appendix to the report on the work of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region for 2009

List of control measures carried out by the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region in 2009


Name of the topic of the control event Name of the verified organization
1 External audit of budget reporting of chief administrators of regional budget funds for 2008 34 checks
2 External audit of the annual report on the budget execution of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Omsk Region for 2008 Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund of the Omsk Region
3 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region "Modernization and development of highways in the Omsk region until 2025" for 2008 Budgetary institution of the Omsk region "Department of Road Facilities of the Omsk Region"
4 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region "Development of mortgage lending in the Omsk region until 2010" for 2008 Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Complex of the Omsk Region
5 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region “Ensuring road safety in the Omsk region” for 2007-2012" for 2008 Budgetary healthcare institution of the Omsk region "Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine"
6 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region “Ensuring road safety in the Omsk region” for 2007-2012" for 2008, 1st quarter of 2009 Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region, recipients of budget funds
7 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region “Ensuring road safety in the Omsk region” for 2007-2012" for 2008 Ministry of Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports of the Omsk Region
8 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region “Ensuring road safety in the Omsk region” for 2007-2012" for 2008, 1st quarter of 2009 Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Omsk Region
9 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region “Ensuring road safety in the Omsk region” for 2007-2012" for 2008 Department of Internal Affairs for the Omsk Region
10 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target informatization program of the Omsk region “Electronic Region” for 2006 - 2008" for 2008 Ministry of Finance of the Omsk Region
11 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target informatization program of the Omsk region “Electronic Region” for 2006 - 2008" for 2008 Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
12 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target informatization program of the Omsk region “Electronic Region” for 2006 - 2008" for 2008 Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region
13 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target informatization program of the Omsk region “Electronic Region” for 2006 - 2008" for 2008 Ministry of Culture of the Omsk Region, subordinate institutions
14 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target informatization program of the Omsk region “Electronic Region” for 2006 - 2008" for 2008 Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region, subordinate institutions
15 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target informatization program of the Omsk region “Electronic Region” for 2006 - 2008" for 2008 Ministry of Industrial Policy, Transport and Communications of the Omsk Region
16 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target informatization program of the Omsk region “Electronic Region” for 2006 - 2008" for 2008 Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Omsk Region
17 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target informatization program of the Omsk region “Electronic Region” for 2006 - 2008" for 2008 Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Complex of the Omsk Region, Omsk Region
18 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target informatization program of the Omsk region “Electronic Region” for 2006 - 2008" for 2008 Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region
19 Checking the implementation of activities, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target informatization program of the Omsk region “Electronic Region” for 2006 - 2008" for 2008 Ministry of Industrial Policy, Transport and Communications of the Omsk Region (funds allocated to the Main Directorate of Information Technologies and Telecommunications of the Omsk Region)
20 Checking the implementation of activities and the use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region “Students of the Omsk region (2006-2008)” Ministry of Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports of the Omsk Region for 2007-2008 Ministry of Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports of the Omsk Region, recipients of budget funds
21 Inspection of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Omsk Region on the issue of effective and targeted use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of certain activities of the target program of the Omsk Region “Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food in the Omsk Region” for 2008-2012" for 2008 Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Omsk Region
22 Inspection of the Main Veterinary Directorate of the Omsk Region on the issue of targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for anti-epizootic measures of the target program of the Omsk Region “Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food in the Omsk Region” for 2008-2012" for 2008 Main Directorate of Veterinary Medicine of the Omsk Region, subordinate institutions
23 Inspection of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Sector of the Omsk Region on the issue of the effective and targeted use of funds for the implementation of measures for water supply to the population of the Omsk Region within the framework of the target program of the Omsk Region "Development of the housing and communal complex of the Omsk Region" for 2008-2010" for 2008 Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Complex of the Omsk Region, recipients of budget funds
