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Law of the Omsk Region on Elections of Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

by the Omsk Region Civil
Code No. 161 on June 17, 2003
( as amended). dated 21.12.2015  No. 1836-OZ )

Article 1. Terms used in this Law

This Law uses the concepts and terms established by the Federal Law  "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum".

Article 2. Election of deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

1. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region  elected  on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a term of five years.
2. The number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region is determined  Charter  (Basic Law) of the Omsk Region. Of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, 50 percent are elected in single-mandate electoral districts formed in the territory of the Omsk Region under a single standard of representation, 50 percent - in a single regional electoral district in proportion to the number of votes cast for lists of candidates for deputies nominated by electoral associations.
(ed. Law  of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)

Article 3. Electoral rights of citizens

1. The right to elect deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region belongs to a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18 on the voting day, whose place of residence is located in the territory of the Omsk Region, including full-time students and registered at the place of stay in a hostel (at the location of an educational organization) in the territory of the Omsk Region.
(ed.  Law  Omsk Region of 10.12.2013 No. 1591-OZ)
A citizen whose place of residence is located on the territory of the Omsk Region within the relevant electoral district has an active right to vote in the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
(item 1 as amended.  Law  Omsk region of 02.06.2011 No. 1352-OZ)
2. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has the passive right to vote and has reached the age of 21 on the day of voting may be elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
3.Citizens who have been declared legally incompetent by a court, as well as those who are held in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict, have no right to vote or be elected.
4". Citizens of the Russian Federation are not eligible to be elected:
a) having the citizenship of a foreign state or a residence permit or other document confirming the right to permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of a foreign state;
b) those who have been sentenced to imprisonment for committing grave and (or) particularly grave crimes and who, as of the election day, have an outstanding criminal record for these crimes;
(item " b " in the ed. Law of the Omsk region of 02.06.2014 No. 1635-OZ)
b.1) persons sentenced to imprisonment for committing serious crimes, whose criminal record has been withdrawn or expunged, - until the expiration of ten years from the date of removal or expunging of the criminal record;
(subclause "b. 1" was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1635-OZ of 02.06.2014)
b.2) persons sentenced to imprisonment for committing particularly serious crimes, whose criminal record has been removed or expunged, - until the expiration of fifteen years from the date of removal or expunging of the criminal record;
(subclause "b.2" is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1635-OZ of 02.06.2014)c
) convicted of committing extremist crimes provided for in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and having an outstanding criminal record for these crimes as of the election day, if such persons are not covered by subclauses "b. 2" of the Law of the Omsk Region of 02.06.2014.1 " and "b. 2" of this paragraph;
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 02.06.2014 No. 1635-OZ)
d) subject to administrative punishment for committing administrative offenses provided for in Articles 20.3 and 20.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, if voting in elections takes place before the end of the period during which the person is considered to have been subjected to administrative punishment;
(ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 06.12.2007 No. 979-OZ)
e) in respect of which a court decision that has entered into force has established the fact of violating the restrictions provided for in item 1 of Article 56 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum", or committing actions provided for in subitem "g" of item 7 and subitem " g " of item 8 of Article 76 of Federal Law, if the specified violations or actions were committed before the election day during the term of office of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region established by law.
(item 4 as amended. Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
5. If the period of validity of the restrictions on passive suffrage provided for in sub-paragraphs " b. 1 "and" b.2 " of paragraph 4 of this Article expires during the election campaign before the election day, a citizen whose passive suffrage has been restricted may, in accordance with the procedure established by law, be nominated as a candidate in these elections.
(item 5 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk region of 02.06.2014 N 1635-OZ)
6. If the act for which the citizen was convicted is not recognized as a grave or particularly grave crime in accordance with the new criminal law, the restrictions on passive suffrage provided for in subclauses "b", "b.1" and "b.2" of paragraph 4 of this Article are terminated from the date of entry into force of this criminal law. the law.
(Item 6 was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1635-OZ of 02.06.2014)
7. If a serious crime for which a citizen has been convicted is recognized as a particularly serious crime in accordance with the new criminal law, or if a particularly serious crime for which a citizen has been convicted is recognized as a serious crime in accordance with the new criminal law, the restrictions on passive suffrage provided for in subclauses "b.1" and "b.2" are applied.2" of paragraph 4 of this article, are valid until the expiration of ten years from the date of removal or repayment of the criminal record.
(Item 7 was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1635-OZ of 02.06.2014)

Article 4. Appointment of elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
(as amended by the Federal Law). Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)

1. The appointment and conduct of elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region within the time limits established by federal laws, the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk Region and this Law are mandatory.
2. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region appoints the election of deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
The decision to call the election of deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region must be made by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region not earlier than 100 days and not later than 90 days before the voting day. The decision to call the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region is subject to official publication in the mass media no later than five days after its adoption.
If the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region does not call an election within the prescribed period, the election is called in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".
3. The day of voting in elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region is the second Sunday in September of the year in which the term of office of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region expires, and if the term of office expires in the year of holding elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the next convocation, - the day of voting in these elections, except for the cases provided for in paragraphs 4 and 5 of this article.
4. Voting in the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region may be scheduled only for Sunday. It is not allowed to schedule voting on a non-working holiday, on the day preceding it, on the day following a non-working holiday, or on a Sunday that is declared a working day in accordance with the established procedure. If the second Sunday of September, on which the election is to be scheduled, coincides with a non-working holiday, or the day preceding it, or the day following a non-working holiday, or the second Sunday of September is declared a working day in accordance with the established procedure, the election is scheduled for the third Sunday of September.
5. In case of early termination of the powers of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region or deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, which entails the lack of competence of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, early elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region must be held no later than six months from the date of such early termination of
The decision to call early elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region is subject to official publication in the mass media no later than five days from the date of its adoption.
6. When calling early elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, the time limits for carrying out electoral actions established by this Law may be reduced by no more than one-third.


Article 5. Registration of voters
1.All voters are subject to registration (registration).
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
2. Registration (registration) of voters residing on the territory of the relevant municipality is carried out by the head of the local administration of the municipal district or city district. The basis for registration (registration) of voters in the territory of a municipality is the fact that the place of residence (in the case of internally displaced persons - the fact of temporary stay) of voters is located in the relevant territory. This fact is established on the basis of information provided by the bodies that register citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
3. Registration (registration) of military personnel voters, their family members and other voters residing within the location of a military unit is carried out by the commander of the military unit. The basis for registration (registration) of this category of voters is the fact that their place of residence is located within the location of a military unit, established on the basis of information provided by the relevant service of the military unit.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
4. Registration of voters and determination of the number of registered voters are carried out as of January 1 and July 1 of each year using the GAS "Vybory".
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
5. State authorities of the Omsk Region provide assistance to local self-government bodies of the Omsk Region and election commissions in implementing measures for registering (recording) voters and clarifying information about registered voters.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
6. A voter has the right to unhindered access to documented information (personal data) about himself / herself, including information stored on machine-readable media, to clarify this information in order to ensure its completeness and reliability, and also has the right to know who and for what purposes uses or has used this information, by whom and to whom it is used provided.
(item 6 was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 728-OZ of 30.12.2005)

Article 6. Compilation of voter lists

1. Voter lists are compiled by the relevant territorial (precinct) election commissions on the basis of information obtained using the state system of registration (registration) of voters and submitted in accordance with paragraph 4  this Article.
(ed.  Law Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
2". The voter lists include citizens of the Russian Federation who have an active right to vote on the voting day.
3. The basis for including a citizen of the Russian Federation in the list of voters at a particular electoral precinct is the fact that his place of residence is located on the territory of this precinct, and in cases provided for by the Federal Law  "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", this Law - the fact of temporary stay of the citizen in the territory of the Russian Federation. this precinct (if the citizen has an active electoral right) or if the citizen has an absentee certificate. The fact of finding a place of residence or temporary stay of a citizen on the territory of a certain electoral precinct is established by the registration authorities of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and in cases stipulated by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of electoral rights and the right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum", this Law, and other authorized bodies, organizations, and officials.
(ed. Omsk region No. 728-OZ dated 30.12.2005)
4". Information about voters is generated and specified by the head of the local administration of a municipal district or city district. Information about voters - military personnel who are in a military unit, their family members and other voters, if they live on the territory of the location of the military unit or are registered in accordance with the established procedure at the military unit at their place of service, is formed and specified by the commander of the military unit. The specified information is sent by the head of the local administration of a municipal district, city district, or military unit commander to the relevant territorial election commissions immediately after the election day is set.
(ed.  Law  Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
5. The list of voters is drawn up by the relevant territorial election commission, including using the GAS "Vybory", separately for each polling station on the basis of information provided in accordance with the established form by the head of the local administration of a municipal district, city district, or the commander of a military unit.
(ed.  Law  Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
6. A citizen of the Russian Federation is included in the list of voters only at one polling station. If a territorial election commission determines that a citizen of the Russian Federation has been included in the voter lists at different polling stations in the same election, the relevant commission, before submitting the voter lists to the precinct election commissions, works to eliminate errors or inaccuracies in these lists.
(ed.  Law  Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
7. The list of voters is drawn up in two copies. Information about voters included in the list of voters is arranged in alphabetical or other order (by localities, streets, houses, apartments). The list includes the last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth (if the voter is 18 years old - additionally the day and month of birth), and the address of the voter's place of residence. The list of voters should include places for the voter to put down the series and number of his / her passport or a document replacing a citizen's passport, a signature for each ballot received by the voter, a signature of the member of the precinct election commission who issued the ballot (s) to the voter, as well as for entering summary data on the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in both single-member and multi-member categories. the same applies to a single regional electoral district.
(ed.  Law  Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
8. The first copy of the list of voters is made in typewritten form, signed by the chairman and secretary of the territorial election commission that compiled the list, and certified with the seal of this commission.
9. At electoral precincts established on the territory of a military unit, the list of voters is drawn up by the precinct election commission, signed by its chairman and secretary, and sealed with the seal of this commission.
Law  Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904" - OZ)
10. The procedure and time limits for making and using the second copy of the voter list, transmitting it to the relevant precinct election commission, certifying it, and clarifying it are determined by the Omsk Region Election Commission.
11. The relevant territorial election commission submits the first copy of the list of voters of a particular polling station to the precinct election commissions in accordance with the act no later than 10 days before the voting day.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005  No. 728-OZ , of 17.07.2013  No. 1557-OZ )
The precinct election commission has the right to divide the first copy of the list of voters into separate books. Each such book must be reset (stitched) no later than the day preceding the voting day, which is confirmed by the seal of the relevant precinct election commission and the signature of its chairman.
12. The precinct election commission submits the list of voters 10 days before the voting day for familiarization of voters and its additional clarification, and in cases of drawing up the list of voters later than this period, provided for by the Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. paragraph 2 of Article 8  this Law, - immediately after drawing up the list of voters.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ , of 02.06.2011  No. 1352-OZ , of 08.04.2013  No. 1532-OZ , of 17.07.2013  No. 1557-OZ )
13. The verified and updated list of voters is signed by the chairman and secretary of the precinct election commission no later than the day preceding the voting day and is certified with the seal of this commission.
14". A citizen of the Russian Federation who has an active electoral right has the right to apply to the precinct election commission with an application for inclusion in the list of voters, about any error or inaccuracy in the information about him entered in the list of voters. Within 24 hours, and on the day of voting within two hours from the moment of the application, but not later than the moment of the end of voting, the precinct election commission is obliged to check the information provided by the applicant and the submitted documents and either eliminate the error or inaccuracy, or make a decision to reject the application with an indication of the reasons for such rejection, handing over a certified copy of this decision to the applicant. A decision of a precinct election commission to reject an application for inclusion of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the list of voters may be appealed to a higher commission or to a court in accordance with federal law. If a decision is made to satisfy the complaint (application), the correction in the list of voters is made by the precinct election commission immediately. Exclude a citizen of the Russian Federation from the list of voters after it is signed by the chairmen and secretaries of the relevant territorial (precinct) election commissions and certified by the seals of these commissions in accordance with the procedure provided  paragraphs 8  and  this Article, only on the basis of official documents, including a message from a higher commission about the inclusion of a voter in the list of voters at another polling station as well as in the case of issuing an absentee certificate to the voter. At the same time, the list of voters and the database of GAS "Vybory" indicate the date of exclusion of a citizen of the Russian Federation from the list, as well as the reason for such exclusion. The entry in the list of voters is certified by the signature of the chairman of the precinct election commission, and when issuing an absentee certificate-by the signature of the commission member who issued the absentee certificate, indicating the date of making this signature. Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to inform the precinct election commission about changes in the information specified in item 5 of Article 16 Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" about voters included in the list of voters at the relevant polling station.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ , of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ )
15. By the decision of the precinct election commission, voters who are in places of temporary stay, work at enterprises with a continuous work cycle and are engaged in certain types of work where it is impossible to reduce the duration of work (shifts), as well as voters from among military personnel who are located outside the location of a military unit, may be included in the list of voters at their temporary stay is based on a personal written application submitted to the precinct election commission no later than 3 days before the voting day. information about this is transmitted to the precinct election commission, where this voter is included in the list of voters at the place of residence, through the relevant territorial election commission. The precinct election commission makes a note in the column" Special marks "of the list of voters:" Included in the list of voters at polling station No. _ _ _ " with the indication of the number of the polling station.
(ed.  Law Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
15.1. At polling stations formed in accordance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation. By paragraph 2 of Article 8  In accordance with the provisions of this Law, at railway stations and airports, voter lists are drawn up on the day of voting. Voters who are in the specified places on the voting day are included in the voter lists upon presentation of an absentee certificate.
(Clause 15.1 is introduced  by the Law  of the Omsk Region No. 1325-OZ of 04/02/2011; as amended.  Law  of the Omsk region of 08.04 " .2013 No. 1532-OZ)
15.2. Voters who study full-time and are registered at the place of stay in the hostel (at the location of the educational organization) are included in the voter lists at the location of the hostel (educational organization). Information about this is transmitted to the precinct election commission of the polling station where the given voter is included in the list of voters at the place of residence, through the relevant territorial election commission. The precinct election commission in the column "Special marks" of the list of voters makes a note: "Included in the list of voters at the polling station No. _ _ _" with an indication of the number of the polling station.
(clause 15.2 is introduced Law Omsk region of 02.06.2011 No. 1352-OZ; as amended.  Law Omsk Region No. 1591-OZ of 10.12.2013)
16.It is prohibited to make any changes to the voter lists after the end of voting and the beginning of counting of votes.

Article 7. Formation of electoral districts

1. For holding elections of 50 percent of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, single-mandate electoral districts are formed in the territory of the Omsk Region according to a single standard of representation.
The uniform representation rate is established by dividing the number equal to the number of citizens of the Russian Federation who have an active right to vote in the election of deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in accordance with the Federal Law "On Elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region". the Law "On Basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum", this Law, for a number equal to the total number of single-member electoral districts formed in the territory of the Omsk Region for the election of 50 percent of deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
For holding elections of 50 percent of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in proportion to the number of votes cast for lists of candidates for deputies nominated by electoral associations, a single regional electoral district is determined, which includes the entire territory of the Omsk Region.
(ed.  Law Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
Paragraphs are excluded. - Law Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ.
1.1. Single-mandate electoral districts are formed for a period of ten years on the basis of data on the number of voters registered in the territory of the Omsk Region in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 5 this Law.
The Election Commission of the Omsk Region determines and submits to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region the scheme of single-member electoral districts and its graphic representation. The map of single-member electoral districts should indicate their borders, define the list of administrative-territorial divisions, or municipalities, or localities that are included in each electoral district (if the electoral district includes part of the territory of an administrative-territorial unit, or municipality, or locality, the map should indicate the borders of this area). parts of the territory of an administrative division, municipality, or locality), and the number of each electoral district is indicated, the number of voters in each electoral district.
The new scheme of single-member electoral districts is determined and submitted to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region no later than 80 days before the expiration of the period for which the previous scheme of single-member electoral districts was approved. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region approves a new scheme of single-member electoral districts no later than 20 days before the expiration of the period for which the previous scheme of single-member electoral districts was approved, and the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region has the right to make amendments to it before approving the submitted scheme of single-member electoral districts.
(clause 1.1 is introduced  by the Law  of the Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 no. 1836-OZ)
1.2. If the new scheme of single-member electoral districts is not approved by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region within the time period specified in  clause 1.1  this Article, including due to the absence of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, it is approved by the Election Commission of the Omsk region no later than one month after the expiration of the period specified in  paragraph 1.1  of this Article.
(paragraph 1.2 is introduced  by the Law  of the Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
2. Single-mandate electoral districts cover in their entirety the entire territory of the Omsk Region and are formed in compliance with the requirements established by the Federal  Law  "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum". The list of territories where single-mandate electoral districts may be formed from territories that do not border each other is set out in Appendix No. 1 to this Law.
3. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region shall publish (make public) the scheme of single-member electoral districts, including its graphic representation, in official publications intended for the official publication of regulatory legal acts of the Omsk Region, no later than 5 days after its approval.
4". If the scheme of single-member electoral districts cannot be applied during elections due to changes in the provisions of the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk Region that establish the number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region and (or) the type of electoral system used in elections, as well as due to changes in the boundaries of the municipality, Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region may, on the recommendation of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, approve a new scheme of single-member electoral districts no later than 30 days after the entry into force of the relevant provisions The (Basic Law) of the Omsk Region. If the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region does not approve a new scheme of single-member electoral districts within the specified period, including due to the absence of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, such a scheme is approved by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region no later than 10 days after the expiration of the specified period.
(clause 4 " introduced Law Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)

Article 8. Formation of electoral precincts (as amended).  Law Omsk region of 08.04 " .2013 No. 1532-OZ)

1. Electoral precincts are formed in accordance with  Article 19  of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum". Clarification of the list of electoral precincts and their boundaries in cases stipulated by the Federal  Law  "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum" is carried out no later than 10 days after the official publication of the decision on calling the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
(ed.  Law  of the Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
2. In places of temporary stay of voters (hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes, railway stations, airports, places of detention of suspects and accused persons, and other places of temporary stay), electoral precincts may be formed by the territorial election commission for a period established by it no later than 30 days before the voting day, and in exceptional cases, in agreement with the Territorial Election commission, the Territorial election commission By the Election Commission of the Omsk Region-no later than three days before the voting day. Such electoral precincts are included in the electoral districts where they are located.
(ed. Law Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
3. Military personnel vote at general polling stations.
Electoral precincts may be formed in military units located in separate or remote military camps (territories). In these cases, electoral precincts are formed by the commanders of military units in coordination with the relevant territorial election commission within the time period established paragraph 2 this Article.
4". The lists of polling stations, indicating their boundaries (if the polling station formed part of the territory of the settlement) or a list of locations (if the polling station was established on the territories of one or more settlements), numbers, locations of district election commissions and polling stations should be published by head of the local administration of the municipal district, urban district no later than 40 days before election day.
Information on electoral precincts established in accordance with  paragraphs 2 "  and 3  of this Article, are brought to the attention of voters by the relevant precinct election commissions not later than 2 " days before the voting day.


Article 9. Election commission system

1. The following election commissions shall ensure the preparation and conduct of elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region and the exercise and protection of the electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation during their preparation and conduct:
Election Commission of the Omsk region;
district election commissions;
territorial election commissions;
precinct election commissions.
2. The Election Commission of the Omsk Region is the superior body for district, territorial and precinct election commissions.
3. The district election commission is the superior one for precinct and territorial election commissions operating in the territory of the corresponding single-mandate electoral district.
4. The territorial election Commission is the superior one for the precinct election commissions operating in the respective territory.
5. Decisions of a higher election commission taken within its competence are binding on lower-level election commissions.

Article 10. Status of election commissions

1. Election commissions, within the competence established by federal laws, this Law, and other laws of the Omsk Region, are independent of state authorities and local self-government bodies.
2. The powers and procedures of election commissions formed for the preparation and conduct of elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region are established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", this Law, and other regional laws.
3. Decisions and other acts of commissions adopted within their competence are binding on the relevant executive authorities, state institutions, local self-government bodies, candidates, electoral associations, public associations, organizations, officials, and voters.
(ed.  Law Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
4". State bodies, local self-government bodies, state and municipal institutions, as well as their officials, organizations that have a state and (or) municipal share in their authorized (pooled) capital exceeding 30 percent as of the day of official publication (publication) of the decision on calling (holding) elections, their officials are required to provide assistance to the commissions assistance in exercising their powers in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".
(ed. Law Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
State organizations engaged in television and / or radio broadcasting (hereinafter referred to as TV and radio broadcasting organizations) and editorial offices of state periodicals are obliged to provide airtime to the commissions free of charge for informing voters in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", print space for publishing commission decisions and other information. At the same time, expenditures of TV and radio broadcasting organizations and editorial offices of state periodicals are carried out in accordance with the procedure established item 10 of Article 50 Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".
(ed.  Law Omsk Region of 08.12.2009 No. 1210-OZ)
5. State bodies, local self-government bodies, public associations, organizations of all forms of ownership, including TV and radio broadcasting organizations, editorial offices of periodicals, as well as officials of these bodies and organizations are required to provide the commissions with the necessary information and materials, to respond to requests from commissions in accordance with the procedure and terms established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights". the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum. "
6. If a candidate or electoral association violates the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", this Law, the relevant commission may issue a warning to this candidate or electoral association, which is communicated to voters, referendum participants through the mass media or in any other way.
(clause 6 is introduced Law Omsk region No. 728-OZ dated 30.12.2005)
7. A decision of the commission that contradicts the law or is made in excess of the established competence is subject to cancellation by a higher commission or court. At the same time, the higher commission has the right to make a decision on the merits of the issue or send the relevant materials to the lower commission, whose decision was canceled, for reconsideration. If the lower-level commission does not re-examine the issue, the decision on the merits of this issue may be made by the higher-level commission.
(clause 7 is introduced Law Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)

Article 11. Procedure for forming the Election Commission of the Omsk region

The procedure for forming an Election Commission of the Omsk Region is established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" and the regional law.

Article 12. Procedure for forming district election commissions

1. District election commissions are formed to conduct elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in single - mandate electoral districts no later than 85 days before the voting day, consisting of 11-17 voting members. The number of members of a particular district election commission is determined by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ , of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ )
2. The formation of district election commissions is carried out by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region on the basis of proposals from political parties that have put forward lists of candidates eligible for distribution of deputy mandates in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, as well as proposals from representative bodies of municipalities,
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region from 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ , from 06.10.2009 No. 1190-OZ , from 21.07.2010 No. 1275-OZ , from 08.04".2013  No. 1532-OZ , dated 08.10.2014 "  No. 1668-OZ )
In the event of early termination of the powers of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation or the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, the right to submit proposals for candidates to commissions is reserved for electoral associations that have nominated lists of candidates allowed to distribute deputy mandates in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation or the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the last convocation.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005  No. 728-OZ , of 06.10.2009  No. 1190-OZ , of 21.07.2010  No. 1275-OZ , from 08.04".2013  No. 1532-OZ , from 08.10.2014"  No. 1668-OZ )
The election commission of the Omsk region is obliged to appoint at least one-second of the total number of members of the district election commission based on the received proposals:
a) political parties that have put forward federal lists of candidates eligible for distribution of deputy mandates in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region No. 1190-OZ of 06.10.2009 , No. 1532-OZ  of 08.04".2013
b) political parties that have put forward lists of candidates eligible for distribution of deputy mandates in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region from 21.07.2010 No. 1275-OZ , from 08.10.2014 " No. 1668-OZ )
In case of early termination of the powers of a member of the commission appointed on the recommendation of a political party whose list of candidates is allowed to distribute deputy mandates in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation or in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region at the time of early termination of powers, the vacant seat is filled on the proposal of the same political party (if the corresponding candidate is submitted by it not later than one month before the date of early termination of powers). three days before the expiration of the time limits specified in Article 29  of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum").
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region from 06.10.2009  No. 1190-OZ , from 21.07.2010  No. 1275-OZ , from 08.04 ".2013  No. 1532-OZ , from 08.10.2014"  No. 1668-OZ )
No more than one voting member from each political party, electoral association, or other public association may be appointed to the district election commission. A political party, electoral association, or other public association may not simultaneously propose several candidates for appointment to the same commission.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005  No. 728-OZ , of 08.04 " .2013  No. 1532-OZ )
Before appointing a citizen of the Russian Federation to a district election commission, the Election Commission of the Omsk Region must obtain his / her written consent to join this commission.
Proposals on the composition of the district election commission in writing are submitted to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region within 10 days from the date of publication of the decision on calling the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. Proposals will not be considered after this deadline.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 08.04 " .2013 No. 1532-OZ , of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ )
3. The Chairman of the district election commission is appointed from among its voting members and dismissed directly by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region.
The Deputy Chairman and secretary of the district election commission are elected by secret ballot at its first meeting from among the voting members of the district election commission.
4". The term of office of district election commissions expires two months after the official publication of the election results, if the Election Commission of the Omsk Region has not received complaints (applications) about the actions (inaction) of this commission, as a result of which the procedure for counting votes was violated, or if judicial proceedings are not conducted on these facts. In case of appeal against the results of voting on the territory of an electoral district or election results, the powers of the district election commission are terminated from the date of adoption by the Election Commission of the Omsk region of a decision or from the date of entry into force of a court decision on a complaint (application).
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)

Article 13. Procedure for forming territorial election commissions

Territorial election commissions operate on a permanent basis. The formation of territorial election commissions is carried out by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum".
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)

Article 14. Procedure for the formation of precinct election commissions
(as amended). Law of the Omsk region of 08.04.2013 No. 1532-OZ)

Precinct election commissions are formed by territorial election commissions in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" and the regional law.

Article 15. Status of election commission members

The status of election commission members is determined in accordance with article 29 Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".

Article 16. Powers of the Omsk Region Election Commission

The powers of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region in preparing and conducting elections of deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region are determined by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", the regional law.

Article 17. Powers of the District Election Commission

District Election Commission:
a) exercise control over the observance of the electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in the territory of a single-mandate electoral district;
(ed.  Law Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
b) interacts with state authorities and local self-government bodies of the Omsk Region on issues related to the preparation and conduct of elections in a single-mandate electoral district;
(ed.  Law Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
c) performs registration of candidates;
d) approves the text of the ballot in a single-mandate electoral district;
(ed.  law  Omsk Region No. 1836-OZ dated 21.12.2015)
e) register proxies of candidates nominated in single-mandate electoral districts, as well as representatives of these candidates on financial issues;
Law Omsk Region No. 774-OZ of 24.07.2006)
f) implements measures in the territory of a single-mandate electoral district to ensure a unified procedure for voting, counting votes, establishing voting results, determining election results, as well as the procedure for publishing voting results and election results;
(ed.  Law Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
g) determine the results of elections in a single-mandate electoral district;
(ed.  Law Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
h) publishes (makes public) in the relevant mass media, the results of elections in a single-mandate electoral district;
(ed.  Law Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
i) provides legal, organizational and technical assistance to lower-level election commissions;
k) consider complaints (applications) about decisions and actions (inaction) of lower-level election commissions and make reasoned decisions on these complaints (applications);
k) exercise other powers in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", the regional law.

Article 18. Powers of the Territorial Election Commission

Territorial Election Commission:
a) exercise control over the observance of the electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation
in the relevant territory; b) ensure compliance with the standards of technological equipment (voting booths, voting boxes) for precinct commissions in the relevant territory;
(ed.  Law Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
c) ensure that the relevant territory implements measures related to the preparation and conduct of elections, the development of the electoral system in the Russian Federation, the introduction, operation and development of automation tools, legal training of voters, professional training of members of election commissions and other election organizers;
d) implement measures in the relevant territory to comply with the unified procedure for determining voting results;
e) distribute funds allocated to it from the regional budget for financial support of the preparation and conduct of elections, monitor the intended use of these funds;
f) provide methodological, organizational and technical assistance to lower-level election commissions;
g) hear reports from the executive authorities of the Omsk region and local self-government bodies of the Omsk region on issues related to the preparation and conduct of elections;
h) consider complaints (applications) about decisions and actions (inaction) of lower-level election commissions and make reasoned decisions on these complaints(applications);
i) prepare and transmit voter lists to precinct election commissions;
j) jointly with district election commissions monitor compliance by candidates and electoral associations with the conditions of election campaigning established by Federal  Law  "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", by this Law;
(ed. Law Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
l) in accordance with the procedure approved by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, ensures the storage, transfer to archives, and destruction of election documents;
m) forms precinct election commissions and appoints their chairmen;
n) organizes the delivery of ballots and other documents to precinct election commissions;
n.1) issues absentee certificates;
(clause "n. 1" is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
o) establish the results of voting in the relevant territory, transmit protocols on the results of voting in elections to the relevant district election commission;
p) inform voters about the timing and procedure for carrying out electoral actions, the course of the election campaign, candidates, electoral associations that nominated candidates, lists of candidates;
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
p) immediately notify candidates, electoral associations or their authorized representatives of any complaints received in connection with their violation of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", this Law;
c) accept explanations from candidates and electoral associations on the facts of their violation of the Federal ;
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
t) considers appeals received during the election campaign about violations of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum", this Law, conducts checks on these appeals and gives written answers to the persons who sent the appeals within five days but not later than the day preceding the voting day, and for applications received on the voting day or on the day following the voting day - immediately;
u) apply to law enforcement agencies and other bodies in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 20 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation" and this Law on conducting appropriate inspections and suppressing violations of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum citizens of the Russian Federation";
f) exercise other powers in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", the regional law.

Article 19. Powers of the precinct election commission

Precinct Election Commission:
a) inform the public about the address and telephone number of the precinct election commission, its working hours, as well as the day, time and place of voting;
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
b) clarifies the list of voters, familiarizes voters with this list, considers applications for errors and inaccuracies in this list and decides on making appropriate changes to it;
c) ensures the preparation of voting premises, voting boxes and other equipment;
d) ensure that voters are informed about registered candidates and electoral associations that have registered lists of candidates;
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
e) monitors compliance with the procedure for conducting pre-election campaigning on the territory of the polling station;
f) issues absentee ballots;
g) organizes voting at the polling station on the voting day;
h) counts votes, determines the results of voting at the polling station, draws up a protocol on the results of voting and transmits the results of voting to the send it to the territorial election commission;
i) announce the results of voting at the polling station and issue certified copies of the protocol on voting results to the persons who monitored the voting process;
Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum", this Law, and takes reasoned decisions on these complaints (applications); k) has
lost its validity. - The Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ;
m) ensures the storage and transfer to higher election commissions of documents related to the preparation and conduct of elections;
m) exercises other powers in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum", the regional law.

Article 20. Disbandment of the Election Commission

1. An election commission may be disbanded by a court on the grounds and in accordance with the procedure provided for by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".
2. The formation of an election commission after a court makes a decision to disband it is carried out in accordance with the procedure and terms established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".
3. The dissolution of an election commission shall not entail the termination of the powers of its members with the right of advisory vote.

Article 21. Organization of activities of election commissions

The activities of election commissions are organized in accordance with Article 28 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".

Article 22. Transparency in the activities of election commissions

1. The activities of election commissions in preparing and conducting elections, counting votes, determining the results of voting, and determining elections are carried out openly and publicly in accordance with the requirements of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".
2. Decisions of election commissions directly related to the preparation and conduct of elections shall be published in full in state or municipal periodicals in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", this Law, and also transmitted to other mass media that do not no later than three days after their acceptance. When publishing (bringing to the attention) decisions of election commissions containing information about candidates, the series and number of the candidate's passport or document replacing the citizen's passport, the date of its issue, the name or code of the body that issued the passport or document replacing the citizen's passport are not subject to publication, and the name of the subject of the Russian Federation is indicated instead of the address of the candidate's place of residence., district, city, or other locality where the person's place of residence is located.
(ed. The Law of the Omsk region of 19.11.2010 No. 1305-OZ)
Decisions of election commissions directly related to the preparation and conduct of elections may be brought to the attention of voters by other means determined by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, to the extent and within the time limits established by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region.
3. The provision of airtime by TV and radio broadcasting organizations to electoral commissions for informing voters in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" is carried out on the basis of applications from election commissions within three days, and five days before the voting day - immediately.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 08.12.2009 No. 1210-OZ)
4". The editorial offices of state and municipal periodicals shall provide printed space to election commissions for publishing decisions and acts of election commissions and placing other printed information on the basis of applications of election commissions within three days, and five days before the voting day - immediately.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 08.12.2009 No. 1210-OZ)


Article 23. Right to nominate candidates

1. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have a passive right to vote in the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region may be nominated as candidates directly or as part of a list of candidates.
Direct nomination of candidates may be carried out by self-nomination, nomination by an electoral association.
(ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
Candidates may be nominated as part of the list of candidates by a political party that has the right to participate in elections in accordance with federal law, or by its regional branch that has the right to participate in elections in accordance with federal law.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 06.10.2009 No. 1190-OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
2. During repeated and additional elections, a person who is a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region may not be nominated as a candidate to fill a vacant deputy mandate in the current Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
3. A candidate may not be nominated in the same election in several electoral districts. This rule does not apply when a candidate is nominated by the same electoral association simultaneously in the same elections in a single-mandate electoral district and as part of the list of candidates in a single regional electoral district.
4. A candidate may not consent to the nomination of more than one initiator of the nomination in the same election.

Article 24. Conditions for nominating candidates (lists of candidates)

1. The following persons shall be notified about the nomination of citizens of the Russian Federation in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum":
in respect of a candidate in a single-mandate electoral district - the relevant district election commission;
in respect of candidates on the list of candidates in a single regional electoral district - the Election Commission of the Omsk Region.
Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
2. The relevant election commission is considered notified of the nomination of a candidate, and the candidate is considered nominated, and acquires the rights and obligations of the candidate provided for by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum", this Law, after receiving a written application from the nominated person for consent to run with the obligation, in the event of his election, to stop activities incompatible with the status of a deputy. The application must contain the surname, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, address of residence, series, number and date of issue of the passport or document replacing the citizen's passport, name or code of the body that issued the passport or document replacing the citizen's passport, taxpayer identification number (if any), citizenship, information about professional education (if any) with an indication of the organization performing the educational activity, the year of its completion and the details of the document of education and qualification, the main place of work or service, current position (in case of absence of the main place of work or service - occupation). If the candidate is a deputy and exercises his / her powers on a non-permanent basis, the application must contain information about this and the name of the relevant representative body. A candidate may indicate in the application his / her affiliation to a political party or no more than one other public association registered not later than one year before the voting day in accordance with the procedure established by law, and his / her status in this political party or public association, provided that a document confirming the specified information and signed by the authorized representative of the a person of a political party, other public association, or an authorized person of the relevant structural subdivision of the political party, another public association.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
If the candidate had or has a criminal record, the application provided for in this paragraph shall contain information about the candidate's criminal record, and if the criminal record is removed or expunged, also information about the date of removal or expungement of the criminal record.
(ed. Federal Law of the Omsk Region of 02.06.2014 No. 1635-OZ)
(item 2 as amended by the Federal Law of the Omsk Region of 02.06.2014 No. 1635-OZ). Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
2.1. The following documents are attached to the application provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article:
a) a copy of the passport (individual pages of the passport determined by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation) or a document replacing the citizen's passport;
b) copies of documents confirming the information specified in the application about education, main place of work or service, position held (occupation), as well as that the candidate is a deputy.
(clause 2.1 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1668-OZ of 08.10.2014)
3. Together with the application referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, the relevant election commission must be provided with information on the amount and sources of income of the candidate (each candidate from the list of candidates), as well as on the property belonging to the candidate (each candidate from the list of candidates) on the right of ownership (including joint ownership), on deposits in banks and securities. The specified information is provided in accordance with Appendix 1 to the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", which may include additional information if it is provided for by federal law. Together with the application provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article, the following documents drawn up in accordance with the form provided for by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation must also be submitted to the relevant election commission:
(ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
a) information on immovable property belonging to the candidate, his / her spouse and minor children located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, on the sources of receipt of funds from which the said property was acquired, on property-related obligations outside the territory of the Russian Federation of the candidate, as well as information on such obligations of his / her spouse and minor children;
b) information on their expenses, as well as on the expenses of their spouse and minor children for each transaction for the acquisition of a land plot, other real estate object, vehicle, securities, shares (participation interests, shares in the authorized (pooled) capitals of organizations) made during the last three years, if the transaction amount exceeds the total income of the candidate and his / her spouse for the last three years preceding the transaction, and the sources of funds received from which the transaction was made.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region from 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, from 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ, from 04.02.2011 No. 1325-OZ, from 17.07.2013 No. 1557-OZ)
3.1. The candidate is obliged to close accounts (deposits), stop storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and (or) alienate foreign financial instruments by the time of submitting the documents required for registration of the candidate and the list of candidates.
(Clause 3.1 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region of 28.05.2015 No. 1748-OZ)
4. Together with the documents specified in paragraphs 2, 2.1 and 3 this Article, the list of candidates nominated by an electoral association for a single regional electoral district is submitted to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region. Simultaneously with the list of candidates nominated by the political party, as well as with the list of candidates nominated by the regional branch of the political party (if this is provided for by the charter of the political party), a list of citizens included in the corresponding list of candidates and members of this political party, officially certified by the permanent governing body of the political party or its regional branch, is submitted to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region. parties.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region from 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, from 31.10.2006 No. 796-OZ, from 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ, from 19.11.2010 No. 1305-OZ, from 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ, from 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
5. A of this Article to the relevant election commission in person, except for the cases established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum". The documents specified in paragraph 4 of this Article shall be submitted to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region by an authorized representative of the electoral association.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ, of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
5.1. If a person is nominated as a candidate, including as part of the list of candidates, who is disabled and therefore cannot independently write an application for consent to run in the relevant electoral district, certify the signature list, fill out or certify other documents provided for by law, this person has the right to use the assistance of another person for this purpose. At the same time, the authority of the person providing assistance in completing or certifying the documents specified in paragraphs 2, 2.1 and 3 this Article must be notarized.
(Clause 5.1 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1387-OZ of 12"09.2011; as amended. Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
6. The District Election Commission is obliged to issue a written confirmation of receipt of these documents to the candidate or other person who submitted the documents specified in paragraphs 2, 2.1 and 3 of this Article immediately after their submission.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ, of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
If the district election commission has not been formed by the time of nominating a candidate, the documents specified in paragraphs 2, 2.1 and 3 of this Article, are submitted to the Election Commission of the Omsk region. The Election Commission of the Omsk Region submits these documents to the relevant district election commission after its formation and appointment of its chairman.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ, of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
7. The Election Commission of the Omsk Region is obliged to issue a written confirmation of receipt of these documents to the authorized representative of the electoral association who submitted the documents specified in paragraph 4 of this Article immediately after their submission.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
The paragraph is deleted. - Law of the Omsk Region No. 904-OZ of 18.05.2007.
8. The District Election Commission or the Election Commission of the Omsk Region is obliged to apply to the relevant authorities with a request to verify the accuracy of information provided in accordance with paragraphs 2, 2.1 and 3 of this Article, to verify compliance with the requirements provided for in paragraph 3.3 of Article 33 of the Federal Law " On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens to Participate in a Referendum Of the Russian Federation".
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 17.07.2013 No. 1557-OZ, of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
9. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region of 24.07.2006 No. 774-OZ.

Article 25. Self-nomination of candidates in single-mandate electoral districts

1. Self-nomination of candidates in single-mandate electoral districts is carried out by notifying the relevant district election commissions, where candidates will be registered, and then collecting signatures in support of self-nomination of candidates.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 06.11.2003 No. 471-OZ, of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ, of 29.05.2009 No. 1158-OZ)
2. Documents for self-nomination of a candidate in a single-mandate electoral district are submitted to the relevant district election commission not earlier than 85 days before the voting day.
(item 2 as amended. Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)

Article 26. Nomination of candidates in single-mandate electoral districts by electoral associations
(as amended). Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)

1. An electoral association may nominate one candidate in a single-mandate electoral district.
2. The nomination of candidates in single-mandate electoral districts by electoral associations is carried out after the official publication of the decision on calling the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in compliance with the requirements imposed by federal law for the nomination of candidates by political parties.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
3. An electoral association may nominate candidates for single-mandate electoral districts in a list that determines which single-mandate electoral district each candidate is nominated for (hereinafter referred to as the list of candidates for single-mandate electoral districts). The list of candidates for single-mandate electoral districts is subject to certification by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region.
(clause 3 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1305-OZ of 19.11.2010)
4. The authorized representative of an electoral association, not earlier than 85 days before the voting day, together with the application of each candidate specified in paragraph 2 of Article 24 of this Law, submits to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region the following documents:
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 25.12.2014 No. 1696-OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
a) a list of candidates for single-mandate electoral districts, which indicates the surname, first name and patronymic of each candidate included in it, date and place of birth, address of residence, series, number and date of issue of a passport or a document replacing a citizen's passport, name or code of the body that issued the passport or a document replacing the citizen's passport, as well as the number and / or name of the single-mandate electoral district for which the candidate is nominated;
b) excluded. - The Law of the Omsk Region of 25.12.2014 No. 1696-OZ;
c) a decision on the appointment of an authorized representative of an electoral association, which indicates his / her last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, address of residence, series, number and date of issue of a passport or a document replacing a citizen's passport, main place of work or service, position held (in the absence of the main representative). places of work or service - occupation);
d) a copy of the document on state registration of the electoral association issued by the federal executive body authorized to perform functions in the field of registration of public associations certified by the permanent governing body of the electoral association;
Law of the Omsk region of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ)
e) deleted. - The Law of the Omsk Region of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ;
f) decision of the congress of a political party (conference or general meeting of its regional branch, and in cases stipulated by the Federal Law "On Political Parties", the relevant body of the political party, its regional branch) on the nomination of candidates in single-mandate electoral districts by the list;
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
g) a document confirming the approval with the relevant body of the political party of candidates nominated as candidates, if such approval is provided for by the charter of the political party.
(clause 4 was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1305-OZ of 19.11.2010)
4.1. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ.
5. The Election Commission of the Omsk Region, within three days from the date of receipt of the documents specified in paragraph 4 of this Article, is obliged to make a decision to certify the list of candidates for single-mandate electoral districts or to refuse to certify it, which must be motivated. The grounds for refusal to certify the list of candidates are the absence of documents provided for in subclauses "a", "c"  - " g " of item 4 of this Article, failure to comply with the requirements for nominating candidates provided for by the Federal  Law  "On Political Parties", the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of electoral Rights and the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum". The absence of a candidate's declaration of consent to run, as provided for in paragraph 2" of Article 24 of this Law, is grounds for excluding the relevant candidate from the list of candidates for single-mandate electoral districts by the Omsk Region Election Commission before it is certified.
(item 5 as amended. Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
6. The decision of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region to certify the list of candidates for single-mandate electoral districts with a copy of the certified list or to refuse to certify it is issued to the authorized representative of the electoral association within one day from the moment of making the relevant decision. Within the same time period, the decision to certify the list with copies of the certified list (certified extracts from the list) and applications of candidates specified in paragraph 2 of Article 24 of this Law shall be sent by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region to the relevant district election commissions. Candidates included in the certified list of candidates for single-mandate electoral districts, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 24 of this Law, submit to the district election commissions the documents specified in paragraphs 2.1 and 3
of Article 24 of this Law. Law of the Omsk region of 25.12.2014 No. 1696-OZ)
7. The list of candidates for single-mandate electoral districts is submitted to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region in hard copy in accordance with the form approved by this commission. The list of candidates for single-mandate electoral districts must be stitched, numbered (except for the list drawn up on one sheet), certified by the signature of the authorized representative of the electoral association, as well as the seal of the electoral association.
(clause 7 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region of 19.11.2010 No. 1305-OZ)
8. An electoral association may, simultaneously with the submission of a list of candidates for single-mandate electoral districts, submit to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region its logo, which is described in its charter. It is not allowed to change the logo of an electoral association after its submission to the commission.
(clause 8 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1305-OZ of 19.11.2010)

Article 27. Nomination of a list of candidates for a single regional electoral district by an electoral association
(as amended by the Government of the Russian Federation). Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)

1. The nomination of a list of candidates for a single regional electoral district by an electoral association is carried out after the official publication of the decision on calling the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, in compliance with the requirements imposed by federal law for the nomination of a list of candidates by a political party. In a single regional electoral district, an electoral association may nominate one list of candidates.
(ed.  Law Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
2. The total number of candidates included in the list of candidates may not exceed 93 persons. A candidate can only be mentioned once in the list of candidates. The list of candidates may include candidates nominated by the same electoral association in single-mandate electoral districts. The composition of the list of candidates and the order of placement of candidates in it are determined by the electoral association.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 02.06.2011 No. 1352-OZ)
2.1. The list of candidates should consist of the general regional part and regional groups of candidates. The regional part of the list of candidates must include at least 3 and no more than 5 candidates. In each regional group of candidates, the list of candidates must include at least 2 and no more than 4" candidates.
Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
2.2. The maximum number of regional groups into which the list of candidates is divided corresponds to the number of single-member electoral districts formed in the Omsk Region.
Each regional group of candidates of the list of candidates corresponds to the territory of one single-mandate electoral district formed in the territory of the Omsk Region for the election of deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. The numbers of the specified single-mandate electoral districts are the numbers of the corresponding regional groups of candidates
in the list of candidates. Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
3. The decision of an electoral association to nominate a list of candidates is drawn up in a protocol in accordance with the federal law and the charter of the electoral association.
4. Not earlier than 85 days before the voting day, together with the protocol specified in paragraph 3 of this Article, the following documents shall be submitted to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region:
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
a) a list of authorized representatives of the electoral association with information about them listed in paragraph 3 of Article 33.1 of this Law, with statements of each of them about their consent to be an authorized representative;
b)power of attorney of authorized representatives of the electoral association on financial issues specified in paragraph 5 of Article 33.1 of this Law;
c) a list of citizens included in the corresponding list of candidates and who are members of this electoral association officially certified by the permanent governing body of the electoral association.
5. The list of candidates is submitted to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region not earlier than 85 days before the voting day in two copies on paper and in machine-readable form in accordance with the form established by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region. The list of candidates shall indicate the surname, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, education, address of residence, main place of work or service and the position held (in case of absence of the main place of work or service - occupation) of each of the candidates, and if the candidate is a deputy and exercises his powers on a non-permanent basis, - information about this, including the name of the relevant representative body. The list of candidates is certified by the signature of the authorized representative of the electoral association and the seal of the electoral association.
(item 5 as amended. Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
6. Together with the list of candidates and the documents specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 this Article, the Election Commission of the Omsk Region shall submit the documents specified in paragraphs 2", . Documents are accepted by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region together with copies of documents certifying the identity of each candidate from the list of candidates certified by an authorized representative of the electoral association, and documents confirming the information specified in their applications for consent to run about their education, main place of work or service, position held (occupation), and that the candidate he is a deputy.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
7. Simultaneously with the submission of the list of candidates, an electoral association has the right to submit to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region its logo, the description of which is contained in the charter of the electoral association, as well as the short name of the electoral association.
8. The Election Commission of the Omsk Region shall review the submitted documents within three days and issue to the authorized representative of the electoral association a certified list of candidates or a reasoned decision to refuse to certify the list.
9. The absence of the documents specified in paragraphs 3,  of  .
10. After the list of candidates is submitted to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, its composition and the procedure for placing candidates in it cannot be changed, except for changes caused by the departure (including exclusion) of candidates.