24 Inspection of the Gorky municipal district of the Omsk region on the implementation of measures, targeted and effective use of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region "Development of the housing and communal services complex of the Omsk region" for 2008-2010" for 2008 Administration of the Gorky municipal district of the Omsk region
25 Verification of the Kormilovsky municipal district of the Omsk region on the execution of measures, the target and efficient use of the regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the subprogram the development of individual housing construction in the Omsk region as part of the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region housing for 2008-2010" For 2008 Administration of the Kormilovsky municipal district of the Omsk region
26 Verification of the Kalachinsky municipal district of the Omsk region on the implementation of measures, targeted and efficient use of the regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of the subprogram development of individual housing construction in the Omsk region as part of the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region housing for 2008-2010" For 2008 Administration of the Kalachinsky municipal district of the Omsk region
27 Verification and analysis of the activities of the Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region on the organization of the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region the formation of real estate and their management in the Omsk region for 2005-2008 According to the results of 2008 The Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region
28 Verification of the implementation of measures for the construction of a solid household waste training ground of the target program of the Omsk region ensuring environmental environmental safety when handling production and consumption waste for the period until 2010 For 2007-2008, Administration of the Omsk municipal district of the Omsk region
29 Verification of the implementation of measures for the construction of a solid household waste training ground of the target program of the Omsk region ensuring environmental environmental safety when handling production and consumption waste for the period until 2010 For 2007-2008, Administration of the Sargat municipal district of the Omsk region
30 Verification of the implementation of measures for the construction of a solid household waste training ground of the target program of the Omsk region ensuring environmental environmental safety when handling production and consumption waste for the period until 2010 For 2007-2008, Administration of the Tarsky municipal district of the Omsk region
31 checking the implementation of measures, targeted and efficient use of the regional budget funds allocated by the Kalachinsky municipal district of the Omsk region for the implementation of the subprogram resettlement of citizens from emergency housing funds, overhaul, reconstruction and modernization of residential buildings as part of the implementation of the target program of the Omsk region housing for 2008-2010" for 2008 and 1 quarter of 2009 Administration of the Kalachinsky city settlement of the Kalachinsky municipal district of the Omsk region
32 Verification of the Azov German National Municipal District of the Omsk Region on the implementation of the priority national project Education in 2008 and for 9 months of 2009 The Education Committee of the Azov German National Municipal District of the Omsk Region
33 Verification of the Azov German National Municipal District of the Omsk Region on the implementation of the priority national project Health in 2008 and for 9 months of 2009 municipal healthcare institution Azov Central District Hospital Omsk region
34 Verification of the Azov German National Municipal District of the Omsk Region on the implementation of the priority national project affordable and comfortable housing - Russian citizens in 2008 and for 9 months of 2009 Administration of the Azov German National Municipal District of the Omsk Region
35 Verification on the implementation of certain areas of the priority national project Education for 2008 and 1 quarter of 2009 The Budget Educational Institution of the Omsk Region Special (Correctional) School-boarding school No. 6 of the VIII type
36 Verification on the implementation of certain areas of the priority national project Education for 2008 and 1 quarter of 2009 The State Educational Institution of the Omsk Region Special (Correctional) School-boarding school No. 15 II of the type
37 Verification on the implementation of certain areas of the priority national project Education  for 2008 and 1 quarter of 2009 The State Educational Institution of the Omsk Region Special (Correctional) School No. 18 of the VIII type 
38 Verification of the Azov German National Municipal District of the Omsk Region for targeted and efficient use of funds received from the regional budget for section 11 inter -budget transfers ; in 2008 and for 9 months of 2009 Administration of the Azov German National Municipal District of the Omsk Region
The Education Committee of the Azov German National Municipal District of the Omsk Region
municipal healthcare institution Azov Central District Hospital Omsk region
    Agricultural Department of the Azov German National Municipal District of the Omsk Region
    The Culture Committee of the Azov German National Municipal District of the Omsk Region
39 Verification of the use of funds allocated from the regional budget for environmental protection in 2008 The Ministry of Industrial Policy, Transport and Communications of the Omsk Region
    The budget institution of the Omsk region Omsk forest management
    The budget institution of the Omsk region bird harbor
40 Verification and analysis of the results of the implementation of the Law of the Omsk Region On the management of the property of the Omsk region In terms of compliance with the provisions on the rental of property owned by the Omsk region, including the completeness of receipt of revenues to the regional budget from leasing real estate owned by the Omsk Region, for 2008 The Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region