Article 27.1. Support for the nomination of candidates, lists of candidates (introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1668-OZ of 08.10.2014)

1. A necessary condition for registration of a candidate or a list of candidates is the support of the nomination of a candidate or a list of candidates by voters, the presence of which is determined by the election results or confirmed by the required number of signatures of voters collected in support of the nomination of a candidate or a list of candidates.
2". The nomination of a candidate for a single-mandate electoral district or a list of candidates for a single regional electoral district by a political party or its regional branch (if the nomination of candidates or lists of candidates by a regional branch is provided for in the charter of a political party) is considered to be supported by voters and does not require the collection of signatures of voters in cases stipulated in Article 35.1 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum".
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)

Article 28. Collection of signatures in support of a candidate's nomination, lists of candidates(as amended by the Government of the Russian Federation). Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 N 1668-OZ)

1. Collection of signatures in support of a candidate nominated in a single-mandate electoral district, a list of candidates nominated by an electoral association in a single regional electoral district, is carried out from the date of payment for the production of signature lists.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
The number of signatures required for registration of a candidate nominated in a single-mandate electoral district must be 3 percent of the number of voters registered in the territory of the electoral district.
The number of signatures required to register a list of candidates nominated in a single regional electoral district must be 0.5 percent of the number of voters registered in the territory of the electoral district.
(item 1 as amended. Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
2. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region of 31.07.2012 No. 1464-OZ.
3. Signatures may be collected only from voters who have an active right to vote in the electoral district in which the candidate or list of candidates is nominated. Participation of state authorities, local self-government bodies, administrative bodies of organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, institutions, members of election commissions with the right to vote in the collection of signatures, as well as coercion of voters in the process of collecting signatures and their remuneration for entering signatures, is not allowed. It is prohibited to collect signatures at the workplace, in the process and at the places where wages, pensions, allowances, scholarships, and other social benefits are issued, as well as when providing charitable assistance. Signatures collected in violation of the provisions of this clause are invalid.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region from 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, from 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ, from 31.07.2012 No. 1464-OZ, from 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
4. The right to collect signatures of voters belongs to a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18 at the time of collecting signatures and has not been declared legally incompetent by a court. A candidate or electoral association may enter into a signature collection agreement with the person collecting signatures of voters. Payment for this work is made only from the funds of the candidate's election fund or electoral association. A candidate or electoral association must draw up a list of persons who collected signatures of voters in accordance with the form established by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region.
(item 4 as amended. Law of the Omsk Region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
5. Signature lists for collecting signatures of voters in support of the nomination of a list of candidates for deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region are prepared and drawn up in accordance with Appendix 4.1 to the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", in support of the nomination (self - nomination) of candidates for deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region-according to Appendix 5 to the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".
(item 5 as amended. Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
5.1. If the candidate whose details are indicated in the subscription list has had or has a criminal record, in addition, information about the candidate's criminal record is indicated in the subscription list. If the candidate whose information is contained in the signature list, in the application for consent to run in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 24 of this Law, has indicated his / her affiliation to a political party or other public association and his / her status in this political party or this public association, information about this shall be indicated in the signature list.
(clause 5.1 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1836-OZ of 21.12.2015)
5.2. The signature list shall indicate the number of the special election account from which payment for the production of signature lists was made.
(clause 5.2 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1836-OZ of 21.12.2015)
5.3. A voter shall put his / her signature and the date of its entry in the signature list, as well as indicate his / her surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth (at the age of 18 on the voting day - additionally the date and month of birth), address of the place of residence, series, number of the passport or document replacing the citizen's passport. Data on a voter who puts his / her signature in the signature list and the date of its entry may be entered in the signature list at the request of the voter by the person collecting signatures in support of the candidate or the list of candidates. The specified data is entered only in handwriting, and the use of pencils is not allowed. The voter puts the signature and the date of its entry in his / her own hand. A voter has the right to put a signature in support of the nomination of various candidates, lists of candidates, but only once in support of the same candidate, list of candidates.
(clause 5.3 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
5.4. Each signature list must be certified by the signature of the person who collected signatures of voters. When certifying the signature list, the person who collected signatures of voters must indicate in his / her own hand his / her surname, first name and patronymic, date of birth, address of residence, series, number and date of issue of the passport or document replacing the citizen's passport, name or code of the issuing body, as well as put his / her signature and the date of its entry.
(clause 5.4 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1836-OZ of 21.12.2015)
5.5. Each signature list with signatures of voters in support of the nomination of a list of candidates must be certified by an authorized representative of the electoral association. Each signature list with signatures of voters in support of the nomination (self-nomination) of a candidate must be certified by the candidate. When certifying the signature list, an authorized representative of an electoral association or a candidate puts his / her signature and the date of its entry in front of his / her surname, first name and patronymic in his / her own hand.
(clause 5.5 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1836-OZ of 21.12.2015)
5.6. When collecting signatures in support of the nomination (self-nomination) of a candidate, a list of candidates, it is allowed to fill in the signature list on the front and back sides. At the same time, the reverse side is a continuation of the front side with a single numbering of signatures, and certification entries are made on the reverse side of the signature sheet immediately after the last signature of the voter.
(clause 5.6 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1836-OZ of 21.12.2015)
5.7. After the collection of signatures is completed, the candidate and authorized representatives of the electoral association count the total number of collected signatures of voters and draw up a protocol on the results of signature collection in accordance with the form established by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region. The protocol is signed by the candidate or authorized representative of the electoral association, respectively.
(Subclauses 5.7 are introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1836-OZ of 21.12.2015)
6-9. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ.

Article 29. Registration of candidates, lists of candidates(as amended). Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)

1. To register a candidate nominated in a single-mandate electoral district, a candidate or an authorized representative of an electoral association shall submit the following election documents to the relevant district election commission no later than 55 days before the voting day, before 18 hours local time:
the candidate's first financial report;
information on changes in the candidate's data previously submitted in accordance with the in accordance with article 24 of this Law;
signature lists with the signatures of voters collected in support of the candidate's nomination, a protocol on the results of collecting signatures of voters in two copies, a list of persons who collected signatures of voters drawn up in accordance with the requirements provided for in paragraph 4 of Article 28 of this Law (if signatures were collected in support
of the candidate's nomination); 2) on the nomination of a candidate, if in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 27.1 of this Law, the collection of signatures of voters is not required.
To register the list of candidates, the authorized representative of an electoral association submits the following election documents to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region no later than 55 days before the voting day, before 18 hours local time:
the first financial report of the electoral association;
information on changes in the list of candidates that occurred after it was certified by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, and changes in the data about each candidate from the list of candidates previously submitted in accordance with Article 24 of this Law;
signature lists containing signatures of voters collected in support of the nomination of a list of candidates, a protocol on the results of collecting signatures of voters in two copies, a list of persons who collected signatures of voters drawn up in accordance with the requirements provided for in paragraph 4 of Article 28 of this Law (if signatures were collected in support of the nomination of a list of candidates);
a decision of a political party (its regional branch) on the nomination of a list of candidates, if in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 27.1 of this Law, the collection of signatures of voters is not required.
(item 1 as amended. Law of the Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
1.1. In case of detection of incompleteness of information about candidates, the absence of any documents, the submission of which to the election commission for notification of the nomination of candidates, the list of candidates and their registration is provided for by law, or non-compliance with the requirements of the law for registration of documents, the Election Commission of the Omsk region, the district election Commission at which the issue of registration of a candidate or list of candidates is to be considered, notifies the candidate or electoral association thereof. Not later than one day before the day of the election commission meeting where the issue of registration of a candidate or list of candidates is to be considered, a candidate may make clarifications and additions to the documents containing information about him / her, and an electoral association - to the documents containing information about the candidate (s) nominated by him / her, including: including in the list of candidates, and submitted in accordance with paragraphs 2,  2.1  and 3 of Article 24 of this Law, as well as in other documents (with the exception of signature lists with signatures of voters and the list of persons who collected signatures of voters) submitted to the election commission for notification of the nomination of a candidate (candidates), the list of candidates and their registration, in order to bring these documents into compliance with the requirements of the including their registration. A candidate or electoral association has the right to replace the submitted document only if it is issued in violation of the requirements of the law. In the absence of a copy of any document, the submission of which is provided for in paragraph 2.1 of Article 24 of this Law, a candidate or an electoral association has the right to submit it not later than one day before the day of the meeting of the election commission, at which the issue of registration of a candidate or a list of candidates is to be considered.
Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
1.2. The candidate submits to the relevant election commission, together with other documents required for registration of the candidate, a written notice stating that he / she does not have accounts (deposits), does not store cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, does not own and / or use foreign financial resources. 2.
(clause 1.2 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1557-OZ of 17.07.2013)
2. The number of signatures submitted for registration of a candidate or list of candidates may exceed the number of signatures required for registration of a candidate or list of candidates by no more than 10 percent, unless otherwise established by federal law.
Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
3. The relevant district Election Commission, the Election Commission of the Omsk region, checks the authenticity of signatures of voters collected in support of the candidate, the list of candidates.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 31.07.2012 No. 1464-OZ, of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
All or part of the submitted signatures may be subject to verification, but not less than 20 percent of the number of signatures required by this Law for registration of a candidate, list of candidates, selected for verification by random sampling (drawing lots). The procedure for conducting a random sample (drawing lots) is determined by the relevant election commission.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 31.07.2012 No. 1464-OZ, of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
The relevant election commission may, by its decision, establish working groups consisting of members of the election commission, employees of the election commission's staff, and specialists involved to verify compliance with the procedure for collecting signatures, processing signature lists, and the accuracy of information about voters and signatures contained in these signature lists. Members of lower-level election commissions, experts from among specialists of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, justice bodies of the Russian Federation, military commissariats, as well as specialized institutions and organizations that register the population of the Russian Federation may be involved in such verification. Their conclusions may serve as grounds for declaring the information about voters and their signatures contained in the signature lists unreliable and / or invalid. Expert opinions are set out in writing in the signature list verification statements or other document. For the period of work, the involved experts are released from their main work, they retain their place of work( position), established official salaries and other payments at the place of work.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ, of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
4.Signatures of voters contained in signature lists, but excluded (crossed out) by the persons certifying the signature lists, are not subject to verification and accounting, if this is specifically stipulated by them in the signature list or in the protocol on the results of signature collection before submitting the signature lists to the commission.
(item 4 as amended. Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
5-6. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ.
7. Any candidate who has submitted the number of signatures required for registration, his / her authorized representatives or proxies, authorized representatives or proxies of any electoral association that has nominated a candidate, a list of candidates and submitted the number of signatures required for registration, may be present during verification of voter signatures, including the selection of signatures for verification. A candidate or an authorized representative of an electoral association who has submitted the specified number of signatures of voters must be notified of the relevant verification.
(item 7 as amended. Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
8. Upon completion of the verification of signature lists, a final protocol is drawn up, which indicates the number of submitted signatures, the number of submitted signatures and the number of verified signatures of voters, as well as the number of signatures recognized as unreliable and (or) invalid, indicating the grounds (reasons) for their recognition as such. A copy of the protocol is sent to the candidate or authorized representative of the electoral association no later than two days before the meeting of the commission at which the issue of registration of this candidate or the list of candidates is to be considered. If the commission's verification of signature lists entails the consequences provided for in subparagraph " d " of paragraph  15  a candidate or an authorized representative of an electoral association has the right to receive from the commission, simultaneously with a copy of the final protocol, certified copies of the signature list verification statements, which indicate the grounds (reasons) for recognizing the signatures of voters as unreliable and (or) invalid, indicating the numbers of the folder, signature list and line in the signature list, which contain each of signatures, as well as obtain copies of official documents, on the basis of which the relevant signatures were recognized as unreliable and (or) invalid. The final protocol is attached to the decision of the commission on registration of the candidate, list of candidates or refusal to register the candidate, list of candidates. Repeated verification of signature lists after the commission makes the said decision may be carried out only by a court or commission in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 76 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum" and only within the limits of signatures that were subject to verification.
The Law of the Omsk Region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
9. Excluded. - The law of the Omsk region of 29.05.2009 No. 1158-OZ.
10. is excluded. - The Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ.
10. 1. is excluded. - Law of the Omsk region of 31.07.2012 " No. 1464-OZ.
11. The relevant election commission, within ten days from the day following the date of submission of the documents required for registration of a candidate or a list of candidates, is obliged to verify that the procedure for nominating a candidate or a list of candidates complies with the requirements of the Federal Budget. the Law "On Basic Guarantees of electoral rights and the right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum", this Law, and make a decision on registration of a candidate, list of candidates, or refusal to register.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904" - OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
12. During the same elections, a candidate may be registered only in one electoral district. This rule does not apply to registration of a candidate nominated by the same electoral association in the same election simultaneously in a single-mandate electoral district and as part of a list of candidates.
13. When registering a candidate nominated by an electoral association, the decision of the district election commission indicates that the candidate was nominated by the electoral association, as well as the name of this electoral association. If a candidate is registered simultaneously in a single-mandate electoral district and as part of the list of candidates, the decision of the district election commission indicates that the candidate is also registered as part of the list of candidates.
14. In case of refusal to register a candidate, list of candidates, or exclusion of a candidate from the list of candidates, the relevant election commission, within one day from the moment of its decision to refuse registration or exclusion from the list, must issue a list of candidates and a copy of the relevant decision stating the grounds for refusal, respectively, to the candidate or an authorized representative of the electoral association that nominated the candidate, excluding a candidate from the list of candidates.
15. The grounds for refusal to register a candidate are as follows::
a) the candidate does not have the passive right to vote;
a.1) non-compliance by the candidate with the requirements established by item 3.3 of Article 33 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum";
(subclause a1 was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1557-OZ of 17.07.2013)
b) for candidates nominated by a political party - non-compliance with the requirements to nominate a candidate provided for by the Federal Law"On Political Parties";
(subclause" b "as amended by the Federal Law "On Political Parties"). The Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
c) absence among the documents submitted for notification of the nomination and registration of a candidate of the documents required by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum", this Law for notification of the nomination and (or) registration of a candidate;
(item " b " in the ed. Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
.1) on the day preceding the day of the meeting of the district election commission at which the issue of candidate registration is to be considered, the documents submitted for notification of the candidate's nomination and registration contain documents drawn up in violation of the requirements of the law;
(subclause "V. 1" was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 904-OZ of 18.05.2007)
V.2) on the day preceding the day of the meeting of the district election commission at which the issue of candidate registration is to be considered, the documents submitted for notification of the candidate's nomination and registration do not contain any information provided for in paragraphs 2, 2.1 and 3 Article 24 of this Law;
(Subclause "V. 2"" is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 904-OZ of 18.05.2007; as amended by the Federal Law "V. 2"). The Law of the Omsk Region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
d) the presence among the signatures of voters submitted for candidate registration of more than 10 percent of signatures collected in places where, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum", this Law prohibits the collection of signatures, unless otherwise established by federal law;
1) if registration of a candidate requires submitting 200 or more signatures of voters, - identification of 10 or more percent of unreliable and / or invalid signatures from the total number of signatures selected for verification, unless otherwise established by federal law;
(subclause "G. 1" was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1668-OZ of 08.10.2014)
e) insufficient number of reliable signatures of voters submitted for candidate registration;
(item " d " in the ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
f) concealment of information about the candidate's criminal record, which must be submitted in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 24 of this Law;
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 31.10.2006 No. 796-OZ, of 02.06.2014 No. 1635-OZ)
g) non-creation of an electoral fund by a candidate. The absence of funds in the election fund does not constitute grounds for refusal to register a candidate;
h) the candidate's use of other funds in the financing of his / her election campaign, in addition to the funds of his / her own election fund, amounting to more than 5 percent of the maximum amount of expenditure of the election fund established by this Law;
i) the candidate's excess of more than 5 percent in the financing of his / her election campaign the maximum amount of expenditure of the electoral fund established by this Law;
j) the fact established by a court decision that the candidate did not comply with the restrictions stipulated in item 1 or 1.1 of Article 56 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" during the campaign period;
Law of the Omsk Region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
l) repeated use by a candidate of the advantages of his official or official position;
m) registration of a candidate in another electoral district at the given election, except for the case when a candidate is nominated by an electoral association simultaneously in a single-mandate electoral district and as part of the list of candidates;
n) excluded. - The Law of the Omsk Region of 29.05.2009 No. 1158-OZ;
o) the fact of bribery of voters by a candidate, his proxy, authorized representative on financial issues, as well as by another person or organization acting on their behalf established by a court decision.
(subclause " o " was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 904-OZ of 18.05.2007)
16. The grounds for refusal to register the list of candidates are:
a) failure to comply with the requirements for nominating a list of candidates provided for by the Federal Law "On Political Parties", with the exception of the requirements provided for in paragraph 3.1 of Article 36 of the said Federal Law;
(item " a " in the ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 06.10.2009 No. 1190-OZ)
b) absence among the documents submitted for notification of the nomination and registration of the list of candidates, documents required in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum", this Law for notification of the nomination and (or) registration of the list of candidates (except in cases where the specified documents are not available for individual candidates included in the list of candidates);
(item " b " in the ed. Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
b.1) on the day preceding the day of the meeting of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, at which the issue of registration of the list of candidates is to be considered, among the documents submitted for notification of the nomination and registration of the list of candidates, there are documents issued in violation of the requirements of the Federal Law " On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", this Law (except for cases of improper processing of documents in relation to individual candidates included in the list of candidates);
(pp. "b. 1" is introduced by the Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
b.2) on the day preceding the day of the meeting of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, at which the issue of registration of the list of candidates is to be considered, the documents submitted for notification of the nomination and registration of the list of candidates do not contain any information provided for by the Federal Law " On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", this Law (except for cases where there is no information about individual candidates included in the list of candidates);
(pp. "b. 2" is introduced by the Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
b.3) the presence among the signatures of voters submitted for registration of the list of candidates, more than 10 percent of signatures collected in places where, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum", this Law prohibits the collection of signatures, unless otherwise established by federal law;
(subclause "b. 3" was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1668-OZ of 08.10.2014)
b.4) if registration of the list of candidates requires submitting 200 or more signatures of voters, - identification of 10 or more percent of unreliable and (or) invalid signatures from the total number of signatures selected for verification, unless otherwise established by federal law;
(clause "b. 4" was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1668-OZ of 08.10.2014)
b.5) insufficient number of reliable signatures of voters submitted for registration of the list of candidates;
(subclauses "b. 5" introduced by the Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 N 1668-OZ)
c) - d) are excluded. - The Law of the Omsk region of 31.07.2012 N 1464-OZ;
e) failure of an electoral association to create an electoral fund. Lack of funds in the electoral fund does not constitute grounds for refusal to register the list of candidates;
f) when financing its election campaign, an electoral association uses other monetary resources in addition to its own election fund, amounting to more than 5 percent of the maximum amount of expenditure of election fund funds established by this Law;
g) when financing its election campaign, an electoral association exceeds by more than 5 percent the maximum amount of expenditure of election fund funds established by this law;
h) exceeding the number of candidates excluded from the list of candidates based on applications of candidates to withdraw their candidacies, the decision of an electoral association (except for withdrawal due to compelling circumstances), as well as by a decision of the election commission taken in connection with the existence of the grounds for such exclusion provided for in paragraph 17 of this article, by more than 50 the total number of candidates in the certified list of candidates;
(ed. The Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
i) the fact established by a court decision that an electoral association does not comply with the restrictions stipulated in Item 1 or 1.1 of Article 56 of the Federal Law"On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum";
(subclauses" i "as amended by the Federal Law" On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right Law of the Omsk Region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
k) repeated use by an authorized representative or authorized representative of an electoral association of the advantages of their official or official position;
(item "k" in the ed. Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
l) is excluded. - The Law of the Omsk Region of 29.05.2009 No. 1158-OZ;
m) the fact of bribery of voters by an electoral association, its authorized representative, authorized representative, or other person or organization acting on their behalf established by a court decision.
(item "m" was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 904-OZ of 18.05.2007)
n) withdrawal of candidates, as a result of which the number of regional groups of candidates in the list of candidates was less than 11.
(item " n " was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1352-OZ of 02.06.2011)
17. The grounds for excluding a candidate from the certified list of candidates are as follows::
a) the candidate does not have a passive electoral right;
b) the candidate conceals information about the criminal record, which must be submitted in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 24 of this Law;
(ed. Laws of the Omsk Region of 31.10.2006 No. 796-OZ, of 02.06.2014 No. 1635-OZ)
c) the fact established by a court decision that the candidate did not comply during the campaign period with the restrictions provided for in paragraph 1 or 1.1 of Article 56 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum";
The Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
.1) failure of the candidate to comply with the requirements established by clause 3.3 of Article 33 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum";
(clause " b1 " was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1557-OZ of 17.07.2013)
d) repeated use by the candidate of the advantages of his official or official position;
e) registration of the candidate in another list of candidates for this election;
(ed.  Law Omsk Region of 31.10.2006 No. 796-OZ)
f) the presence in the certified list of candidates nominated by a political party, as well as in the certified list of candidates nominated by the regional branch of a political party (if this is provided for by the charter of a political party), of a candidate who is a member of another political party;
(subclause " e " was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 796-OZ of 31.10.2006; as amended. Laws of the Omsk region from 18.05.2007 No. 904 " - OZ, from 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
g) absence among the documents submitted for notification of the nomination and registration of the list of candidates, documents required in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum", this Law for notification of the nomination and (or) registration of a candidate, included in the list of candidates.
(subclause " g " is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
h) availability on the day preceding the day of the meeting of the Election Commission of the Omsk region, at which the issue of registration of the list of candidates is to be considered, among the documents submitted for notification of the nomination and registration of the list of candidates, documents issued in respect of the candidate in violation of the requirements of the Federal Law " On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum", this Law;
(subclause " h " is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region of 18.05.2007 No. 904 " -OZ)
i) absence on the day preceding the day of the meeting of the Election Commission of the Omsk region, at which the issue of registration of the list of candidates is to be considered, in the documents submitted for notification of nomination and registration of the list of candidates, any information regarding the candidate provided for in paragraphs 2, 2.1 and 3 of Article 24 of this Law.
(Subclauses " i " are introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 904-OZ of 18.05.2007; as amended by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation). Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
18. The lists of grounds for refusal to register a candidate, list of candidates, exclusion of a candidate from the list of candidates by a decision of the commission, established by paragraphs this Article, are exhaustive.
19. In case of refusal to register a candidate or a list of candidates, re-nomination of a candidate or a list of candidates for the same election is possible in compliance with the procedure and terms of their nomination established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" and this Law.
20. A candidate nominated in the list of candidates not later than 15 days before the voting day, and in the presence of compelling circumstances not later than 1 day before the voting day, a candidate nominated directly not later than 5 days before the voting day, and in the presence of compelling circumstances not later than 1 day before the voting day. not later than 1 day before the voting day, the candidate has the right to submit to the relevant election commission a written application to withdraw his / her candidacy. If a candidate nominated as part of the list of candidates submits the specified application before the list of candidates is certified, the election commission shall exclude this candidate from the list of candidates until such certification. If a candidate who has submitted an application to withdraw his / her candidacy is nominated as part of the list of candidates, the election commission that certified or registered the list of candidates shall exclude the candidate from the list of candidates. If a candidate who was directly nominated and submitted an application to withdraw his / her candidacy has been registered, the electoral commission that registered the candidate decides to cancel his / her registration.
21. The body of an electoral association that has made a decision to nominate a list of candidates has the right to withdraw this list of candidates. The decision to withdraw the list of candidates is submitted to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region no later than 5 days before the voting day. If the list of candidates has been registered, the Election Commission of the Omsk Region decides to cancel the registration of the list
of candidates. Law of the Omsk Region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
22. An electoral association, in accordance with the procedure and on the grounds provided for by the federal law and / or the charter of an electoral association, has the right to withdraw a candidate nominated by it in a single-mandate electoral district, as well as to exclude certain candidates from the list of candidates nominated by it in accordance with the procedure provided for by its charter. A candidate nominated in a single-mandate electoral district may be withdrawn no later than 5 days before the voting day, and a candidate included in the list of candidates may be excluded from this list no later than 15 days before the voting day, with the exception of the case provided for in paragraph 11 of Article 76 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees". electoral rights and the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum". It is not allowed to include persons who were not previously included in the list of candidates, as well as to move candidates in the list, except in cases when such movement is associated with a change in the order due to the departure or exclusion of certain candidates.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
23. If by the day of voting in a single-mandate electoral district the number of registered candidates is less than or equal to the established number of deputy mandates, or if only one list of candidates is registered in a single electoral district or there is no registered list of candidates, voting in such an electoral district is postponed for a period not exceeding three months by the decision of the relevant election commission. for additional nomination of candidates, lists of candidates and implementation of subsequent electoral actions.
(item 23 as amended. Law of the Omsk Region of 08.04.2013 No. 1532-OZ)
24. If an additional nomination of candidates or a list of candidates is required due to the fact that a registered candidate has withdrawn his / her candidacy without compelling circumstances, or an electoral association has withdrawn a registered candidate or a registered list of candidates without compelling circumstances, or due to the fact that the registration of a candidate is not carried out in accordance with the, the list of candidates was cancelled by a court or annulled by the election commission on the basis of clause 3 or 4 of Article 76 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" (with the exception of cancellation of registration due to the withdrawal of a candidate from the list of candidates due to compelling circumstances), all expenses incurred by the Election Commission commission of the Omsk region during the preparation and conduct of elections, are reimbursed at the expense of such candidate, electoral association.
25. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk Region No. 796-OZ of 31.10.2006.
26. Circumstances that force a registered candidate to withdraw his / her candidacy, and an electoral association to withdraw a registered candidate nominated by him / her, are defined as restriction of a registered candidate's legal capacity by a court, serious illness, persistent health disorder of a registered candidate or his / her close relatives, election (appointment) of a registered candidate to a public position. Circumstances that force an electoral association to withdraw the list of candidates are understood to mean the departure due to compelling circumstances (including death) of candidates who occupied the first three places in the list of candidates, or more than 50 percent of candidates from the list of candidates.
(ed.  Law Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)


Article 30. Equality of candidates

All candidates have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities, with the exception of cases established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".