41 Verification and analysis of the implementation by the Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region recommendations of the Committee on the Property of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region and the submission of the Control and Account Chamber of the Omsk Region on the improvement of management and increasing the efficiency of the Omsk Region based on the results of inspections carried out in 2007-2009 G. The Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region
42 Verification and analysis of the efficiency of the use of property of the Omsk region, transferred to the economic management of the state enterprise of the Omsk region Road repair and construction department No. 1 , based on the results of work for 2008 and 6 months of 2009 The State Enterprise of the Omsk Region Road Repair and Construction Management No. 1
43 Verification and analysis of the effectiveness of the stake package OJSC bridge repair and construction management , owned by the Omsk region for 2008 and the first half of 2009 OJSC bridge repair and construction management
44 Verification of the Ministry of State Law of the Omsk Region on the issue of effective and reasonable spending of the regional budget, allocated in 2008 as part of the targeted investment program of the Omsk region for the construction of the historical archive of the Omsk region in Omsk The Ministry of Law Development of the Omsk Region
45 Verification and analysis of the influence (effectiveness) of the implementation of the sectoral system of remuneration of employees of budgetary institutions for the results of the institutions The State Institution of the Omsk Region The Historical Archive of the Omsk Region
46 Verification and analysis of the influence (effectiveness) of the implementation of the sectoral system of remuneration of employees of budgetary institutions for the results of the institutions The budget institution of the Omsk region The emergency rescue service of the Omsk region
47 Verification and analysis of the influence (effectiveness) of the implementation of the sectoral system of remuneration of employees of budgetary institutions for the results of the institutions The budget institution of the Omsk Region Regional Public Relations Center
48 Verification and analysis of the influence (effectiveness) of the implementation of the sectoral system of remuneration of employees of budgetary institutions for the results of the institutions The budgetary institution of the Omsk region Economic Department of the Government of the Omsk Region
49 Verification of compliance with the procedure for introducing the industry system of remuneration of employees of budgetary healthcare institutions of the Omsk region The budget healthcare institution of the Omsk region Dental clinic
50 Verification of compliance with the procedure for introducing the industry system of remuneration of employees of budgetary healthcare institutions of the Omsk region The budget healthcare institution of the Omsk region Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine
51 Verification of compliance with the procedure for introducing the industry system of remuneration of employees of budgetary healthcare institutions of the Omsk region The budget healthcare institution of the Omsk Region Specialized House of the Child No. 4
52 Verification of compliance with the procedure for introducing the industry system of remuneration of employees of budgetary healthcare institutions of the Omsk region The State Healthcare Institution of the Omsk Region The Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region
53 Verification on the issue of effective and intended use of funds allocated from the regional budget to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region for 9 months of 2009 Office of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region in the Znamensky District of the Omsk Region
54 Verification on the issue of effective and intended use of funds allocated from the regional budget to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region for 9 months of 2009 Management of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region in the Nazyevsky District of the Omsk Region
55 Verification on the issue of effective and intended use of funds allocated from the regional budget to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region for 9 months of 2009 Office of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region in the Tarsky District of the Omsk Region
56 Verification on the issue of effective and intended use of funds allocated from the regional budget for the maintenance of special (correctional) institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region for 2008 The budget educational institution of the Omsk Region Special (Correctional) School-boarding school No. 5 for orphans and children left without parental care, with disabilities
57 Verification on the effective and intended use of funds allocated from the regional budget for the maintenance of special (correctional) institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region for 2008, 1 half of 2009 The Budget Educational Institution of the Omsk Region Special (Correctional) School-boarding school No. 3 of the VIII type
58 Verification on the effective and intended use of funds allocated from the regional budget for the maintenance of special (correctional) institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region for 2008, 1 half of 2009 The budget educational institution of the Omsk region a special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care, with disabilities No. 16 VIII type
59 Verification of budgetary institutions of social services of the Omsk region on the validity of the formation and execution of budget estimates, as well as the estimates of income and expenses by means received from entrepreneurial and other income, for 2008 and the first half of 2009 Budgetary Stationary Institution of Social Service of the Omsk Region Catherine-boarding house for elderly and disabled people
60 Verification of budgetary institutions of social services of the Omsk region on the validity of the formation and execution of budget estimates, as well as the estimates of income and expenses by means received from entrepreneurial and other income, for 2008 and 1 quarter of 2009 Budgetary Stationary Institution of Social Service of the Omsk Region Sosnovsky boarding house for the elderly and disabled