Article 31. Restrictions related to official or official position

Restrictions related to the official or official position of candidates are established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".

Article 32. Guarantees of activity of registered candidates

Guarantees for the activities of registered candidates are established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".

Article 33. Status of authorized persons(as amended) Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)

1. A candidate may appoint up to ten proxies, and an electoral association may appoint up to fifty proxies. Registration of proxies of candidates and electoral associations is carried out by the district Election Commission and the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, respectively, within three days from the date of receipt of the candidate's written application (submission of the electoral association) for the appointment of proxies, together with applications from citizens themselves for consent to be proxies.
2. Candidates, persons holding state or elective municipal positions, heads of local administrations, and employees of election commissions ' offices may not be authorized representatives of candidates and electoral associations. State and municipal employees may be appointed as proxies, provided that they are released from performing their official duties for the period of exercising the powers of the proxy. Registration of a trustee who is a state or municipal employee is subject to the submission to the relevant election commission of an order to release him from performing his official duties (including for the period of leave).
3. Authorized representatives receive certificates from the relevant election commission and participate in the election campaign of a candidate or electoral association, including campaigning activities. Candidates and electoral associations that have appointed proxies may withdraw them at any time by notifying the relevant election commission, which cancels the certificates issued to these proxies. Proxies do not have observer powers.
4". The powers of proxies are terminated by a decision of a candidate or electoral association, or together with the loss of status of the candidate who appointed them, or with the loss of status of candidates included in the list of candidates nominated by the electoral association that appointed these proxies.

Article 33.1. Authorized representatives of electoral associations(introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 774-OZ of 24.07.2006)

1. An electoral association has the right to appoint no more than 10 representatives authorized in accordance with this Law to represent the electoral association on all issues related to its participation in the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, including representatives on financial issues (hereinafter referred to as authorized representatives).
2. An electoral association appoints authorized representatives on financial issues who are authorized to dispose of the funds of the electoral fund of the given electoral association and other related powers.
3. The authorized representatives specified in paragraphs 1, 2" this Article are appointed by the decision of the authorized body of the electoral association. The decision specifies the surname, first name and patronymic, date of birth, series, number and date of issue of the passport or document replacing the citizen's passport, the main place of work or service, the position held (in the absence of the main place of work or service - occupation), the address of the place of residence of each authorized representative, as well as his / her powers. For the authorized representative of an electoral association on financial issues, it is also indicated that he has the right to sign payment (settlement) documents.
4. Lists of authorized representatives specified in paragraphs 1, 2"  in the case of nominating a list of candidates to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region in hard copy and in machine-readable form in accordance with the form established by it. The lists shall contain information about the authorized representatives provided for in paragraph 3 of this Article, the telephone number of each authorized representative, and for authorized representatives of the electoral association on financial issues-also information that they are the corresponding authorized representatives on financial issues, and the scope of their powers. The list is accompanied by a written statement of each of the persons listed in this list about their consent to be an authorized representative.
The Election Commission of the Omsk Region certifies the list of authorized representatives of the electoral association.
5. Authorized representatives of an electoral association exercise their powers on the basis of a decision provided for in paragraph 3 of this Article, and authorized representatives of an electoral association on financial issues also on the basis of a notarized power of attorney issued in accordance with the procedure established by law, which indicates the surname, first name and patronymic, date and place of birth, address of residence, series, number and date of issue of the passport or document replacing the citizen's passport, name or code of the authority that issued the passport or document, a substitute passport of a citizen, the powers of the specified person, and a seal impression for the financial documents of the electoral association is provided.
6. Authorized representatives of an electoral association on financial issues are subject to registration with the Election Commission of the Omsk Region. Registration is carried out within three days on the basis of a decision and a power of attorney provided for in paragraphs  of  , and upon presentation by an authorized representative of a passport or a document replacing a citizen's passport.
7. Upon the decision of its authorized body, an electoral association may terminate the powers of its authorized representative appointed by it at any time by notifying the latter in writing and sending a copy of the relevant decision to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region. A copy of the decision to terminate the powers of the authorized representative of the electoral association on financial issues is also sent to the branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation in which the electoral association has opened a special election account for the formation of its election fund.
8. Authorized representatives specified in paragraphs 1,  2"  of this Article may not use the advantages of their official or official position.
9. The term of office of authorized representatives of an electoral association begins on the day of their registration by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region and expires from the moment all candidates included in the list of candidates nominated by this electoral association lose their status, but not later than the day of official publication of the results of the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. The term of office of authorized representatives of an electoral association on financial issues expires 60 days after the date of voting, and if a court proceeding is being conducted with the participation of the electoral association that appointed them, from the day following the date of entry into force of the court decision.

Article 33.2. Authorized representative of the candidate on financial issues(introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 904-OZ of 18.05.2007)

1. A candidate nominated in a single-mandate electoral district may appoint no more than two authorized representatives on financial issues.
2. A candidate who has appointed an authorized representative for financial issues submits to the district election commission that registers the candidate an application for registration of an authorized representative for financial issues, which specifies the following information about the person being appointed: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, series and number of the passport or document replacing the citizen's passport, and the date of its address of the place of issue, address of the place of residence indicated in the passport or document replacing the citizen's passport, main place of work or service, position held (in case of absence of the main place of work or service - occupation), contact phone number, as well as his / her authority to dispose of the candidate's election fund funds and other related powers, including the right to sign payment (settlement) documents. The application for registration of the candidate's authorized representative for financial matters is accompanied by a written statement of the designated person's consent to be the candidate's authorized representative for financial matters.
3. The candidate's authorized representative for financial matters acts on the basis of a power of attorney notarized and executed in accordance with the procedure established by federal law.
4. Registration of the candidate's authorized representative for financial matters is carried out by the district election commission within three days from the date of submission of the documents specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 this Article.
5. The term of office of the candidate's authorized representative for financial matters begins on the day of its registration by the district election commission and expires on the day of submission of the candidate's final financial report, and in the case of judicial proceedings involving the candidate who appointed it, on the day following the date of entry into legal force of the court decision.


Article 34. Informing voters

Informing voters is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum".

Article 35. Public opinion polls

The results of public opinion polls related to elections are published (made public) in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".

Article 36. Pre-election campaigning

Pre-election campaigning is carried out in the forms and procedures defined by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" and this Law.

Article 37. Campaign period

1. The campaign period begins on the day of nominating a candidate or a list of candidates and ends at zero hours local time one day before the voting day.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
2. Pre-election campaigning on the channels of TV and radio broadcasting organizations and in periodicals is carried out during the period that begins 28 days before the voting day and ends at zero hours local time one day before the voting day.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
3. It is prohibited to conduct pre-election campaigning on the day of voting and on the day preceding it.
4. Printed campaign materials (leaflets, posters and other materials) that were previously placed in accordance with the procedure established by federal law on buildings and structures, with the exception of buildings where commissions and voting premises are located, and at a distance of at least 50 meters from the entrance to these buildings, shall remain in their former places on the day of voting.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)

Article 38. Conditions for conducting election campaigning on the channels of TV and radio broadcasting organizations and in periodicals

1. Election campaigning on the channels of TV and radio broadcasting organizations and in periodicals is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Articles 50-52 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".
2. Regional state TV and radio broadcasting organizations and municipal TV and radio broadcasting organizations, editorial offices of regional state periodicals and municipal periodicals are obliged to provide equal conditions for conducting election campaigning to registered candidates, electoral associations that have registered lists of candidates, including for presenting election programs to voters in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to participation of citizens of the Russian Federation in the referendum", by this Law. Airtime on the channels of the specified TV and radio broadcasting organizations and print space in the specified periodicals are provided to registered candidates, electoral associations that have registered lists of candidates, for a fee, and in cases and in accordance with the procedure provided for by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", this Law, also free of charge (free airtime, free print space).
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, of 08.12.2009 No. 1210-OZ)
3. Free airtime on the channels of regional state TV and radio broadcasting organizations is provided to registered candidates, electoral associations that have registered lists of candidates, on equal terms (the length of airtime provided, the time of airing, and other conditions). At the same time, one half of the total amount of free airtime is distributed among electoral associations that have registered lists of candidates, and the other half is distributed among registered candidates.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, of 18.05.2007 No. 904 " - OZ)
4. Regional state TV and radio broadcasting organizations are obliged to provide free airtime to registered candidates and electoral associations for conducting pre-election campaigning. The free airtime provided must fall within the period determined by the relevant broadcasting organization, when TV and radio programs attract the largest audience.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
5. Upon completion of registration of candidates, lists of candidates, but not later than 30 days before the voting day, a draw is held to distribute free airtime between registered candidates and electoral associations that have applied for participation in this draw. Candidates and / or their proxies, authorized representatives of electoral associations, as well as representatives of relevant regional state TV and radio broadcasting organizations participate in the draw. Based on the results of the draw, the dates and time of airing audio-visual campaign materials of registered candidates and electoral associations are determined. The schedule of airtime distribution determined as a result of the draw is published in regional state periodicals. The procedure for drawing lots is determined in accordance with this Law by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
6. Free airtime on the channels of regional state TV and radio broadcasting organizations is provided during the period that begins 28 days before the voting day and ends at zero hours one day before the voting day, on working days.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
7. The total amount of free airtime that each of the regional state TV and radio broadcasting organizations provides for conducting election campaigning must be at least 30 minutes on each of the channels on working days, and if the total broadcasting time of the TV and radio broadcasting organization is less than two hours per day, at least one quarter of the total broadcasting time. If, as a result of providing free airtime for each registered candidate, each electoral association that has put forward registered lists of candidates, more than 60 minutes of free airtime will be allocated, the total amount of free airtime that each of the TV and radio broadcasting organizations provides for campaigning is reduced and should be 60 minutes multiplied, respectively, by the number of registered candidates, electoral associations that have associations that have put forward registered lists of candidates.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 06.11.2003 No. 471-OZ, of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
7.1. The total amount of free airtime that each of the regional state TV and radio broadcasting organizations provides for conducting pre-election campaigning for additional or repeated elections of a deputy (deputies) In the case of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in a single - mandate electoral district, it must be at least 15 minutes on each of the channels on working days, and if the total broadcasting time of the TV and radio broadcasting organization is less than two hours per day, it must be at least one-sixth of the total broadcasting time. If, as a result of providing free airtime, each registered candidate has more than 30 minutes of free airtime, the total amount of free airtime that each of the TV and radio broadcasting organizations provides for campaigning is reduced and must be 30 minutes multiplied respectively by the number of registered candidates.
(Clause 7.1 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
8. At least half of the total amount of free airtime must be provided to registered candidates, electoral associations for holding joint discussions, round tables, and other joint campaign events. If each candidate registered in a single-mandate electoral district has less than five minutes of free airtime out of the total amount of free airtime, this rule does not apply. Registered candidates (including those from the list of candidates) must participate personally in joint campaign events on the channels of regional state TV and radio broadcasting organizations. Representatives of a registered candidate (including those from the list of candidates) are allowed to participate in a joint campaign event on the TV and radio broadcasting organization's channel if the registered candidate cannot participate in the specified event due to a medical condition confirmed by a medical document certifying the fact of the disease.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
9. A registered candidate or electoral association may refuse to participate in a joint campaign event. At the same time, the airtime allocated for holding a joint campaign event, including if only one participant can take part in the specified event, is not reduced, except for the case when such a participant is provided with free airtime at his / her request within the share obtained as a result of dividing the amount of airtime provided for holding a joint campaign event. the total number of intended participants of the specified campaign event, for placement of campaign materials, for the purpose of conducting a joint campaign event, for the total number of intended participants of the specified campaign event. Refusal to participate in a joint campaign event does not entail an increase in the free airtime provided to a registered candidate or electoral association that refused to participate in the specified event, except for the case when all the intended participants refused to participate in the event. In this case, the registered candidate or electoral association is granted free airtime at their request, within the limits of the share obtained as a result of dividing the amount of airtime provided for holding a joint campaign event by the total number of intended participants in the specified campaign event, for posting campaign materials.
(ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
9.1. The remaining part of the total amount of free airtime (if any) is provided by regional state TV and radio broadcasting organizations to registered candidates and electoral associations for posting campaign materials.
(Clause 9.1 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ; as amended by the Federal Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ; Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
10. Regional state TV and radio broadcasting organizations are required to reserve (unless otherwise provided by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum") airtime for pre-election campaigning, including for additional or repeated elections of a deputy (deputies). Of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in a single-member electoral district, for a fee. The amount and terms of payment should be the same for all registered candidates and electoral associations that have put forward registered lists of candidates.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 06.11.2003 No. 471-OZ, of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
The total amount of reserved airtime must be equal to or exceed the established total amount of free airtime, but not more than twice. A registered candidate or electoral association has the right to receive time out of the total amount of reserved airtime for an appropriate fee, within the limits of the share obtained as a result of dividing this amount by the number of registered candidates and electoral associations, respectively. This airtime is provided by the regional state or municipal TV and radio broadcasting organization during the period that begins 28 days before the voting day and ends at zero hours one day before the voting day, on working days.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
The date and time of airing of audiovisual campaign materials are determined by a draw conducted for the purpose of distributing airtime provided for a fee between registered candidates and electoral associations that have submitted an application for participation in this draw. Candidates and / or their proxies, authorized representatives of electoral associations, as well as representatives of relevant regional state and municipal TV and radio broadcasting organizations participate in the draw. The draw must be made within the time period specified in paragraph 5 this article. Airtime is provided on the basis of an agreement between a registered candidate, an electoral association and a regional state or municipal broadcasting organization, concluded after the drawing of lots.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
Payment for airtime by registered candidates and electoral associations is made exclusively at the expense of the relevant election funds.
The payment document on the full transfer of funds to pay for the cost of airtime is submitted to the branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation by the authorized representative of the electoral association on financial issues, the candidate, no later than two days before the day when the airtime is provided. A copy of the payment document marked with a branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation is submitted by the authorized representative of the electoral association on financial issues, a candidate for the relevant broadcasting organization, before the airtime is provided. In case of violation of this condition, the provision of airtime is not allowed.
(the paragraph was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 904-OZ of 18.05.2007)
11. Non-governmental TV and radio broadcasting organizations that have fulfilled the conditions of item 6 of Article 50 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" are required to provide airtime to registered candidates, electoral associations that have nominated registered lists of candidates, on equal terms (including in terms of airtime).
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 06.11.2003 No. 471-OZ, of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
Pre-election campaigning on the channels of non-state TV and radio broadcasting organizations may begin 28 days before the voting day in accordance with the agreement concluded between the non-state TV and radio broadcasting organization and the registered candidate or electoral association.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
Payment for airtime by registered candidates and electoral associations is carried out on equal terms exclusively at the expense of the relevant election funds.
The payment document on the full transfer of funds to pay for the cost of airtime is submitted to the branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation by the authorized representative of the electoral association on financial issues, the candidate, no later than two days before the day when the airtime is provided. A copy of the payment document marked with a branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation is submitted by the authorized representative of the electoral association for financial issues, a candidate for a TV and radio broadcasting organization, before the airtime is provided. In case of violation of this condition, the provision of airtime is not allowed.
(paragraph introduced by the Omsk Region Law No. 774-OZ of 24.07.2006)
12. Editorial offices of regional state periodicals distributed on the territory of the Omsk Region and published at least once a week are required to allocate (unless otherwise provided by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum") print areas for campaign materials provided by registered candidates and electoral associations.
(item 12 in the ed.
13. The total amount of available print space is declared by the editorial office of a regional state or municipal periodical publication no later than 30 days after the official publication (publication) of the decision on calling (holding) elections (unless otherwise provided by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and Freedoms"). the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum").
(ed. The Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
The total minimum amount of printed space that the editorial board of a regional state or municipal periodical provides to registered candidates and electoral associations for campaign materials must be at least 30 percent of the total weekly printed space of this publication.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 N 728-OZ)
14. Editorial offices of regional state periodicals are required to provide free printed space to registered candidates and electoral associations for campaign materials on equal terms (the amount of free printed space provided, space on the page, font, and other conditions).
(ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
The amount of free printed space that the editorial board of a regional state periodical provides to registered candidates and electoral associations for campaign materials must be at least 20 percent of the total weekly printed space of this publication. At the same time, one half of the total free print space is distributed among electoral associations that have registered lists of candidates, and the other half is distributed among registered candidates. The specified shares of free printed space are distributed among electoral associations and candidates by dividing the size of the corresponding share of free printed space by the total number of electoral associations and candidates.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
15. Upon completion of registration of candidates, lists of candidates, but not later than 30 days before the voting day, a draw is held to distribute free printing space among registered candidates, electoral associations that have submitted applications for participation in this draw. Candidates and / or their proxies, authorized representatives of electoral associations, as well as representatives of editorial offices of relevant regional state periodicals participate in the draw. Based on the results of the draw, a schedule is drawn up for the provision of free printed space with an indication of the date and time when registered candidates and electoral associations provide campaign materials to the editorial office of the regional state periodical, the amount of printed space provided to each of the registered candidates and electoral associations, and the date of publication of campaign materials. The procedure for drawing lots is determined in accordance with this Law by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
16. Free printing space is provided by the editorial offices of regional state periodicals during the period that begins 28 days before the voting day and ends at zero hours one day before the voting day.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
17. Editorial offices of regional state periodicals published at least once a week are required to reserve (unless otherwise provided by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum") printed space for conducting election campaigning for a fee.
(ed. The Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
The amount of printed space that the editorial board of a regional state periodical provides for a fee to registered candidates and electoral associations for propaganda materials should not exceed more than twice the amount of free printed space that the editorial board of this publication provides to registered candidates and electoral associations for propaganda materials.
(ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
The amount of printed space that the editorial board of a municipal periodical provides for a fee to registered candidates and electoral associations for campaign materials should not exceed 50 percent of the total weekly printed space of this publication.
The amount and terms of payment for printed space must be uniform for all candidates and electoral associations and published by the editorial board of a regional state or municipal periodical publication no later than 30 days after the official publication (publication) of the decision on calling (holding) elections.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 06.11.2003 No. 471-OZ, of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
A registered candidate or electoral association that has put forward registered lists of candidates may, for an appropriate fee, receive from the total amount of reserved printing space a printed area within the proportion obtained as a result of dividing this amount by the number of registered candidates or specified electoral associations. Print space must be provided by the editorial office of a periodical during the period specified in paragraph 16 of this article.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 06.11.2003 No. 471-OZ, of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
The date of publication of campaign materials is determined by a drawing held for the purpose of distributing printed space provided for a fee among registered candidates and electoral associations that have applied for participation in this drawing. Candidates and / or their proxies, authorized representatives of electoral associations, as well as representatives of editorial offices of relevant regional state and municipal periodicals participate in the draw. The draw must be made within the time period specified in paragraph 15 of this article.
Printed space is provided on the basis of an agreement between a registered candidate, an electoral association and the editorial office of a regional state or municipal periodical, concluded after the drawing of lots.
Payment for printing space by registered candidates and electoral associations is made exclusively at the expense of the relevant election funds.
The payment document on the full transfer of funds to pay for the cost of printing space is submitted to the branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation by the authorized representative of the electoral association on financial issues, the candidate no later than two days before the day of publication of the election campaign material. A copy of the payment document marked with a branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation is submitted by the authorized representative of the electoral association on financial issues, a candidate for the editorial office of a periodical before providing printing space. In case of violation of this condition, the provision of printing space is not allowed.
(the paragraph was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region of 24.07.2006 No. 774-OZ)
18. Editorial offices of non-governmental periodicals that have fulfilled the conditions of paragraph 6 of Article 50 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" may publish campaign materials 28 days before the voting day.
(ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
Registered candidates and electoral associations pay for the printed space provided to them by the editorial offices of non-state periodicals on equal terms in accordance with the agreements they have concluded with the editorial offices of non-state periodicals, exclusively at the expense of the relevant election funds.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
19. Information on the amount (in the currency of the Russian Federation) and other terms of payment for airtime and print space for election campaigning must be published by the relevant TV and radio broadcasting organization, the editorial office of a periodical not later than 30 days after the official publication (publication) of the decision on calling the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. The specified information and notification of readiness to provide airtime and print space for election campaigning must be submitted to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region within the same period.
(Clause 19 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 904-OZ of 18.05.2007)

Article 39. Conditions for conducting pre-election campaigning through public campaigning events
(as amended). Law of the Omsk region of 19.11.2010 No. 1305-OZ)

1. State and local self-government bodies are obliged to provide assistance to registered candidates and electoral associations in organizing and conducting public campaign events.
2. Notifications of organizers of rallies, demonstrations, marches and pickets shall be submitted and considered in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. At the request of a registered candidate or electoral association that has registered the list of candidates, premises suitable for holding public campaign events in the form of meetings and located in state or municipal ownership are provided free of charge by the owner, owner of the premises for the time established by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, to the registered candidate, his / her authorized representatives, representatives of the electoral association for meetings with the voters. At the same time, the Election Commission of the Omsk Region is obliged to ensure equal conditions for holding these events for registered candidates and electoral associations that have registered lists of candidates.
4. If the premises specified in paragraph 3 of this Article, as well as premises owned by an organization that, as of the date of official publication (publication) of the decision to call elections, has a share (contribution) in its authorized (pooled) capital of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation and (or) municipalities exceeding (exceeding) 30 percent, was granted to one registered candidate, an electoral association, the owner, the owner of the premises does not have the right to refuse another registered candidate, refusal to provide premises to an electoral association under the same conditions at a different time during the campaign period. If the premises are provided to a registered candidate or electoral association, the owner or owner of the premises must notify the Election Commission of the Omsk Region in writing no later than the day following the day when the premises were provided, the fact of providing the premises, the conditions under which they were provided, and also when this premises can be provided during the campaign period. period to other registered candidates and electoral associations.
5.The Election Commission of the Omsk Region, which has received a notification about the fact of providing premises to a registered candidate or electoral association, is obliged to post the information contained therein on the Internet information and telecommunications network or otherwise bring it to the attention of other registered candidates and electoral associations within two days from the date of receipt of the notification.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ)
6. Requests for the allocation of premises specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 this article, for holding meetings of registered candidates, their proxies, representatives of electoral associations that have registered lists of candidates, with voters, the owners, owners of these premises are considered within three days from the date of submission of these applications.
7. Candidates and electoral associations have the right to rent buildings and premises belonging to citizens and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, on the basis of a contract for holding public campaign events.
8. Pre-election campaigning in the location of military units, military organizations and institutions is prohibited, except for the case when the only building or premises suitable for holding a public campaign event in the form of an assembly is located in the location of a military unit or in a military organization or institution. Such a building or premises is provided by the commander of a military unit at the request of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region for meetings of registered candidates, their proxies, representatives of electoral associations that have registered lists of candidates, with voters from among military personnel. The organization of these meetings is provided by the commander of the military unit together with the relevant commission, while all registered candidates or their proxies, representatives of all electoral associations that have registered lists of candidates, are notified of the place and time of the meeting no later than three days before it is held.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 04.02 " .2011 No. 1325-OZ)
9. Ensuring security during public campaign events is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 40. Conditions for the release and distribution of printed, audiovisual and other propaganda materials(as amended). Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)

1. The conditions for the release and distribution of printed, audiovisual and other campaign materials are determined by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".
2. Information on the amount (in the currency of the Russian Federation) and other terms of payment for works or services of organizations, individual entrepreneurs performing works or providing services for the production of printed campaign materials must be published by the relevant organization, the relevant individual entrepreneur no later than 30 days after the official publication (publication) of the decision on calling elections and submitted to the Election Commission of the Omsk region within the same time period.

Article 41. Restrictions on conducting pre-election campaigning(as amended). Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)

1. When conducting pre-election campaigning, it is not allowed to abuse the freedom of mass information. Restrictions on pre-election campaigning are determined by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".
2. Election commissions monitor compliance with the established procedure for conducting pre-election campaigning and take measures to eliminate violations committed in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".


Article 42. Financial support for the preparation and conduct of elections

1. Expenses related to the preparation and conduct of elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region are made by the relevant election commissions at the expense of funds allocated for these purposes from the regional budget.
2. Allocations for the preparation and conduct of elections are provided for in a separate line in the regional budget for the next financial year. The main administrator of funds provided for in the regional budget for holding elections is the Election Commission of the Omsk region, which is financed within ten days from the date of official publication (publication) of the decision on calling (holding) elections.
3. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk Region No. 604-OZ of 22.12.2004.
4. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk Region No. 604-OZ of 22.12.2004.
5. The procedure for opening and maintaining accounts, accounting, reporting and transferring funds allocated to election commissions shall be established by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region in coordination with the territorial institution of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the Omsk Region.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 28.05.2015 No. 1748-OZ)
6. Precinct election commissions submit to the relevant territorial election commissions financial reports on the receipt and expenditure of regional budget funds allocated to these precinct election commissions for the preparation and conduct of elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, no later than 10 days from the date of voting in the elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
7. Territorial election commissions shall submit to the relevant district election commissions financial reports on the receipt and expenditure of regional budget funds allocated to these territorial election commissions for the preparation and conduct of elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, no later than 20 days from the date of voting in the elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
8. District election commissions shall submit to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region financial reports on the receipt and expenditure of regional budget funds allocated to these district election commissions for the preparation and conduct of elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, no later than 30 days from the date of voting in the elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
9. The Election Commission of the Omsk Region submits to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region a financial report on the expenditure of regional budget funds allocated for the preparation and conduct of elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, no later than three months from the date of official publication of the results of elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.

Article 43. Procedure for creating election funds

1. Candidates are obliged to create their own election funds to finance their election campaign in the period after written notification of their nomination (self-nomination) to the relevant election commission before submitting documents for their registration by this election commission. Electoral associations that have put forward lists of candidates are required to establish election funds for the purpose of financing their election campaign after registration of their authorized representatives, including on financial issues, by the relevant election commissions.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
2. A candidate nominated in a single-mandate electoral district may, and an electoral association must, appoint authorized representatives for financial matters. Registration of authorized representatives on financial issues is carried out by the relevant election commission in accordance with Articles 33.1,  33.2 of  this Law.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 24.07.2006 No. 774-OZ, of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
3. Candidates running only as part of the list of candidates nominated by an electoral association may not create their own election funds.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
4. Election funds of candidates and electoral associations may be created at the expense of:
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
a) own funds of the candidate, electoral association;
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
b) funds allocated to the candidate by the electoral association that nominated him;
(ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
c) voluntary donations of citizens;
d) voluntary donations of legal entities;
e) excluded. - Law of the Omsk Region No. 1352-OZ of 02.06.2011.
5. It is prohibited to make donations to the election funds of candidates, registered candidates, electoral associations:
1) foreign states and foreign organizations;
2) foreign citizens;
3) stateless persons;
4) citizens of the Russian Federation who have not reached the age of 18 on the voting day;
5) Russian legal entities with foreign participation, if the share (contribution) of foreign participation in their authorized (pooled) capital exceeds 30 percent as of the day of official publication of the decision on calling elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (for joint-stock companies - as of the day of drawing up the list of persons entitled to participate in the annual General meeting of shareholders financial year);
6) international organizations and international social movements;
7) state authorities, other state bodies, local self-government bodies;
8) state and municipal institutions, state and municipal unitary enterprises;
9) legal entities in whose authorized (pooled) capital the share (contribution) of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and (or) municipalities exceeds 30 percent as of the day of official publication of the decision to call elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (for joint-stock companies). companies - as of the date of drawing up the list of persons entitled to participate in the annual general meeting of shareholders for the previous financial year);
10) organizations established by state bodies and (or) local self-government bodies (with the exception of joint-stock companies established in the order of privatization);
11) organizations established by legal entities specified in subitems 5 and 9 this item; organizations that have a share (contribution) of legal entities in their authorized (pooled) capital, specified in subclauses 5 and 9 this paragraph, exceeding (exceeding) 30 percent as of the day of official publication of the decision to call elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (for joint-stock companies - as of the day of drawing up the list of persons entitled to participate in the annual General meeting of shareholders for the previous financial year);
12") military units, military institutions and organizations, law enforcement agencies, government agencies.
13) charitable and religious organizations, as well as organizations established by them;
14) anonymous donors (an anonymous donor is defined as a citizen who did not specify any of the following information in the payment document for making a donation: last name, first name, patronymic, address of residence - or provided false information, or a legal entity about which in the payment document for making a donation, it is necessary to the payment document for making a donation does not contain any of the following information: taxpayer identification number, name, bank details-or contains false information);
15) legal entities registered less than one year before the day of voting in the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, as well as non-profit organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent;
16) non-profit organizations that received money or other property from:
foreign states, foreign organizations, foreign organizations, foreign organizations,foreign organizations, foreign organizations, foreign organizations, foreign organizations, foreign organizations, foreign organizations, as well as from those specified in the subclauses 1 - 4 , 6 - 8 12"  15  Russian legal entities
with foreign participation, if the share (contribution) of foreign participation in their authorized (pooled) capital exceeded (exceeded) 30 percent on the day of transfer of these funds or transfer of other property (for joint-stock companies - on the day of drawing up the list of persons entitled to participate in the annual general meeting of shareholders for the previous financial year);
legal entities in whose authorized (pooled) capital the share (contribution) of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and (or) municipalities exceeded (exceeded) 30 percent as of the date of transfer of these funds or transfer of other property (for joint - stock companies-as of the date of drawing up the list of persons entitled to participate in the annual general meeting of Shareholders). shareholders for the previous financial year);
organizations established by state bodies and (or) local self-government bodies (except for joint-stock companies established by way of privatization);
organizations established by legal entities specified in paragraphs three and four of this subitem;
organizations in whose authorized (pooled) capital the share (contribution) of legal entities specified in paragraphs three and four of this subitem exceeded (exceeded) 30 percent as of the date of transfer of these funds or transfer of other property (for joint-stock companies - as of the date of drawing up the list of persons entitled to participate in the annual general Meeting of shareholders for the previous financial year).
Non-profit organizations specified in subitem 16 of this item are not entitled to make donations to the election fund of a candidate, registered candidate, or electoral association only if the funds or other property received by these non-profit organizations were not returned by them to those who transferred these funds or transferred other property to foreign states, bodies, organizations, or individuals, specified in and in the second - seventh paragraphs of subitem 16 of this item (if it is impossible to return them, they were not transferred (transferred) to the income of the Russian Federation), until the day when the donation was made to the election fund.
Law of the Omsk region of 21.12 " .2015 No. 1836-OZ)
5.1. When making a donation, a citizen shall indicate in the payment document the following information about himself / herself: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, address of residence, series and number of passport or its replacement document, information about citizenship. When making a donation by a legal entity, the payment order shall contain the following information about it: taxpayer identification number, name, date of registration, bank details, a note on the absence of restrictions provided for in paragraph 5 of this Article.
Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
5.2. A candidate or electoral association has the right to return to the donor any donation to the electoral fund, with the exception of a donation made by an anonymous donor. If a donation is made by a citizen or legal entity who is not entitled to make such a donation, or if the donation is made in violation of the requirements of paragraph 5.1 of this Article, or if the donation is made in an amount exceeding the maximum amount of such donation established by this Law, it is subject to return to the donor in full or by this Law, the maximum amount of donation, with an indication of the reason for the refund. The specified donation or part of it is returned to the donor within 10 days from the date of its receipt in the election fund.
A donation made by an anonymous donor is subject to transfer to the regional budget revenue within 10 days from the date of its receipt by the election fund.
A candidate or an electoral association is not responsible for accepting donations where donors have provided the information provided for in paragraph 5.1 of this Article and which turned out to be unreliable, if the candidate or electoral association has not received timely information about the illegality of these donations.
(clause 5.2 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1836-OZ of 21.12.2015)
6. The maximum amount of expenditure of the candidate's election fund may not exceed 3 million rubles. The maximum amount of expenditure of the electoral fund of an electoral association may not exceed 45 million rubles.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 24.07.2006 No. 774-OZ, of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
7. The amount of a candidate's or an electoral association's own funds contributed to the electoral fund of the candidate or electoral association, respectively, may not exceed 20 percent of the maximum amount of expenditure of the electoral fund's funds.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 24.07.2006 N 774-OZ, of 18.05.2007 N 904-OZ)
8. The amount of an individual's donation to the candidate's election fund may not exceed 1 percent of the maximum amount of expenditure of the candidate's election fund.
Law of the Omsk region of 24.07.2006 No. 774-OZ)
9. The amount of an individual's donation to the electoral fund of an electoral association may not exceed 0.2 percent of the maximum amount of expenditure of the electoral fund of an electoral association.
Law of the Omsk region of 24.07.2006 No. 774-OZ)
10. The amount of a legal entity's donation to the election fund of a candidate or electoral association may not exceed 10 percent of the maximum amount spent by the relevant election fund. The amount of funds allocated to a candidate by the electoral association that nominated him / her may not exceed 10 percent of the maximum amount of expenditure of the candidate's electoral fund.
Law of the Omsk region of 24.07.2006 No. 774-OZ)
11. Citizens and legal entities have the right to provide financial support to a candidate or electoral association only through the relevant election funds. It is prohibited to spend money that has not been transferred to the election funds in order to achieve a certain election result. It is prohibited to perform paid work, sell goods, or provide paid services directly or indirectly related to the election and aimed at achieving a certain election result without the documented consent of the candidate or his authorized representative for financial issues, authorized representative for financial issues of an electoral association, and without payment from the relevant election fund. It is prohibited to perform works, provide services, and sell goods for free or at unreasonably low (inflated) prices by legal entities, their branches, representative offices, and other divisions that are directly or indirectly related to elections and aimed at achieving a certain election result. Material support for a candidate or electoral association aimed at achieving a certain election result can only be provided if it is compensated at the expense of the relevant election fund. It is allowed for a citizen to perform work and provide services for the preparation and conduct of elections on a voluntary basis, free of charge, without involving third parties
. Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)

Article 44. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region of 29.05.2009 No. 1158-OZ.

Article 45. Assignment of election funds

1. Election funds have a special purpose. The funds of election funds may be used by candidates and electoral associations only to cover expenses related to the conduct of their election campaign.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
2. Election funds may be used for:
a) financial support of organizational and technical measures aimed at collecting signatures of voters in support of the nomination of a candidate, a list of candidates, including payment for the work of persons involved in collecting signatures of voters;
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 31.07.2012 No. 1464-O Z , of 08.10.2014 " No. 1668-OZ)
b) pre-election campaigning, as well as for payment of works (services) of informational and consulting nature;
c)payment of other works (services) performed (rendered) by citizens or legal entities, as well as to cover other expenses. expenses directly related to the conduct of the election campaign by candidates and electoral associations;
d) excluded. - Law of the Omsk region of 29.05.2009 No. 1158-OZ.

Article 46. Procedure for spending election funds(as amended by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan). Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)

1. The right to dispose of the funds of electoral funds belongs to the candidates and electoral associations that created them.
2. Contracts (agreements) with citizens and legal entities on the performance of certain works (services) related to the election campaign of a candidate or electoral association are concluded personally by the candidate or his authorized representative on financial issues, authorized representative on financial issues of the electoral association. Payments between a candidate, an electoral association, and legal entities for performing the specified works (rendering services) are made only in a non-cash manner.
3. Candidates and electoral associations have the right to use only monetary funds (including the electoral association's own funds) received in their election funds in accordance with the established procedure for payment of organizational and technical measures for collecting signatures of voters, as well as for conducting election campaigning, for carrying out other activities aimed at achieving a certain election result. in accordance with the procedure established by this Law.
4. An electoral association that has nominated a list of candidates may, for the purposes of its election campaign, use, without payment from its election fund, immovable and movable property (except for securities, printed materials and consumables) that is in its use (including on lease rights) as of the day of the official publication of the decision on calling the election deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
5. A branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation with which a special election account is opened, at the request of the relevant election commission, candidate, or electoral association, must periodically provide them with information on the receipt and expenditure of funds held in the election account of this candidate or electoral association. A branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation with which a special election account is opened, upon submission of the relevant election commission, and for the relevant election fund, also at the request of a candidate or electoral association, must immediately submit certified copies of primary financial documents confirming the receipt and expenditure of election funds within three days, and three days before the voting day.
6. After the voting day and before the final financial report is submitted, candidates and electoral associations are required to transfer unspent funds held in a special election account to citizens and legal entities that have made donations or transfers to their election funds, in proportion to the invested funds. The branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation is obliged to transfer the unspent funds remaining in the special election account to the regional budget upon the expiration of 60 days from the voting day, upon the written instruction of the relevant election commission.

Article 47. Cash accounting policies and financial statements

1. The procedure for accounting for receipts and expenditures of funds allocated for the organization and conduct of elections and funds of election funds shall be determined by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region in accordance with federal and regional laws.
2. The forms of the financial report of election commissions on the receipt and expenditure of funds, including for each operation, allocated for organizing the preparation and conduct of elections, the financial report of a candidate for deputy, an electoral association, shall be established by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region in coordination with the territorial institution of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the Omsk Region.
Law of the Omsk region of 28.05.2015 No. 1748-OZ)
3. A candidate or an electoral association simultaneously submits its first financial report to the relevant election commission when submitting documents for registration. The list of documents attached to the first financial report is determined by the Election Commission of the Omsk region.
No later than 30 days after the official publication of the election results, a candidate or an electoral association must submit to the relevant election commission a final financial report on the size of their electoral fund, on all sources of its formation, as well as on all expenditures made at the expense of their electoral fund. The final financial report is accompanied by primary financial documents confirming the receipt of funds to the election fund and the expenditure of these funds. The list of documents attached to the final financial report is determined by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region.
Copies of the financial statements specified in this paragraph shall be sent to the editorial offices of mass media outlets for publication by the relevant election commission no later than 5 days after their receipt. Editorial offices of regional state periodicals are obliged to publish financial reports (information from the said reports) submitted to them by election commissions within ten days.
The Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
4.Prior to the election day, the relevant election commission periodically sends information on the receipt and expenditure of election funds to the mass media for publication. Editorial offices of state printed publications are obliged to publish the specified information, which is transmitted to them by the commissions for publication, within three days from the date of receipt.
The following information must be published:
a) on a financial transaction involving the expenditure of funds from the election fund, if its amount exceeds by more than 5,000 times the minimum wage established by federal law as of the day when the election is called;
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 24.07.2006 No. 774-OZ)
b) about legal entities that have made donations to the election fund in the amount exceeding more than 1,500 times the minimum wage established by federal law as of the election day;
(ed. The Law of the Omsk region of 24.07.2006 No. 774-OZ)
c) on the total amount of funds received in the election fund and on the total amount of funds spent from it.
4.1. Information on the receipt of funds to a special election account and the expenditure of these funds is posted by the Election Commission of the Omsk region on its website in the information and telecommunications network "Internet".
The following information must be posted:
a) on a financial transaction involving the expenditure of funds from the relevant election fund, if its amount exceeds 50 thousand rubles;
b) about legal entities that have transferred voluntary donations in the amount exceeding 25 thousand rubles to the relevant election fund; c
)about the number of citizens who have made voluntary donations in the amount exceeding 20 thousand rubles to the relevant election fund;
d) about the funds returned to donors from the relevant election fund, including the reasons for the returne)
the total amount of funds received by the relevant election fund and the total amount of funds spent.
Such information is posted to the extent determined by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region.
(Clause 4.1 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1748-OZ of 28.05.2015)
5. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk Region No. 1210-OZ of 08.12.2009.
6. The procedure for taxation of funds from election funds, voluntary donations and transfers to these funds, as well as for spending funds from these funds, shall be established by federal laws.
7. The Election Commission of the Omsk Region and district election commissions exercise control over the procedure for the formation of election funds and the expenditure of these funds. Bodies of registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation, executive authorities that carry out state registration of legal entities or authorized in the field of registration of non-profit organizations, within five days from the date of receipt of the relevant election commission's submission to them, are obliged to verify the information provided by citizens and legal entities at the request of the relevant election commission free of charge. making or transferring donations to election funds, and report the results of the audit to the relevant election commission.
Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)


Article 48. Voting premises

1. The voting premises are provided free of charge to the precinct election commission in accordance with the Federal  Law  "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".
2. The voting room must have a hall where booths or other specially equipped places for secret voting are located, equipped with a lighting system and equipped with writing materials, except for pencils.
3. The precinct election commission shall set up an information stand in the voting room or directly in front of it, and post the following information about all candidates, lists of candidates, and all electoral associations included in the ballot:
1) biographical data of candidates in the amount established by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, but not less than the amount of biographical data entered in the ballot;
2) if a candidate or a list of candidates is nominated by an electoral association - the words "nominated by an electoral association" with the name of this electoral association;
3) if the candidate has nominated his / her own candidacy-the word "self-nomination";
4") information on the income and property of candidates in the amount established by the Election Commission of the Omsk region;
5 2, 2.1 and 3 of Article 24 of this Law (if such information is available).
Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
3.1. If a registered candidate, including one from the list of candidates, had or has a criminal record, information about the candidate's criminal record is posted on the information stand, and if the criminal record is removed or canceled, also information about the date of removal or repayment of the criminal record.
(clause 3.1 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
3.2. Samples of completed ballots are placed on the information stand, which should not contain the names of candidates registered in this single-mandate electoral district, the names of candidates included in the registered lists of candidates, the names of electoral associations participating in these elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
(part 3.2 was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1836-OZ of 21.12.2015)
3.3. Materials placed on the information stand should not contain signs of pre-election campaigning.
(part 3.3 was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1836-OZ of 21.12.2015)
3.4. In order to inform voters who are visually impaired, the information stand contains the materials specified in paragraphs 3 and 3.1 of this Article, made in large font and (or) with the use of relief-dot Braille. The election precincts where such materials are placed on their information stands are determined by the decision of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region.
(part 3.4 was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1836-OZ of 21.12.2015)
4. The voting room must contain an enlarged form of the protocol on voting results, designed to record data on voting results as they are established. The enlarged form of the protocol on voting results is posted before the start of voting and should be in the field of view of members of the precinct election commission, observers and at a distance necessary for perception of the information contained therein.
5.Stationary voting boxes made of transparent or semi-transparent material in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation are placed in the voting room. Technical means of counting votes, including software and hardware complexes for processing ballots, can also be used as stationary mailboxes. When conducting electronic voting, complexes for electronic voting are used.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
6. The voting premises must be equipped in such a way that the places where ballots are issued, places for secret voting and voting boxes, and technical means for counting votes are simultaneously visible to members of the precinct election commission and observers when using them.
7. When equipping a voting room, the conditions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for unhindered access to this room for disabled voters and voting in it must be ensured. When conducting voting, such persons are assisted to exercise their active electoral rights in compliance with the requirements stipulated by the Federal  Law  "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" and other federal laws.
(item 7 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1826-OZ of 16.12.2015)

Article 49. Absentee certificate(as amended). Law of the Omsk region of 04". 02. 2011 No. 1325-OZ)

1. A voter who fails to arrive at the voting premises of the electoral precinct where he / she is included in the electoral list on the voting day may obtain an absentee certificate from the relevant territorial or precinct election commission of the given electoral precinct and take part in voting (within the electoral district where the voter has an active electoral right) on the same territory as at the polling station where the candidate will be located on the voting day.
Absentee ballots are issued to:
a) in the territorial election commission during the period that begins 45 days before the voting day and ends 10 days before the voting day;
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
b) in a precinct election commission during the period that begins 9 days before the voting day and ends on the day preceding the voting day.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 N 1836-OZ)
(item 1 as amended by the Federal Law of the Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 N 1836-OZ). Law of the Omsk Region of 17.07.2013 No. 1557-OZ)
2. If the voting days during which absentee ballots are provided are combined, absentee ballots are issued in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".
3. Absentee ballots are strictly accountable documents and have a single numbering throughout the Omsk Region. An absentee certificate is issued at the following address: in accordance with Appendix 2 to the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum". The text of the absentee ballot, the number of absentee ballots, and the form of the register of absentee ballots are approved by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region no later than 60 days before the voting day. The specified commission also determines the ways to protect absentee ballots from forgery during their production.
4". In order to protect absentee ballots from forgery, paper with watermarks and (or) typographically printed inscriptions with a microstrip and (or) a safety net and (or) other special security elements are used in their production.
5. Procurement of absentee ballots is carried out centrally by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region on the basis of its decision.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 02.06.2014 No. 1633-OZ, of 28.05.2015 No. 1748-OZ)
6. An absentee certificate is issued by the commission on the basis of a written application of a voter indicating the reason why he / she needs an absentee certificate. An absentee certificate is issued personally to the voter or his representative on the basis of a notarized power of attorney. The power of attorney may also be certified by the administration of an inpatient medical and preventive institution (if the voter is being treated in this institution), or by the administration of the institution where suspects or accused persons are being held in custody (if the voter is being held in this institution as a suspect or accused person).
7. The chairman, deputy chairman, secretary or other voting member of the commission responsible for issuing an absentee certificate shall enter the name, surname and patronymic of the voter, the series and number of his / her passport or a document replacing the citizen's passport, the number of the polling station where the voter is included in the electoral list, the address of the precinct commission, and the name of the municipality and the subject of the Russian Federation, the number and (or) name of the single-mandate electoral district on the territory of which the polling station is formed, the name of the commission, who issued the absentee certificate. The chairman, deputy chairman, secretary or other voting member of the commission who issues the absentee certificate shall indicate in the absentee certificate his / her surname and initials, the date of issue of the absentee certificate, sign and put the seal of the relevant commission.
8. Upon receipt of an absentee certificate, a voter shall indicate the series and number of his / her passport or a document replacing a citizen's passport in the corresponding columns of the register of issuing absentee certificates or the list of voters. The address of the voter's place of residence must be indicated in the register of issuing absentee ballots. If a voter's representative receives an absentee certificate on the basis of a power of attorney, the series and number of the voter's passport or a document replacing the citizen's passport are indicated in the corresponding columns of the register for issuing absentee certificates or the list of voters, while the voter's representative indicates his / her last name, first name and patronymic, series and number of the passport or a document replacing the citizen's passport, and signs. After that, the power of attorney is withdrawn from the voter's representative and attached to the register of issuing absentee ballots and the list of voters, respectively.
9. The chairman, deputy chairman, secretary or other voting member of the territorial commission who issued the absentee certificate to the voter shall indicate the number of the issued absentee certificate in the corresponding columns of the register of issuing absentee certificates and sign it. 10 days before the voting day, the territorial commission sends to the precinct election commissions, together with the first copy of the list of voters, certified extracts from the register of issuing absentee ballots, which indicate information about the voters who received absentee ballots registered in the territories of the respective polling stations. On the basis of the relevant extract, a member of the precinct commission in the column "Special marks" of the voter list makes a note: "Received an absentee certificate N from the territorial commission" indicating the number of the issued absentee certificate and signs.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 17.07.2013 No. 1557-OZ)
10. When issuing an absentee certificate to a voter in a precinct election commission, the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary or other voting member of the precinct election commission who issued the absentee certificate to the voter makes a note in the "Special marks" column of the voter list: "Received absentee certificate No." indicating the number of the absentee certificate and signs it.
11. A voter who has been issued an absentee certificate (including through his / her representative on the basis of a power of attorney) is excluded by the precinct commission from the list of voters at the relevant polling station in these elections and is not counted among registered voters when drawing up the protocol of the precinct commission on voting results.
12. Re-issuance of an absentee certificate is not allowed. In case of loss of the absentee certificate, its duplicate will not be issued.
13. On the voting day, before the time of voting, unused absentee ballots are redeemed. Information on the repayment of unused absentee ballots, indicating their number and the numbers of absentee ballots, is entered by the relevant commission in an act drawn up in accordance with the form approved by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
14. Upon presentation of an absentee certificate on the voting day, a voter is additionally included in the list of voters at the polling station where he / she will be located on the voting day. The precinct commission makes a note in the column "Special marks" of the list of voters: "Voted according to absentee certificate N" with indication of the number of the absentee certificate presented by the voter. After that, the absentee certificate is withdrawn from the voter. Absentee ballots, based on which voters are included in the list of electors, are stored together with the specified list.
15. In case of loss of the absentee certificate form, the commission that has established the fact of such loss shall immediately draw up an appropriate report and make a decision indicating the number of the lost absentee certificate form, the fact of loss of the form and the reason for the loss. This decision is communicated directly to the higher commission and the Election Commission of the Omsk Region on the same day. Based on this decision, the Election Commission of the Omsk Region declares the corresponding absentee certificate invalid, and all lower-level commissions are immediately informed of this. An invalid absentee certificate is not a ground for inclusion of a voter in the list of electors. When a voter presents such an absentee certificate, it is subject to withdrawal.
16. The procedure for transferring absentee ballots to commissions and recording absentee ballots, including through the use of GAS Vybory, is approved in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".