61 Verification of budgetary institutions of social services of the Omsk region on the validity of the formation and execution of budget estimates, as well as the estimates of income and expenses by means received from entrepreneurial and other income, for 2008 and 1 quarter of 2009 The budget institution of the Omsk Region Complex Center for Social Service of the Population Penates Central Administrative District
62 Verification of the spending of the regional budget allocated in 2008 for the provision of subsidies to citizens to pay for housing and utilities The State Institution of the Omsk Region The Regional Center for Housing Subsidies, Social Payments and Benefits
63 Verification of the execution of budget estimates for 2008 and the first half of 2009 in the state institution of the Omsk Region Center for Olympic Preparation for Boxing The State Institution of the Omsk Region The Center for Olympic Training in Boxing
64 Verification of the execution of budget estimates for 2008 and the first half of 2009 in the budget educational institution of the Omsk region of additional education of children Specialized Children and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve The budgetary educational institution of the Omsk region of additional education of children Specialized Children and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve
65 checking the targeted and effective use of funds allocated from the regional budget for the maintenance of the state institution of the Omsk region the Olympic training center for 2008 and 9 months of 2009 The State Institution of the Omsk Region The Center for Olympic Preparation for Swimming
66 Verification of the targeted and efficient use of regional property and funds allocated from the regional budget for the maintenance of the state institution of the Omsk region Omsk regional business incubator for 2008 and the first half of 2009 The State Institution of the Omsk Region Omsk Regional Business Incubator
67 Checking the effective and intended use of funds allocated from the regional budget for the maintenance of the budget healthcare institution of the Omsk Region Clinical dinosaurological dispensary for 2008 and the first half of 2009 The Budgetary Institution of Health of the Omsk Region Clinical Duns and Medical Dispensary
68 checking the effective and intended use of funds allocated from the regional budget for the maintenance of the budget healthcare institution of the Omsk Region Center for the prevention and control of AIDS and infectious diseases For 2008 The budget healthcare institution of the Omsk region Center for the prevention and combating of AIDS and infectious diseases
69 Verification of the Soviet Department of Internal Affairs in the Soviet Administrative District of Omsk on the reasonable and efficient use of the regional budget for 2008 Soviet Internal Affairs Directorate for CAO Omsk
70 Verification of the budget institution of the Omsk region editorial office of the newspaper Omsk Bulletin on issues of external verification of budget reporting, as well as the formation and use of income received from paid services and other income-generating activities for 2008 Budgetary institution of the Omsk region "Editorial office of the newspaper "Omsk Bulletin"
71 Verification of the budgetary healthcare institution of the Omsk region "Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after Dalmatov D.M." on the issue of spending regional budget funds allocated for the maintenance of the institution for 9 months of 2009 Budgetary healthcare institution of the Omsk region "Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after Dalmatov D.M."
72 Inspection on the issue of targeted and effective use of funds allocated from the regional budget for the maintenance of the state institution of the Omsk region "Omsk Regional Veterinary Laboratory" for the first half of 2009 State institution of the Omsk region "Omsk Regional Veterinary Laboratory"
73 Inspection of the municipal healthcare institution of the Omsk region "Mar'yanovskaya CRH" on the issue of justified expenditure of funds allocated from the regional budget for the repair of the infectious diseases department, the intensive care unit and the maternity ward for 2008 and the first half of 2009 Municipal healthcare institution of the Omsk region "Mar'yanovskaya CRH"
74 Checking the targeted use of regional budget funds allocated in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Omsk Region dated February 14, 2007 No. 20-p "On the distribution of funds from the regional municipal development fund, determined in 2007 to the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Omsk Region" to finance the following activities: construction of a water pipeline from the sewage treatment plant in the village of Kormilovka to the village of Borki, 3 km long; construction of a water pipeline to residential buildings 13, 15 on Beregovaya Street, s. Borki in 2007 Administration of Borchanskoye rural settlement of Kormilovsky municipal district of Omsk region
75 Inspection of the Temporary Detention Center for Juvenile Offenders of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Omsk Region on the issue of justified and effective use of regional budget funds for 2008 and 9 months of 2009 Temporary Detention Center for Juvenile Offenders of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Omsk Region
76 Inspection of the effectiveness of the use of income received from the provision of paid services and other income-generating activities for 2007, 2008 and 9 months of 2009 year Budgetary educational institution of the Omsk region of secondary vocational education "Omsk Pedagogical College No. 1"
77 Verification of the efficiency of using income received from the provision of paid services and other income-generating activities for 2007, 2008 and 9 months of 2009 Budgetary educational institution of the Omsk region of secondary vocational education "Omsk Technological College"
78 Verification of the efficiency of using income received from the provision of paid services and other income-generating activities for 2007, 2008 and 9 months of 2009 years Budgetary educational institution of the Omsk region of secondary vocational education "Omsk Musical and Pedagogical College"

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