Article 50. Newsletter

1. A voter receives a ballot paper to participate in the election.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
2. Ballots are produced exclusively by order of the Election Commission of the Omsk region. Numbering of ballots is not allowed. The number of ballots produced must not exceed the number of registered voters by more than 1.5 percent.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
2.1. In order to help voters who are visually impaired, special stencils for self-filling out the ballot paper are made by the decision of the Election Commission of the Omsk region, including with the use of relief-dot Braille. The electoral precincts for which such stencils are made are determined by the decision of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region.
(clause 2.1 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1387-OZ of 12.09.2011)
3. In order to protect ballots from forgery, paper with watermarks or typographically printed inscriptions with a microstrip and (or) a safety net is used during their production, or a special sign (stamp) is used for this purpose. The procedure for the production and use of special signs (stamps), their number, as well as the requirements for the transfer of special signs (stamps) by higher-level commissions to lower-level commissions, are approved by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region no later than 60 days before the voting day.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
4. The form and text of the ballot, the number of ballots, and the procedure for exercising control over the production of ballots are approved by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region - for voting ballots in a single regional electoral district, and the district election Commission - for voting ballots in a single-member district no later than 20 days before the voting day. The text of the bulletin should be placed only on one side of it.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
5. When voting for candidates, the names of registered candidates are placed in the ballot in alphabetical order, and the ballot contains the following information about each of the registered candidates:
a) surname, first name, patronymic;
b) year of birth;
c) name of the subject of the Russian Federation, district, city, or other locality where the candidate's place of residence is located;
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
d) main place of work or service, position held (in case of absence of main place of work or service - occupation);
e) if the candidate is a deputy, but works on a non-permanent basis, - information about this simultaneously with the name of the representative body;
f) if the candidate is nominated by an electoral association, - the words "nominated by an electoral association" with the short name of this electoral association;
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
g) if the candidate himself has put forward his candidacy, - the word "self-nomination";
(ed.  Omsk Region Law No. 728-OZ dated 30.12.2005)  h
) deleted. - Law of the Omsk region of 29.05.2009 No. 1158-OZ.
This paragraph is no longer valid. - Law of the Omsk Region No. 728-OZ of 30.12.2005.
This paragraph is no longer valid. - Law of the Omsk Region No. 728-OZ of 30.12.2005.
5.1. If a registered candidate nominated directly, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 24" of this Law, has indicated in the application for consent to run his / her affiliation to a political party or other public association, the bulletin shall indicate the short name of the relevant political party or other public association and the status of the registered candidate in this political party or other public association.
(Clause 5.1 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 728-OZ of 30.12.2005; as amended by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation). Law of the Omsk region of 31.10.2006 No. 796-OZ)
5.2. If a registered candidate nominated by an electoral association in a single-mandate electoral district is also included in the registered list of candidates, this information is indicated in the ballot.
(clause 5.2 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 728-OZ of 30.12.2005)
6. When voting for lists of candidates, the ballot paper shall contain the short names and emblems of the electoral associations that registered the lists of candidates (if they were submitted to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 27 of this Law) in a single-color version in accordance with the procedure determined by drawing lots. Under the name of an electoral association, the surname, first name and patronymic of each of the candidates included in the general regional part of the list of candidates nominated by this electoral association should be placed. In each territory to which a regional group of candidates corresponds, the number of the regional group of candidates corresponding to this territory from the list of candidates nominated by this electoral association, as well as the surnames, first names and patronymics of the first two candidates included in the corresponding regional group of candidates, shall be indicated in the ballot after the mentioned information.
The Law of the Omsk region of 02.06.2011 No. 1352-OZ)
7. If a registered candidate entered in the ballot paper has or has a criminal record, the ballot paper must indicate information about his / her criminal record.
Law of the Omsk Region of 02.06.2014 No. 1635-OZ)
8. To the right of the information specified in paragraphs 5, 5.1, 5.2 and 6 this Article about each registered candidate, from the name of the electoral association, an empty square is placed.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, of 31.10.2006 No. 796-OZ)
9. Bulletins are printed in Russian.
10. Ballots produced by a printing organization are handed over to the voting members of the election commission that purchased the ballots in accordance with the act, which specifies the date and time of its compilation, as well as the number of ballots to be transferred. After handing over the ballots packed in bundles in the amount corresponding to the state contract, employees of the printing organization destroy the extra ballots (if they are detected), and an act is drawn up. The election commission that purchased the ballots must make a decision on the place and time of handing over the ballots to the members of this commission and destroying the ballots no later than 2 days before it receives the ballots from the relevant printing organization. Any member of this commission, any candidate whose name is included in the ballot (except for candidates whose names are indicated in the list of candidates), or a representative of such candidate, a representative of any electoral association whose name is indicated in the ballot, may sign the acts specified in this paragraph.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ , of 02.06.2014 " No. 1633-OZ, of 28.05.2015 No. 1748-OZ)
11. The election commission that purchased the ballots, after the transfer of the ballots to it by the printing organization, transfers them by act directly to the lower-level election commissions within the time period established by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, based on its decision on the distribution of ballots. Directly subordinate election commissions transmit ballots in the same order to subordinate election commissions, including precinct election commissions. A report on the transfer of ballots by a higher commission to a lower commission is drawn up in two copies, which indicates the date and time of its compilation, as well as the number of ballots to be transferred.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region from 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ , from 02.06.2014 " No. 1633-OZ, from 28.05.2015 No. 1748-OZ)
12. Ballots are handed over to precinct election commissions not later than one day before the voting day. For each electoral precinct, the number of ballots transferred may not exceed by more than 0.5 percent (but not less than 2 ballots) the number of voters registered at the given electoral precinct, and make up less than 70 percent of the number of voters included in the voter lists at the corresponding electoral precinct on the day of transfer of ballots. , when ballots are transferred to precinct election commissions, they are counted and rejected by the piece, and the rejected ballots (if they are detected) are destroyed by the members of the election commission that transmits the ballots, and a report is drawn up on this.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
13. When the ballots are handed over by the higher election commission to the lower election commission, they are rejected and destroyed, members of these commissions, candidates specified in the list of candidates ' names may be present. In paragraph 10  or their representatives, as well as representatives of electoral associations specified in paragraph 10 of this article. Notification of the listed persons about the place and time of transfer of ballots is carried out by the relevant election commission, which is also obliged to provide an opportunity for each candidate specified in paragraph 10 of this article or at least one of his representatives, at least one representative of each electoral association specified in paragraph 10 of this Article to be present at the transfer of ballots. At the same time, any of the listed persons has the right to sign acts drawn up during the transfer of ballots, as well as during their rejection and destruction (if any).
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
14. The number of ballots transferred under the act of the precinct election commission is determined by the decision of the higher election commission. At the same time, the number of ballots transferred to the precinct election commission may not exceed by more than 0.5 percent and amount to less than 90 percent of the number of voters included in the list of voters at the polling station on the day of transfer of ballots. If the number of voters included in the electoral list is less than 200, two additional ballots are sent to the precinct election commission.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
15. On the front side of all ballots received by the precinct election commission, in the upper right corner, the signatures of two members of the precinct election commission are put, which are certified by the seal of the precinct election commission.
16. If a registered candidate whose surname, first name and patronymic are indicated in the ballot is removed from the list of candidates, or if the registration of a candidate or a list of candidates is canceled or cancelled, territorial, district, and precinct election commissions, upon instructions of the election commission that registered the candidate or the list of candidates, cross out information about such candidates and electoral districts in the ballots. associations that have registered such lists of candidates. If it is necessary to make changes to the prepared ballot concerning information about a candidate or an electoral association, these changes may be made by the members of the territorial, district or precinct election commission by hand or using technical means by decision of the election commission that registered the candidate or the list of candidates.
(ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
17. If, in accordance with the law, decisions are made less than 10 days before the voting day on the registration of candidates, lists of candidates, or on the transfer of a seat to the next registered candidate to replace the one who left after the ballots were produced, the election commission that registered the candidate, list of candidates, may decide to include data on the specified registered candidate, list of candidates, candidates can be submitted by hand or using technical means.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
18. On the voting day after the end of voting time, unused ballots held by election commissions are counted and redeemed. In precinct election commissions, this procedure is carried out in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 54 of this Law. In other election commissions, when redeeming unused ballots, an act is drawn up indicating the number of redeemed ballots. The persons specified in clause 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum"may be present at the cancellation of ballots. These ballots are kept by the secretary of the election commission together with other documents of the election commission.
19. When conducting elections using the electronic voting system, an electronic ballot is used. The form and text of the electronic ballot are approved by the relevant election commission no later than 20 days before the voting day and must comply with the requirements stipulated in paragraphs 5-9 of this Article.
(paragraph 19 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 728-OZ of 30.12.2005)

Article 51. Voting procedure

1. Voting is carried out on the voting day from 8 am to 8 pm local time. If, during elections, the place of residence of voters whose working hours coincide with the time of voting are located on the territory of an electoral precinct (when working at enterprises with a continuous work cycle or on a shift basis), by decision of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, the start time of voting at this electoral precinct may be postponed to an earlier time, but two hours.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ , of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
2. When the day of voting in elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region is combined with the day of voting in elections to federal bodies of state power, the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Union State, or a referendum of the Russian Federation, the norms of the federal law establishing the start and end time of voting are applied.
3.Territorial and precinct election commissions are obliged to notify voters about the time and place of voting no later than 10 days before the voting day through the mass media or in any other way determined by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 17.07.2013 No. 1557-OZ)
4". On the day of voting, immediately before the time of voting, the chairman of the precinct election commission shall present for inspection to the members of the precinct election commission, the persons present, specified in the list of documents specified in the Agenda. 3 of Article 30 Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum", empty voting boxes (corresponding compartments of the technical means of counting votes when using it), which are then sealed with the seal of the precinct election commission (sealed).
Law of the Omsk Region of 17.07.2013 No. 1557-OZ)
5. Each voter votes in person, voting for other voters is not allowed.
6. Ballots are issued to voters included in the electoral list upon presentation of a passport or a document replacing a citizen's passport, and if a voter votes by absentee ballot, upon presentation of an absentee ballot as well.
7. Upon receipt of the ballot, a voter shall enter the series and number of his / her passport or a document replacing a citizen's passport in the list of voters. With the consent of the voter or at his / her request, the series and number of the passport or document replacing the citizen's passport presented by him / her may be entered in the list of voters by a voting member of the precinct commission. The voter checks the correctness of the entry made and signs in the corresponding column of the list of voters in receipt of the ballot. In case of voting by absentee ballot, additional marks are made in the list of voters. If voting is conducted simultaneously on several ballots, the voter signs for each ballot. The member of the precinct commission who has issued the ballot (s) to the voter also signs in the corresponding column of the list of voters.
8. Voting is carried out by drawing any one sign in the square of the candidate or list of candidates in favor of which the choice is made by the voter in the ballot paper.
(ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 31.10.2006 No. 796-OZ)
9. The ballot paper is filled in by the voter in a specially equipped booth or other specially equipped place where the presence of other persons is not allowed, except for the case specified in paragraph 11 this Article.
10. If a voter believes that he / she made a mistake when filling out the ballot, he / she has the right to apply to the member of the election commission who issued the ballot with a request to issue him / her a new ballot to replace the damaged one. A member of the election commission issues a new ballot to the voter, making a corresponding mark in the list of voters against the name of the given voter. A damaged ballot paper, on which a voting member of an election commission makes a corresponding entry and certifies it with his signature, is also certified by the signature of the secretary of the precinct election commission, after which such ballot paper is immediately cancelled.
(ed. The Law of the Omsk region of 30.12".2005 No. 728-OZ)
11. A voter who is unable to sign the receipt of a ballot paper or fill out a ballot paper on his / her own, or participate in electronic voting, may use the assistance of another voter who is not a member of the commission, a registered candidate, an authorized representative of an electoral association, a proxy of the candidate, electoral association, or an observer. In this case, the voter verbally notifies the commission of his / her intention to use the assistance for filling out the ballot and participating in electronic voting. At the same time, in the corresponding column (s) of the voter list, the surname, first name, patronymic, series and number of the passport or document replacing the passport of the person providing assistance to the voter are indicated.
Law of the Omsk Region of 12.09.2011 No. 1387-OZ)
12. Completed ballots are placed by voters in sealed (sealed) voting boxes or in technical means of counting votes when they are used.
13. A member of a precinct or higher-level election commission is immediately suspended from participating in its work, and an observer and other persons are removed from the voting premises if they violate the election law. A reasoned decision on this is made by the precinct or higher election commission in writing.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
14. Registered candidates, electoral associations, proxies and authorized representatives of electoral associations, proxies of registered candidates, as well as organizations whose founders, owners, owners and /or members of management or control bodies are the specified persons and organizations, other individuals and legal entities acting at the request or on behalf of the specified persons and organizations. organizations are prohibited from taking actions aimed at ensuring the delivery of voters to participate in voting.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)

Article 52. Procedure for voting of voters outside the polling station

1. The precinct election commission is obliged to provide an opportunity to participate in voting to voters who are included in the list of voters at the given polling station and cannot independently arrive at the polling station for valid reasons (due to health or disability). The precinct election commission also provides the opportunity to participate in voting to voters who are included in the list of voters in this polling station and are in places of detention of suspects and accused persons.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
2. Voting outside the voting premises is carried out only on the day of voting and only on the basis of a written application or oral request (including one transmitted with the assistance of other persons) of a voter to provide him / her with the opportunity to vote outside the voting premises. The precinct election commission registers all submitted applications (oral appeals) in a special register, which is stored together with the list of voters at the end of voting.
3. When registering an oral request in the register provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article, the time of receipt of this request, the surname, first name, patronymic of the voter who declared his / her desire to vote outside the voting premises, the address of his / her place of residence, as well as the signature of the member of the election commission who accepted the request shall be indicated. If the request was submitted with the assistance of another person, the register also indicates the surname, first name, patronymic and address of the place of residence of this person. Upon arrival of members of the election commission to the voter, this request is confirmed by a written application.
(ed.  No. 728-OZ  the Omsk Region dated 30.12.2005)
4". The application (oral application) for granting the opportunity to vote outside the voting premises must indicate the reason why the voter cannot arrive at the voting premises. The application must contain the last name, first name and patronymic of the voter, and the address of their place of residence.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
5. Applications (oral appeals) referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article may be submitted to the precinct election commission at any time within 10 days prior to voting day, but not later than six hours before the end of voting time. An application (oral appeal) received later than the specified deadline is not subject to satisfaction, and the voter or the person who assisted in transmitting the appeal is notified orally immediately at the time of acceptance of the application (oral appeal).
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ, of 17.07.2013 No. 1557-OZ)
6. The Chairman of the precinct election commission must announce that the members of the precinct election commission will conduct voting outside the voting premises, no later than 30 minutes before the upcoming departure (exit) for such voting, as well as invite members of the precinct election commission with the right of advisory vote and observers to be present at its conduct.
(ed.  Law  of the Omsk Region of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ)
7. A precinct election commission has the right to recognize as disrespectful the reason why a voter cannot arrive at the polling station on his / her own, and on this basis refuse to conduct voting outside the polling station. The commission shall immediately notify the voter of the decision taken to refuse to hold such a vote.
(ed.  Law Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
8. A precinct election commission must have the necessary number of portable voting boxes made of transparent or semi-transparent material outside the voting premises in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation. The number of such boxes is determined by the decision of the directly higher commission. If the voting days for elections and referendums of different levels are combined, the decision is made by the commission involved in the preparation and conduct of higher-level elections (referendums). At the same time, the maximum number of portable voting boxes used on election day outside the voting premises in one polling station, depending on the number of voters registered in the territory of the polling station, is:
1) up to 501 voters - one portable voting box;
2) from 501 to 1001 voters - two portable voting boxes;
3) more than 1000 voters - three portable voting boxes.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ , of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ, of 08.10.2014 " No. 1668-OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
9. Members of the precinct election commission who leave on the basis of applications (oral appeals) receive ballots and sign their receipt. The total number of ballots received may not exceed by more than 5 percent the number of applications (oral appeals) received by the time of departure (but not less than two ballots). Voting outside the polling station premises is conducted by at least two members of the precinct election commission with the right to cast a casting vote, who must have a portable voting box made of transparent or semi-transparent material previously sealed (sealed) in the precinct election commission in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation, the required number of ballots in the established form, the in paragraph 2"  the register or a certified extract from it containing the necessary data about the voter and the received application (oral application) for granting the opportunity to vote outside the voting premises, the received applications of voters for granting the opportunity to vote outside the voting premises, as well as the necessary writing materials (except for pencils). for the voter to fill out a ballot. If at least two of the persons specified in paragraph 14 of this Article are present when voting outside the voting premises, one voting member of the precinct election commission may conduct voting outside the voting premises.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk Region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ , of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ, of 08.10.2014 " No. 1668-OZ)
10. Voting outside the voting premises is carried out in compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 51 this Law.
11. On the application for granting the opportunity to vote outside the polling station, a voter shall affix the series and number of his / her passport or a document replacing a citizen's passport, and certify receipt of the ballot paper with his / her signature. With the consent of the voter or at his / her request, the series and number of the passport or document replacing the citizen's passport presented by him / her may be entered in the specified application by a voting member of the precinct election commission. Voting members of the precinct election commission certify that the ballot paper has been issued with their signatures on the application. The application must also indicate that a new ballot has been received to replace the damaged one, and if the voter receives two or more ballots (taking into account the type of election and the combination of elections) - the total number of ballots received.
11.1. If a voter, due to disability or health reasons, is unable to independently sign for the receipt of the ballot or fill out the ballot, he / she has the right to use the help of another voter for this purpose in accordance with the procedure established by clause
11 of Article 51 of this Law.  by the Law  the Omsk Region of 12"09.2011 no. 1387-OZ)
12. Members of the precinct election commission who have left on the basis of applications (oral appeals) of voters may issue ballots only to those voters whose applications (oral appeals) are registered in the register in accordance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation. paragraph 2" this article.
13. The series and number of the passport or document replacing the passport of a voter who voted outside the voting premises are entered in the list of voters by members of the precinct election commission with the right to cast a casting vote, who left on the basis of applications (oral appeals) of voters. At the same time, a special mark is made in the corresponding column (s) of the list of voters: "Voted outside the voting premises", as well as signatures of the specified members of the commission.
14. When voting is conducted outside the voting premises, members of the election commission with the right of advisory vote and observers may be present. At the same time, the precinct election commission must ensure that at least two members of the election commission with the right of advisory vote, observers appointed by different candidates, and electoral associations have equal opportunities to arrive at the place of voting with members of the precinct election commission with the right of casting a casting vote. At the same time, members of an election commission with the right of advisory vote, observers appointed by a candidate nominated by an electoral association, and members of an election commission with the right of advisory vote, observers appointed by this electoral association are not recognized as persons appointed by different registered candidates or electoral associations.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ , of 18.05.2007 No. 904 " - OZ)
15. If a voter who has received an application (oral request) for granting him / her the opportunity to vote outside the voting premises arrives at the voting premises after the members of the precinct election commission have been sent to him / her to conduct voting outside the voting premises, the corresponding member of the precinct election commission may not issue a ballot to this voter in the voting premises until the members of the precinct election commission have returned. the commission members who left upon the application (oral request) of the given voter, and establishing the fact, that the specified voter did not vote outside the polling station.
16. At the end of voting using each portable voting box, the precinct election commission draws up a report indicating the number of ballots issued to the voting members of the precinct election commission who conducted voting outside the voting premises, the number of written applications of voters to give them the opportunity to vote outside the voting premises, the number of ballots issued to voters and returned (unused damaged by voters) ballots, as well as information about the voting members of the precinct election commission who conducted voting outside the voting premises, members of the precinct election commission with the right to an advisory vote, and observers who were present during the voting outside the voting premises.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
Article 53. Protocols of the precinct election commission on the results of voting(as amended). Law of the Omsk region of 24.07.2006 No. 774-OZ)

1. The precinct election Commission draws up its decision on the results of voting:
1) in a single - mandate electoral district by Protocol No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as Protocol No. 1);
2) in a single regional electoral district by protocol No. 2 at the relevant polling station (hereinafter referred to as Protocol No. 2).
1.1. The protocol on voting results may be drawn up in electronic form.
(clause 1.1 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1557-OZ of 17.07.2013)
2. If the protocol on voting results is drawn up in hard copy, it must be drawn up on one sheet. In exceptional cases, it may be drawn up on more than one sheet, and each sheet must be numbered, signed by all present members of the precinct commission with the right to vote, and certified with the seal of the precinct commission. Each of the protocols specified in paragraph 1 of this article must contain:
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 17.07.2013 No. 1557-OZ)
1) the copy number;
2) the name of the election, the date of voting, the name and number of the electoral district;
3) the word "Protocol";
4) the address of the voting premises with the number of the polling station;
5) the following lines of the protocol:
line 1: the number of voters included in the electoral list at the end of voting;
line 2: the number of ballots received by the precinct election commission;
line 3: the number of ballots issued to voters in the voting premises on the voting day;
line 4: the number of ballots issued to voters who voted outside the voting premises on the voting day;
line 5: the number of cancelled ballots;
line 6: the number of ballots contained in portable voting boxes;
line 7: the number of ballots contained in stationary voting boxes;
line 8: the number of invalid
ones line 9: number of valid ballots;
line 10: number of absentee ballots received by the precinct election commission;
line 11: number of absentee ballots issued by the precinct election commission to voters at the polling station before the voting day;
line 12: number of voters who voted by absentee ballots at the polling station;
line 13: number of absentee ballots cancelled at the polling station;
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
line 14: number of absentee ballots issued to voters by the territorial election commission;
line 15: the number of lost absentee ballots;
line 16: the number of lost ballots;
line 17: the number of ballots not counted upon receipt;
line 18: the number of votes of voters for each of the positions contained in all ballots.
In line 18 and subsequent lines of Protocol No. 1, surnames, first names and patronymics are additionally entered in alphabetical order, and if they match, other data on registered candidates entered in the ballot and the number of votes cast for each registered candidate.
In line 18 and subsequent lines of Protocol No. 2, the names of the electoral associations that registered the lists of candidates, in the order of their placement in the ballot, and the number of votes cast for each list of candidates are additionally entered;
(subclause 5 as amended. Law of the Omsk region of 04.02.2011 No. 1325-OZ)
6) information on the number of complaints (applications) received by the precinct election commission on the voting day and before the end of counting of votes attached to the protocol;
7) surnames and initials of the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and other voting members of the election commission and their signatures;
8) date and time of signing the protocol;
9) seal of the precinct election commission (for a hard copy protocol).
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 17.07.2013 No. 1557-OZ)
3. The numbers specified in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be entered in Protocol No. 1 and Protocol No. 2 in figures and words.

Article 54. Procedure for counting votes and drawing up protocols on voting results by a precinct election commission
(as amended by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan). Law of the Omsk region of 24.07.2006 No. 774-OZ)

1. The counting of votes of voters is carried out openly and publicly, with the announcement and corresponding entry in the enlarged form of the protocol of the precinct election commission on the results of voting of all the results of actions carried out on counting ballots and votes of voters by members of the precinct election commission with the right to cast a casting vote. Persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum" should be given the opportunity to attend the counting of votes and observe the counting.
2. After the voting time expires, the chairman of the precinct election commission announces that only voters who are already in the polling station can receive ballots and vote. Counting of votes begins immediately after the end of voting and is carried out without interruption until the results of voting are established, which must be notified to all members of the precinct election commission and other persons specified in paragraph 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".
3. After the voting is over, the voting members of the precinct election commission, in the presence of the persons specified in paragraph 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", count and cancel the unused ballots by cutting off the lower-left corner, then announce them and enter them in line 5 the relevant protocol of the precinct election commission on voting results and its enlarged form number of cancelled ballots, which is defined as the sum of the number of unused ballots and the number of ballots damaged by voters during voting. After that, the members of the precinct election commission announce the number of unused absentee ballots specified in the act drawn up in accordance with paragraph 8 of Article 49 of this Law. This number is entered in lines 13 of the protocols on voting results and their enlarged forms. The cancelled ballots and absentee ballots may be viewed visually by members of the precinct election commission with the right to an advisory vote and persons present at the vote counting specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", under the supervision of members of the precinct election commission with the right to a Casting vote.
4. The Chairman, deputy chairman or secretary of a precinct election commission shall specify, announce and enter in line 2 of the relevant protocol on voting results and its enlarged form the number of ballots received by the precinct election commission, as well as announce and enter in line 10 of the relevant protocol and its enlarged form the number of absentee ballots received by the precinct election commission.
5. Before direct counting of votes, members of the precinct election commission with the casting vote right shall enter on each page of the list of voters for a single regional and single-mandate electoral districts, respectively, the following summary data on this page:
1) the number of voters included in the list at the time of the end of voting (excluding voters who were issued absentee ballots in the territorial and precinct election commissions, as well as voters who left for other reasons);
2) the number of ballots issued to voters in the voting premises on the voting day (determined by the number of signatures of voters in the list of voters). When determining the number of voters included in the list for a single-mandate electoral district, the number of voters included in the list of voters based on absentee ballots is not taken into account if they received ballots only for a single regional electoral district;
3) the number of ballots issued to voters who voted outside the polling station (determined by the number of corresponding marks in the list of voters);
4) the number of absentee ballots issued by the precinct election commission to voters at the polling station before voting day;
5) the number of voters who voted by absentee ballots at the polling station;
6) the number of absentee ballots issued by the precinct election commission to certificates issued to voters by the territorial election commission.
6. After making the changes specified in the In paragraph 5 this article, each page of the electoral list is signed by the voting member of the precinct election commission who entered these data, who then summarizes them according to the pages of the electoral list signed by him, announces them and informs the chairman, deputy chairman or secretary of the precinct election commission and persons present at the counting of votes. Summary data, defined as the sum of data set in accordance with the In accordance with paragraph 5 this article, the chairman, deputy chairman or secretary of the precinct election commission shall announce, enter it on the last page of the voter list, confirm it with his signature and seal it with the seal of the precinct election commission. The announced data is entered in the corresponding lines of the protocols on voting results and their enlarged forms:
1) in line 1: the number of voters included in the list of voters at the time of the end of voting;
(subclause 1 as amended) The Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
2") in line 3: the number of ballots issued to voters in the voting premises on the voting day;
(subclause 2 as amended) Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 N 904-OZ)
3) in line 4: the number of ballots issued to voters who voted outside the voting premises on the voting day;
(subclause 3 as amended by the Government of the Russian Federation) Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
4) in line 10: the number of absentee ballots received by the precinct election commission;
(item 4 in the editorial office). The Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
5) in line 11: the number of absentee ballots issued by the precinct election commission to voters at the polling station prior to the voting day;
(subclause 5 as amended) Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
6) in line 12: the number of voters who voted by absentee ballots at the polling station;
(item 6 as amended by the Law of the Russian Federation). Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
7) in line 13: the number of absentee ballots cancelled at the polling station;
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007  No. 904" - OZ , of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
8) in line 14: the number of absentee ballots issued to voters by the territorial election commission.
(subclause 8 as amended.  of Omsk region of 18.05.2007 N No. 904" - OZ)
7. After performing the actions specified in item 6 this Article, the persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" may get acquainted with the list of Voters, and members of the precinct election commission with the right of advisory vote may make sure that the calculation.
8. Further work with the list of voters may not be carried out until the control ratios of the data entered in the protocol of the precinct election commission on voting results are verified in accordance with paragraph 21 this Article. The list of voters is put away for this time in a safe or in another place specially adapted for storing documents. The chairman or secretary of the precinct election commission is responsible for keeping the list of voters, which excludes access to it by persons present in the voting premises.
9. Direct counting of votes of voters is carried out by members of the precinct election commission with the right to cast a decisive vote using the ballots in the voting boxes.
10.Members of a precinct election commission with the right to an advisory vote and other persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum"may be present at the direct counting of votes.
11. Direct counting of votes of voters is carried out in specially designated places, equipped in such a way that they are provided with access to members of the precinct election commission with both the right of a decisive and advisory vote. Members of a precinct election commission with a casting vote, except for the chairman, deputy chairman and secretary of the commission, are prohibited from using writing materials when counting votes, except for the cases provided  for in paragraphs 13  and  16  of this Article. Persons present at the direct counting of votes should be provided with a full overview of the actions of members of the precinct election commission.
12". When sorting ballots, the precinct election commission separates ballots of an unspecified form, that is, not officially produced or not certified by the election commission. Ballots of an unspecified form are not counted directly when counting votes. They are packed separately and sealed.
13. First of all, the ballots that were stored in portable voting boxes are counted. First, portable voting boxes with ballots filled in by the voters who voted outside the polling station on the voting day are opened. Before opening each portable voting box, the number of voters who voted using this portable voting box is announced, the integrity of the seals on it is checked, and the chairman of the precinct election commission suggests that the members of the specified commission and other persons present at the counting of votes should verify this. The counting of ballots is carried out in such a way that the secrecy of voting is not violated, and ballots of an unspecified form are separated. The number of extracted ballots of the established form is announced and entered in line 6 of the relevant protocol of the precinct election commission on voting results and its enlarged form. If the number of ballots found in the corresponding portable voting box of the established form exceeds the number of applications of voters containing a note on receipt of the ballot, all ballots that were in this portable voting box are declared invalid by the decision of the precinct election commission, and a separate act is drawn up, which is attached to the corresponding protocol and in which and initials of members of the precinct election commission, those who conducted voting outside the voting premises using this portable voting box. The number of invalid ballots recognized in this case is announced, entered in the specified act and subsequently summed up with the number of invalid ballots identified during sorting of ballots. On the front side of each of these ballots, on the squares located to the right of the data of registered candidates, names of electoral associations, an entry is made on the reason for declaring the ballot invalid, which is confirmed by the signatures of two voting members of the precinct election commission and certified by the seal of the precinct election commission, and the ballots themselves are packed separately and they are not taken into account in the further counting of votes.
(ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 31.10.2006 No. 796-OZ)
14. Stationary voting boxes are opened after checking the integrity of the seals on them.
15. Members of the precinct election commission sort the ballots extracted from portable and stationary voting boxes according to the votes cast for each of the candidates (each list of candidates), and at the same time separate the ballots of unknown form and invalid ballots. When sorting ballots, the voting members of the precinct election commission announce the marks of the voter contained in the ballot paper and present the ballots for visual inspection to all those present. Simultaneous disclosure of the contents of two or more ballots is not allowed.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 31.10.2006 No. 796-OZ)
16. Invalid ballots are counted and summed up separately. Invalid ballots are considered to be those that do not contain marks in the squares located opposite the names of candidates, names of electoral associations, or that contain more than one mark in the specified squares. If there are doubts about the determination of the voter's will, this ballot paper is placed in a separate bundle. After sorting is completed, the precinct election commission decides on the validity of all doubtful ballots by voting, and the reasons for declaring it valid or invalid are indicated on the back of the ballot. This record is confirmed by the signatures of two or more voting members of the precinct election commission and is certified by the seal of the precinct election commission. The ballot paper recognized as valid or invalid is attached to the corresponding bundle of ballots. Total number of invalid ballots (including the number of ballots declared invalid in accordance with 13 this article) is entered in line 8 of the relevant protocol on voting results and its enlarged form.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 31.10.2006 No. 796-OZ)
17. After that, the sorted ballots of the established form are counted in each bundle separately according to the votes cast for each candidate, the list of candidates. At the same time, ballots are counted by transferring them one by one from one part of the bundle to another so that the persons present at the counting can see the voter's mark in each ballot. Simultaneous counting of ballots from different bundles is not allowed. The received data, after their announcement, is entered in line 18 and subsequent lines of the relevant protocol of the precinct election commission on voting results and its enlarged form.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 31.10.2006  No. 796-OZ , of 04.02 " .2011 No. 1325-OZ)
18. Voting members of a precinct election commission shall determine the number of valid ballots by summing up the data contained in line 18 and subsequent lines of the relevant protocol of the precinct election commission on voting results, announce it and enter it in line 9 of this protocol and its enlarged form.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 04.02.2011 No. 1325-OZ)
19. The voting members of the precinct election commission shall determine the number of ballots of the established form that were kept in stationary voting boxes, announce it and enter it in line 7 of the relevant protocol of the precinct election commission on voting results and its enlarged form.
20. After that, observers may visually inspect the sorted ballots under the control of the voting members of the precinct election commission, and the voting members of the precinct election commission may make sure that the counting is correct.
21. After familiarizing members of the precinct election commission with the right of advisory vote, observers with sorted ballots, the control ratios of data entered in the protocol on voting results are checked in accordance with Appendix No. 1.1 to this Law, in accordance with the procedure established by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region. If the specified control ratios are not met, the precinct election commission makes a decision on additional counting of data for all or individual lines of the relevant protocol, including additional counting of ballots. If, as a result of additional counting according to lines 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the protocol, the control ratios are not met again, the precinct election commission draws up a corresponding report attached to the protocol and enters data on the discrepancy in special lines of the protocol: in line 16 "Number of lost ballots" and line 17 "Number of ballots that have not been lost". registered upon receipt". If the number specified in line 2 is greater than the sum of the numbers specified in lines 3, 4, 5, the difference between the number specified in line 2 and the sum of the numbers specified in lines 3, 4, 5 is entered in line 16, and the digit "0"is entered in line 17. If the sum of the numbers specified in lines 3, 4, 5 is greater than the number specified in line 2, the difference between the sum of the numbers specified in lines 3, 4, 5 and the number specified in line 2 is entered in line 17, and the digit "0"is entered in line 16. If, as a result of additional counting, it is necessary to make changes to the corresponding protocol, a new protocol form is filled in, and appropriate corrections are made to its enlarged form. If the control ratios are met, the digit "0"is entered in lines 16 and 17.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 04.02.2011 No. 1325-OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
22. After counting is completed, the ballots are packed in separate bundles according to the registered candidates, lists of candidates for whom votes were cast in the corresponding ballots. Invalid and cancelled ballots for the unified regional and single-mandate electoral districts are packed in separate bundles. Each bundle contains the number of ballots contained therein, the name of the registered candidate, the name of the electoral association indicated in the corresponding ballots, or the mark "Invalid ballots in a single regional electoral district" or "Invalid ballots in a single-mandate electoral district"is put on it. Ballot papers folded in this way, as well as ballots packed in accordance with  paragraphs 12"  and 13  In accordance with the provisions of this Article, packed absentee ballots are placed in bags or boxes that indicate the number of the polling station, the number (name) of the electoral district, the total number of all packed ballots, and the total number of all packed absentee ballots. Bags or boxes are sealed and can only be opened by a decision of a higher election commission or court. These bags or boxes may be signed by members of the precinct election commission with either a casting vote or an advisory vote. Packaging is carried out in the presence of persons specified in paragraph 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum", who are given the opportunity to put their signatures on the bags or boxes.
(ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 31.10.2006 No. 796-OZ)
22". 1. When using the technical means of counting votes after completing the work with the list of voters in the presence of members of the precinct election commission with the right of advisory vote, the persons specified in paragraph 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum":
1) if, for any reason, voting in the voting room was temporarily conducted without using a technical means of counting votes, the precinct election commission checks the integrity of seals (seals) on a special compartment on this technical means of counting votes or on a backup stationary voting box, opens such box and puts all the ballots contained in it in the technical compartment. means of counting votes in such a way that the secrecy of voting is not violated;
2) the precinct election commission counts the ballots that were in portable voting boxes in accordance with the procedure provided paragraph 13 this article, then all ballots are lowered into the technical means of counting votes switched to the mode of counting votes from portable voting boxes, while the ballots are lowered in such a way that the secrecy of voting is not violated;
3) the precinct election commission enters into the technical means of counting votes the data obtained at the stage of working with the list of voters, that is, the data entered in the lines 1, 2", 3, 4, 5 and 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 enlarged form of the protocol on voting results;
4) precinct election commission. the election commission prints out the protocol on voting results from the technical means of counting votes, announces and enters the relevant data in lines 6, 7, 8, 9, 18 and subsequent lines of the enlarged form of the protocol on voting results;
5) the precinct election commission checks the control ratios of the data entered in the protocol on voting results. If the specified control ratios are not met, the precinct election commission decides on additional counting for all or individual lines of the protocol on voting results, including additional manual counting of ballots. additional counting, the control ratios are not met again, the precinct election commission makes a corresponding decision attached to the protocol on voting results and enters data on the discrepancy in lines 16 and 17 of the protocol on voting results.
(clause 22.1 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1836-OZ of 21.12.2015)
23. After performing all the necessary actions and calculations, the precinct election commission must hold a final meeting, at which complaints (applications) about violations of the Federal Legislation are considered. If, as a result  "On Basic Guarantees of electoral Rights and the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum" and this Law, which are allowed during voting and counting of votes, after which protocols of the precinct election commission on voting results are signed, and copies thereof are issued to the persons specified in paragraph 3 of Article 30 Federal Law " On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum". Each protocol is drawn up in two copies and signed by all present voting members of the precinct election commission, with the date and time (hours and minutes)indicated in it signing it. A protocol obtained using a technical means of counting votes or using a complex for electronic voting becomes legally binding after it is signed by the specified persons. It is not allowed to fill out the protocol in pencil and make any changes to it. Signing a protocol in violation of this procedure is the basis for declaring this protocol invalid and conducting a re-counting of votes.
24". If certain voting members of the precinct election commission are absent during the completion of the protocol on voting results, an entry is made in the relevant protocol indicating the reason for their absence. The protocol is valid if it is signed by a majority of the established number of voting members of the precinct election commission. If, when signing the protocol on voting results, at least one voting member of the precinct election commission is signed by another member of the precinct election commission or an outsider, this is grounds for declaring this protocol invalid and conducting a re-counting of votes.
25. When signing protocols of a precinct election commission on voting results, voting members of a precinct election commission who do not agree with the protocol (s) as a whole or with its (their) individual provisions may attach a special opinion to the protocol (s), and a corresponding entry is made in the protocol (s).
26. At the request of a member of a precinct election commission, an observer, or other persons specified in paragraph 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", the precinct election commission, immediately after signing the protocol on voting results (including those drawn up repeatedly), is obliged to issue a certified copy of the protocol on voting results. If the protocol is drawn up in electronic form, its copy is made by printing out the protocol on paper and certified in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum". Certified copies of the protocols issued are numbered. The precinct election Commission notes the fact of issuing a certified copy in the relevant register. The person who received the certified copy signs in the specified register. The person who certified the specified copy of the protocol is responsible for the full compliance of the data contained in the copy of the voting results protocol with the data contained in the protocol.
(item 26 in the ed. Law of the Omsk region of 17.07.2013 No. 1557-OZ)
27. The first copies of the protocols of the precinct election commission on voting results, after they are signed by all present voting members of the precinct election commission and their certified copies are issued to the persons entitled to receive them, are immediately sent to the relevant territorial election commission and are not subject to return to the precinct election commission. The first copy of the protocol is accompanied by dissenting opinions of the voting members of the precinct election commission, complaints (applications) about violations of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. the Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum" and this Law, received by the election commission on the day of voting and before the end of counting of votes, as well as decisions of the precinct election commission adopted on these complaints (applications) and acts and registers drawn up by it. Certified copies of these documents and decisions of the precinct election commission are attached to the second copy of the protocol. The first copy of the protocol with the attached documents is delivered to the territorial election commission by the chairman, secretary or other voting member of the precinct election commission on behalf of its chairman. Other members of the precinct election commission, as well as observers sent to this precinct election commission, may be present when transmitting the protocol.
28. Second copies of the protocols on voting results are provided for review to the persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", and their certified copies are posted for general review in the place established by the precinct election commission, after which the second copies together with the electoral documentation provided for in this Law, including sealed ballots and voter lists, members of the precinct election commission with the right to an advisory vote, persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", who were present at the establishment of voting results and the preparation of protocols, as well as the seal of the precinct election commission, not later than 5 days after the official publication of the election results. If the protocol is drawn up in electronic form, its second copy is made by printing out the protocol on paper and signed by all voting members of the precinct election commission who were present when the voting results were established and the protocol was drawn up. 2 days before the expiration of the term of office of the precinct election commission, copies of the second copies of protocols available in the precinct election commission are destroyed with the preparation of the act.
(item 28 in the ed. The Law of the Omsk region of 17.07.2013 No. 1557-OZ)
28.1. When using technical means of counting votes by a precinct election commission, votes are counted in accordance with clause 22.1 this Article. Within the territory where one territorial election commission operates, at least 5 percent of the polling stations determined by lot (but not less than three polling stations) where such technical means were used, control counting of votes of voters is carried out directly by members of precinct election commissions with the right to cast a casting vote (manual counting of votes). At the same time, the draw is conducted by the territorial election commission within half an hour after the end of voting time, and the results of the draw are brought to the attention of each precinct election commission immediately. If the day of voting in the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region is combined with the days of voting in other elections and / or referendums, the procedure for conducting a control vote count is determined by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation or the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, depending on the level of elections and referendums held.
All persons present at the establishment of the voting results at the polling station where the technical means of counting votes were used must be notified of the possibility of conducting a control (manual) vote counting. Manual counting of votes is carried out in the presence of the persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum". At the polling stations determined by drawing lots, the manual counting of votes is carried out in accordance with the procedure specified in the following paragraphs: 9 - 12 , 14" - 18 , 20 22" this article. Based on the results of manual vote counting, or a new protocol on voting results is drawn up (if there is a difference of more than one percent (determined by dividing the difference between the data of manual vote counting and the data obtained using the technical means of vote counting by a larger number of votes), but not less than three units between the data of manual vote counting and the data obtained by the technical means of vote counting). received using a technical means of counting votes, at least for one of the following lines: 8, 9, 18 and subsequent lines - protocol of the precinct election commission on voting results), on which a note is made: "Repeated" and which, together with the initial protocol of the precinct election commission on voting results, is sent to the territorial election commission, or an act is drawn up on the coincidence of the data obtained during the re-counting of votes with the original data, which, together with the protocol of the precinct election commission on voting results, is sent to the territorial election commission. The Chairman of the precinct election commission of the polling station designated by lot for conducting the control (manual) counting of votes, immediately after establishing the results of the control (manual) counting of votes, informs the territorial election commission about the results obtained.
The territorial election Commission, which has determined by lot the electoral precincts for conducting the control (manual) vote counting, immediately after receiving from the chairmen of precinct election commissions of the specified electoral precincts information on the results of the control (manual) vote counting, makes a corresponding decision, including a decision to conduct manual vote counting at all electoral precincts where no manual vote counting was carried out. counting of votes and which are located in the relevant territory, in the case of, if, as a result of the control counting of votes at at least one of the polling stations determined by lot, a repeated protocol on voting results was drawn up due to a discrepancy in lines 8, 9, 18 and subsequent lines of the protocol of data obtained using technical means of counting votes and during manual counting of votes.
Precinct election commissions of electoral precincts where technical means of counting votes were used, after establishing the voting results by manual counting of votes and signing repeated protocols on voting results or acts on data coincidence in accordance with the procedure provided for in paragraph 27 of this Article, send the protocols to the territorial election commission.
(clause 28.1 was introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1836-OZ of 21.12.2015)
28.2. When using technical means of counting votes, it is prohibited to disclose the data of counting votes before the end of voting at the polling station, with the exception of data on the total number of voters who voted.
(clause 28.2 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1836-OZ of 21.12.2015)
29. The data of the protocols of precinct election commissions on voting results are posted on the Internet information and telecommunications network in accordance with the procedure determined by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ)

Article 55. Determination of the results of voting by the territorial election commission(as amended). Law of the Omsk region of 24.07.2006 No. 774-OZ)

1.Based on the data of the protocols of precinct election commissions on voting results, the territorial election commission, after preliminary verification of the correctness of drawing up the protocols, no later than on the third day from the voting day, by summing up all the data indicated in them, establishes the results of voting in the relevant territory. Summation of the data contained in these protocols is carried out directly by the members of the territorial election commission with the casting vote. The persons referred to in paragraph 3 may be present  Article 30 Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum".
2. Reception of protocols of precinct election commissions, summing up the data contained in these protocols, and drawing up protocols of the territorial election commission on voting results are carried out in one room, while all actions of members of the territorial election commission on receiving protocols of precinct election commissions, summing up the data contained in them, and drawing up protocols of the territorial election commission on voting results must be field of view of members of the territorial election commission and other persons, 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum". Enlarged forms of the corresponding summary tables of the territorial election commission should be located in the specified room.
3. The Chairman, secretary or other voting member of a precinct election commission shall transmit the first copies of the protocols of the precinct election commission on voting results with the documents attached to them to the voting member of the territorial election commission, who verifies the correctness of drawing up the protocols and the completeness of the documents attached to them.
4". If the protocol (protocols) of the precinct election commission on the results of voting has been drawn up (have been drawn up) in violation of the requirements set forth in this Law for drawing up the protocol, the precinct election commission must draw up a repeated protocol (s) in accordance with the requirements of this Law, and the protocol (s) originally submitted remain (remain) in accordance with the requirements of this Law. territorial election commission.
5. If the protocols of a precinct election commission on voting results are drawn up in accordance with the requirements for drawing up a protocol stipulated by this Law, a member of the territorial election commission with the casting vote immediately enters the data contained in each protocol into the corresponding summary table of the territorial election commission. The Chairman, secretary or other voting member of a precinct election commission who has submitted the protocols to a member of the territorial election commission shall sign the data contained in the corresponding protocol in each of the enlarged forms of the summary table of the territorial election commission.
6. Data contained in the protocols of precinct election commissions on voting results, as soon as they are entered into the State Automated System of the Russian Federation "Elections", but not later than one day from the date of voting (for protocols marked "Repeated" or "Re - counting of votes" - not later than one day from the date of voting). date of drawing up the relevant protocol) are placed by the Election Commission of the Omsk region in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" and are kept there for at least one year from the date of official publication of the election results.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ)
7. Based on the results of voting, the territorial election commission draws up its decisions on the results of voting in a single-mandate electoral district by protocol No. 1, in a single regional electoral district by protocol No. 2, in which the following data are entered:
1) the number of precinct election commissions in the respective territory;
2) the number of received protocols No. 1, the number of received protocols No. 2 of precinct election commissions on the results of voting, on the basis of which the corresponding protocol is drawn up;
3) the number of polling stations whose voting results were declared invalid, and the total number of voters included in the voter lists for these polling stations at the time of the end of voting;
4) summary data on all lines of protocols of precinct election commissions on voting results provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 53 of this Law.
8. Before signing the protocols on voting results, the territorial election commission must hold a final meeting, where complaints (applications) received by the commission about violations of the law committed during voting, counting of votes, and determining the voting results are considered. After that, the territorial election Commission signs Protocols No. 1 and No. 2 on voting results and issues their certified copies to the persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum". Each protocol of the territorial election commission on the results of voting is drawn up in two copies and signed by all present members of the territorial election commission with the right to cast a casting vote, it is marked with the date and time (hours and minutes). signing it. Signing a protocol in violation of this procedure is a ground for declaring this protocol invalid. A voting member of a territorial election commission who does not agree with the protocol as a whole or with its individual provisions may attach a special opinion to the relevant protocol, and a corresponding entry is made in this protocol.
9. Each copy of the relevant protocol of the territorial election commission on voting results shall be accompanied by the following documents::
1) summary table of the territorial election commission, which includes complete data contained in all protocols of precinct election commissions received by the territorial election commission on the results of voting in the relevant electoral district;
2) acts on the transfer of ballots by the territorial election commission to precinct election commissions, as well as on the repayment of unused ballots stored in the territorial election commission. commission, indicating the number of these ballots;
3) acts on the issue of absentee ballots by the territorial election commission to voters, on the transfer of absentee ballots to precinct election commissions, as well as on the repayment of unused absentee ballots stored in the territorial election commission, indicating the number of these ballots.
10. Summary tables and acts specified in paragraph 9 of this Article shall be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the territorial election commission.
11. The first copy of each protocol of the territorial election commission on voting results is accompanied by dissenting opinions of members of the territorial election commission, as well as complaints (applications) about violations of the law committed during voting, counting of votes, determining voting results, received by the said commission during the period that begins on the voting day and ends on the day when the territorial election commission by the commission of the relevant protocol on voting results, and the decisions of the territorial election commission taken on these complaints (applications). Certified copies of dissenting opinions, complaints (applications) and decisions of the territorial election commission are attached to the second copy of the relevant protocol.
12. The first copies of the protocols of the territorial election commission on voting results, after they are signed by all present voting members of the territorial election commission, together with the attached documents and protocols of precinct election commissions on voting results, are immediately sent to the relevant election commission and are not subject to return.
13. The second copy of each protocol of the territorial election commission on voting results, the second copies of summary tables and acts specified in item 9 of this Article are provided for familiarization to members of the territorial election commission, members of higher-level election commissions with the right of advisory vote, and other persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and Freedoms". the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum", and their certified copies are posted for public inspection at the place of registration of the relevant documents., established by the territorial election commission.
14. Second copies of protocols of the territorial election commission on voting results together with second copies of summary tables and acts specified in item 9 of this Article, lists of members of the territorial election commission with the right of advisory vote, other persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum citizens of the Russian Federation", who were present at the establishment of the voting results and drawing up the protocol, are kept by the secretary of the territorial election commission.
15. If, after signing the protocols of the territorial election commission on voting results and (or) summary tables of the territorial election commission and sending their first copies to the higher district election commission, the territorial election commission that compiled the protocols and summary tables, or the higher election commission, during a preliminary check, found inaccuracy in them (including a typo, typo or error in summing up the data contained in the protocols of precinct election commissions on voting results), the territorial election commission is obliged at its meeting to consider the issue of making clarifications to lines 1-17 of the protocol (s) and / or the summary table (s). The territorial election Commission, when informing about the holding of the specified meeting, is obliged to indicate that this issue will be considered at it. The territorial election commission must inform its members with the right to an advisory vote, other persons specified in paragraph 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", and those who were present when the relevant protocol of the territorial election commission was drawn up earlier. In this case, the territorial election commission draws up a protocol (protocols) on the results of voting and (or) a summary table (summary tables) marked "Repeated" and (or) "Repeated". The specified protocol (s) and / or summary table (s) are immediately sent to the higher election commission. The protocol (protocols) on voting results and (or) summary table (summary tables) previously submitted by the territorial election commission to a higher election commission are attached to the corresponding repeated protocol and (or) corresponding repeated summary table. Violation of the specified procedure for drawing up a repeated protocol and /or a repeated summary table is grounds for declaring the repeated protocol invalid. If it is necessary to make clarifications in line 18 and subsequent lines of the protocol on voting results, a second vote count is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by paragraphs 16 and 17 this article.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region from 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ, from 04.02 " .2011 No. 1325-OZ)
16. If there are any errors or inconsistencies in the protocol (s) on voting results or doubts arise about the correctness of drawing up the protocol (s) received from the precinct election commission, the territorial election commission, as in the course of preliminary verification of the correctness of drawing up the protocol (s)., as well as after receiving the protocol (protocols) of the precinct election commission on voting results, the precinct election commission has the right to make a decision on conducting a re-counting of votes by the precinct election commission or on independently conducting a re-counting of votes at the relevant polling station. The specified re-counting may be carried out before the territorial election commission determines the voting results and draws up a protocol on the voting results.
17. Re-counting of votes of voters is carried out in the presence of a member (s) of the territorial election commission with the casting vote by the precinct election commission that has drawn up and approved the protocol to be verified, or by the territorial election commission that has made a decision to conduct re-counting of votes of voters. The election commission conducting the re-counting of votes shall notify the members of the relevant precinct election commission and other persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" who are entitled to be present during the re-counting of votes. Based on the results of re-counting of votes, the election commission that conducted such counting shall draw up a corresponding protocol on the results of voting, which is marked "Re-counting of votes". Prepared and certified copies of such protocol are issued to the persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum". If such a protocol is drawn up by a precinct election commission, it is immediately sent to the territorial election commission. The protocol of the precinct election commission on voting results previously submitted to the territorial election commission is attached to this protocol. Violation by the election commission that conducted the re-counting of votes of voters of the specified procedure for drawing up a protocol on the results of voting marked "Re-counting of votes" is a ground for declaring this protocol invalid.

Article 55.1. Determination of election results for a single-mandate electoral district and determination of voting results for a single regional electoral district (introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 774-OZ of 24.07.2006)

1. Based on the data of the first copies of the protocols of territorial (precinct) election commissions on voting results, the district election commission, after preliminary verification of their correctness, determines the election results for a single-mandate electoral district by summing up all the data contained in them, and also determines the voting results for a single regional electoral district, no later than on the fifth day after the date of voting on the territory of a single-member electoral district. Summation of the data contained in the protocols of territorial (precinct) election commissions on voting results is carried out directly by the members of the district election commission with the casting vote.
2. Reception of protocols of territorial (precinct) election commissions, summing up the data contained in these protocols, and drawing up protocols on voting results and election results is carried out in one room, while all actions of members of the district election commission on receiving protocols, summing up the data contained in them, and drawing up protocols on voting results and election results must be carried out in one room. be in the field of view of members of the district election commission, observers, as well as other persons., 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum". The specified room should contain enlarged forms of summary tables for the corresponding electoral district.
3. The Chairman, secretary or other voting member of the territorial (precinct) election commission shall transmit the first copies of the protocols of the territorial (precinct) election commission on voting results with the documents attached to them to the voting member of the district election commission, who checks the correctness of their completion, the completeness of the documents attached to them and the fulfillment of control ratios.
4. If the protocol (protocols) and (or) summary table (summary tables) of the territorial (precinct) election commission on voting results are drawn up in violation of the requirements for drawing up the protocol and (or) summary table, the territorial (precinct) election commission is obliged to draw up a repeated protocol (protocols) and (or) summary table (summary tables). in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 15 of Article 55 of this Law, and the protocol (s) and (or) summary table (s) originally submitted remain in the district election commission.
5. If the protocols and summary tables of the territorial (precinct) election commission on voting results are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of this Law for drawing up a protocol and summary table, a member of the district election commission shall immediately enter the data of each of the protocols in the corresponding summary table of the district election commission. The chairman, secretary or other voting member of a territorial (precinct) election commission who has handed over the protocols on voting results to a member of a district election commission shall sign in each of the enlarged forms of the summary table under the data of the corresponding protocol of the territorial (precinct) election commission on voting results.
6. On the results of elections in a single-mandate electoral district, based on protocols No. 1 of territorial (precinct) election commissions on voting results, the district election commission shall draw up Protocol No. 1 and a summary table.
The following data is entered in Protocol No. 1:
1) the number of territorial (precinct) election commissions in a single-mandate electoral district;
2) the number of protocols No. 1 of territorial (precinct) election commissions on voting results, on the basis of which this protocol is drawn up;
3) the number of electoral precincts whose voting results were declared invalid and the total number of voters included in the electoral lists for these electoral precincts at the time of the end of voting;
4) the total data for all lines contained in protocols No. 1 of territorial (precinct) election commissions on voting results;
5) the share of votes (in percentages) submitted for each candidate included in the ballot, out of the number of voters who took part in the voting;
(ed. The Law of the Omsk Region of 31.10.2006 No. 796-OZ)
6) the number of voters who took part in the elections and the percentage of this number from the number of voters included in the electoral lists;
7) the surname, first name and patronymic of the registered candidate elected as a deputy.
6.1. Based on the protocols No. 2 of the respective precinct and territorial election commissions on voting results, the District election Commission draws up Protocol No. 2 on voting results for a single regional electoral district in the territory of a single-mandate electoral district, which includes the following data::
1) the number of precinct and territorial election commissions in a single-mandate electoral district;
2) the number of protocols No. 2 of precinct and territorial election commissions on the results of voting, on the basis of which this protocol was drawn up;
3) the number of electoral precincts whose voting results were declared invalid, and the total number of voters included in the voter lists according to the data of polling stations at the time of the end of voting;
4) summary data for a single regional electoral district on the territory of a single-mandate electoral district for all lines contained in protocols No. 2 of precinct and territorial election commissions on voting results.
(clause 6.1 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 904-OZ of 18.05.2007)
7. Based on the protocol on election results, the district election commission makes a decision on the election results for the corresponding single-mandate electoral district.
8.The registered candidate who received the largest number of votes of the voters who took part in the voting is recognized as elected in a single-mandate electoral district. If the number of votes received by candidates is equal, the candidate who received support (by the number of votes) in the majority of polling stations is considered elected. If there are an equal number of polling stations where candidates received support, the candidate who registered earlier is considered elected.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
9. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk Region No. 904-OZ of 18.05.2007.
10. The number of voters who took part in voting is determined by the number of ballots of the established form found in the voting boxes.
(item 10 as amended. Law of the Omsk Region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
11. The District Election Commission declares the results of elections in a single-mandate electoral district invalid:
1) if violations committed during the conduct of voting or the establishment of voting results do not allow reliable determination of the results of the expression of the will of voters;
2) if the results of voting in a single-mandate electoral district are declared invalid in part of the polling stations, where the voter lists at the time of the end of voting in the aggregate include the number of registered voters at the end of voting in the relevant electoral district;
3) by a court decision.
12. In order to sign the protocols of the district election commission on election results and voting results, the commission must hold a final meeting, where complaints (applications) received by the commission related to the conduct of voting, counting of votes and drawing up protocols of lower-level commissions are considered. After that, the district election Commission signs protocols on election results and voting results and issues certified copies thereof to the persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum". Protocols on election results and voting results are drawn up in two copies and signed by all present members of the district election commission with the right to vote, and the date and time (hour and minutes) of their signing are indicated in them. Signing a protocol in violation of this procedure is a ground for declaring it invalid. A voting member of the district election commission who does not agree with the protocol (s) as a whole or with its individual provisions may attach a special opinion to the protocol (s), and this is recorded in the corresponding protocol.
13. Each copy of the relevant protocol shall be accompanied by:
1) summary table on election results for a single-mandate electoral district, on voting results for a single regional electoral district, respectively, which includes complete data of all received protocols of territorial (precinct) election commissions on voting results;
2) acts on receipt of ballots by the district election commission, on their transfer to territorial and precinct election commissions,as well as reports on the receipt of ballots by the district as well as on the repayment of unused ballots stored in the district election commission, indicating the number of these ballots;
3) acts on the transfer of absentee ballots to territorial election commissions, as well as on the repayment of unused absentee ballots, indicating the number of these ballots.
14. Summary tables and acts specified in paragraph 13 of this Article shall be signed by the chairman, Deputy Chairman and Secretary of the district election commission.
15. The first copies of the protocols of the district election commission on election results shall be accompanied by dissenting opinions of members of the district election commission, as well as complaints (applications) received by the said commission during the period that begins on the voting day and ends on the day when the district election commission draws up protocols on voting results on election results, complaints (applications) decisions are made on the specified complaints (applications).
16. The first copies of each protocol of the district election commission with attached documents are sent to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region immediately after signing the protocols and summary tables and are not subject to return to the district Election Commission.
17. Second copies of the protocols of the district election commission, second copies of summary tables and acts specified in item 13 of this Article are provided for familiarization to members of the district election commission and members of a higher-level election commission with the right of advisory vote, to persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and participation in the referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation", and their certified copies are posted for public viewing in the place established by the district election commission. 30 days after the voting day, copies of the second copies of the protocols available to the district election commission are destroyed with the preparation of the report.
18. Second copies of the protocols of the district election commission together with the second copies of summary tables and acts specified in item 8 of this Article, lists of members of the election commission with the right of advisory vote, persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" who were present at the meeting. establishment of voting results, determination of election results and preparation of relevant protocols, as well as other documents provided for by this Law, stored by the secretary of the district election commission.
19. If, after the district election Commission signs the protocols on voting results, election results and summary tables and sends their first copies to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, the district election commission that drew up the protocols, summary tables, or the Election Commission of the Omsk Region during a preliminary check reveals inaccuracy in them (including a typo, typo, or error in the text of the application). adding up these protocols of territorial (precinct) election commissions), the district election commission is obliged at its meeting to consider the issue of making clarifications to lines 1-17 of the protocol (s) and / or the summary table (s). The district election Commission, when informing about the holding of the specified meeting, must indicate that this issue will be considered at it. The district election commission must inform its members with the right of advisory vote, observers and other persons who were present during the preparation of the previously approved protocol, as well as representatives of the mass media about the decision taken. In this case, the district election commission draws up a corresponding protocol and / or summary table, which is marked "Repeated" or "Repeated". The specified protocol (s) and / or summary table (s) are immediately sent to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region. The protocol (s) and (or) summary table (s) previously submitted to the Election Commission of the Omsk Region are attached to the repeated protocol (s) and (or) summary table (s). Violation of the specified procedure for drawing up a repeated protocol and /or a repeated summary table is a ground for declaring this protocol invalid. If it is necessary to make clarifications in line 18 and subsequent lines of the protocol, a re-counting of votes is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by paragraphs 20 and 21 this Article.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region from 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ, from 04.02 " .2011 No. 1325-OZ)
20. If errors or inconsistencies are identified in the protocols on voting results or doubts arise about the correctness of drawing up protocols received from lower-level election commissions, the district election commission may decide to conduct a re-counting of votes at the relevant polling station or territory.
21. In the case specified in In accordance with paragraph 20 this Article, repeated counting of votes is carried out in the presence of a voting member (s) of the district election commission by the election commission that has drawn up and approved the protocol on voting results that is subject to verification, or by a higher election commission. The election commission conducting the re-counting of votes notifies the members of the relevant election commission, registered candidates or their proxies, and other persons specified in clause 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" who are entitled to be present during the re-counting of votes voters. Based on the results of re-counting of votes, the election commission that carried out such counting shall draw up a corresponding protocol, which is marked "Re-counting of votes". Certified copies of such minutes are issued to observers and other persons specified in item 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum". If such a protocol is drawn up by a lower-level election commission, it is immediately sent to the district election commission. The previously submitted protocol (s) of the territorial (precinct) election commission shall be attached to the protocol (s) drawn up based on the results of repeated counting of votes.

Article 56. Determination of election results in a single regional electoral district(as amended). Law of the Omsk region of 24.07.2006 No. 774-OZ)

1.Based on the data of the first copies of protocols No. 2 of territorial election commissions on voting results for a single regional electoral district, the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, after preliminary verification of their correctness, by summing up the data contained in them, determines the results of elections for a single regional electoral district no later than 7 days after the voting day. Summation of the data contained in these protocols is carried out directly by the members of the Omsk Region Election Commission with the casting vote.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
2. The Election Commission of the Omsk Region shall draw up a protocol on the results of elections for a single regional electoral district, which shall include the following information:
1) the number of territorial election commissions in the Omsk region;
2)the number of protocols of territorial election commissions based on which this protocol is compiled;
3) total data for all lines contained in protocols No. 2 of territorial election commissions on voting results;
4) the percentage of votes cast for each list of candidates from the number of voters who took part in the voting;
(ed.  of Omsk Region No. 796-OZ dated 31.10.2006)
5) the number of voters who took part in the elections and the percentage of this number from the number of voters included in the electoral lists;
6) the names of electoral associations whose lists of candidates are allowed to distribute deputy mandates, and the number of deputy mandates due to each of them;
7) excluded. - The Law of the Omsk region of 08.10.2014 " No. 1668-OZ;
8) numbers of regional groups of candidates and lists of candidates who are entitled to deputy mandates;
(clause 8 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1352-OZ of 02.06.2011)
9) surnames, first names and patronymics of registered candidates elected as deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, from each list of candidates who are entitled to deputy mandates.
(Clause 9 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1352-OZ of 02.06.2011)
3. The number of voters who took part in voting is determined in accordance with paragraph 10 of Article 55.1 of this Law.
(ed.  Law of  the Omsk region from 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
4". Based on the protocol on election results, the Election Commission of the Omsk Region makes a decision on the election results.
5. The Election Commission of the Omsk Region shall declare the election in a single regional electoral district invalid if:
1) excluded. - The Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ;
2) less than two lists of candidates received the right to participate in the distribution of deputy mandates when voting for the lists of candidates;
3) if a total of 50 percent or less of the votes of voters who participated in the voting in a single regional electoral district were cast for the lists of candidates who received the right to participate in the distribution of deputy mandates in accordance with this Law.
6. The Election Commission of the Omsk region declares the results of elections in a single regional electoral district invalid:
1) if violations committed during the conduct of voting or the establishment of voting results do not allow reliable determination of the results of the expression of the will of voters;
2) if the results of voting in a single regional electoral district are declared invalid in a part of the polling stations where, at the time of the end of voting, the total number of voters the total number of registered voters at the end of voting in the relevant electoral district;
3) by a court decision.
7. Lists of candidates admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates shall receive the specified mandates in accordance with the method of distribution of deputy mandates provided for in Article 65 of this Law. At the same time, before applying this method, registered candidates elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in single-mandate electoral districts are excluded from each list of candidates.
8. A registered candidate who is entitled to receive a deputy mandate in accordance with the procedure for placing candidates on the list of candidates may refuse to receive a deputy mandate within five days after the relevant commission notifies this candidate of the right to receive a deputy mandate. The application for refusal to receive a deputy's mandate is not subject to revocation.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 02.06.2011 No. 1352-OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
9. Deputy mandates are distributed primarily among registered candidates included in the regional part of the list of candidates. The remaining deputy mandates are distributed among registered candidates from the regional groups of candidates of the list of candidates. At the same time, from the number of remaining deputy mandates, each regional group of candidates receives deputy mandates, the number of which is proportional to the number of votes cast for the list of candidates in the territory to which this regional group corresponds. The specific number of these deputy mandates is determined in accordance with the method of distribution of deputy mandates provided for in Article 65 of this Law.
(item 9 as amended. Law of the Omsk region of 02.06.2011 No. 1352-OZ)
9.1. Deputy mandates are distributed among registered candidates in accordance with the order of their placement in the list of candidates established when registering this list by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region and considered (within the general regional part of the list of candidates and within each of the regional groups of candidates) as the order of priority for obtaining deputy mandates.
(clause 9.1 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region of 02.06.2011 No. 1352-OZ)
10. The protocol on election results for a single regional electoral district is drawn up by the Omsk Region Election Commission and signed by all present voting members of the Omsk Region Election Commission. The protocol is accompanied by a summary table of election results for a single regional electoral district, which includes complete data from all received protocols of district election commissions on voting results.
11. A voting member of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region who does not agree with the protocol as a whole or with its individual provisions may attach a dissenting opinion to the protocol, and a corresponding entry is made in the protocol. The protocol is also accompanied by complaints (applications) received by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region during the period that begins on the voting day and ends on the day when the protocol on voting results is drawn up, complaints (applications) about violations of this Law and decisions taken by the Election Commission of the Omsk Region on these complaints (applications).
12. Certified copies of the protocol and summary table shall be provided to all members of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, persons specified in item 3 of Article  30  of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", representatives of the mass media who were present at the determination of election results in a single regional electoral district.
13. If, after signing the protocol on election results for a single regional electoral district and the summary table, the Election Commission of the Omsk Region has found inaccuracy in them (including a typo, typo or error in adding up the data of the protocols of lower-level election commissions), the Election Commission of the Omsk Region is obliged at its meeting to consider the issue of making clarifications in lines 1 - 17 protocol (s) and / or summary table. The Election Commission of the Omsk region, when informing about the holding of the specified meeting, is obliged to indicate that this issue will be considered at it. The Election Commission of the Omsk Region must inform its members with the right to an advisory vote, other persons who were present during the preparation of the previously approved protocol, as well as representatives of the mass media about the decision taken. If it is necessary to make clarifications in line 18 and subsequent lines of the protocol, a re-counting of votes is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by paragraphs 14" and 15 of this Article.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk Region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ, of 04.02.2011 No. 1325-OZ)
14. If errors or inconsistencies are identified in the protocols on voting results and (or) summary tables, or if doubts arise about the correctness of drawing up protocols and (or) summary tables received from election commissions, the Election Commission of the Omsk Region has the right to make a decision on the following issues: a decision to conduct a re-counting of votes at the relevant polling station or territory.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)
15. In the case specified in paragraph 14 of this Article, the repeated counting of votes of voters is carried out in the presence of a member (members) of the Omsk Region Election Commission with a casting vote by the election commission that has drawn up and approved the protocol on voting results, on election results, which is subject to verification, or by the election commission higher in relation to this commission. The election commission conducting the re-counting of votes notifies the members of the relevant election commission, registered candidates or their proxies, and other persons specified in clause 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum" who are entitled to be present during the re-counting of votes voters. Based on the results of re-counting of votes, the election commission that conducted such counting shall draw up a protocol on the results of voting, which is marked "Re-counting of votes". The previously submitted protocol on voting results is attached to the protocol drawn up based on the results of repeated counting of votes. Violation of the specified procedure for drawing up a protocol on voting results marked "Re-counting of votes" is a ground for declaring this protocol invalid.

Article 56.1. Establishment of general election results(as amended) Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)

1.On the basis of the protocol of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region on election results for a single regional electoral district and on the basis of Protocols No. 1 of district election commissions on election results for single-mandate electoral districts, the Election Commission of the Omsk Region shall establish the general election results no later than two weeks after the voting day.
2. Documentation of election commissions at all levels, including signature lists with signatures of voters, ballots, absentee certificates and voter lists, is subject to storage for one year from the date of publication of the voting results and election results.
The term of storage of protocols on voting results and summary tables of election commissions on voting results is one year from the date of announcement of the date of the next election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
If a complaint against the election commission's decision on voting results or election results is considered in court, or criminal cases are initiated related to the violation of the electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation, the retention period for the relevant election documentation is extended until the court decision comes into force (termination of the case in accordance with federal law). Responsibility for the security of election documentation is assigned to the chairman (deputy chairman) and secretary of the relevant election commission until the documentation is transferred to a higher election commission or to the archive.

Article 57. Repeated and additional elections(as amended) Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)

1. If the election is declared invalid, invalid, or a candidate elected in a single-mandate electoral district has not resigned from his / her powers incompatible with the status of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, the Election Commission of the Omsk Region shall call a repeat election.
2. If the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region has not been formed in a competent composition, repeated elections are held no later than three months after the date of voting in the main elections. In other cases, repeated elections are held on the second Sunday of September, and in the year of holding elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the next convocation - on the day of voting in these elections or on another day, but not later than one year after the date of appearance of the grounds for holding repeated elections. In case of repeated elections, the terms of electoral actions may be reduced by one third by the decision of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region. The decision to call a repeat election is subject to official publication no later than three days after its adoption.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 08.04.2013 No. 1532-OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
3. When calling repeated elections, if the powers of district election commissions and precinct election commissions specified in paragraph 4 of Article 1 of the Law of the Omsk Region of April 8, 2013 No. 1523-OZ "On the Procedure for Forming Precinct Election Commissions in the Territory of the Omsk Region" have not expired, the Election Commission of the Omsk Region must: order either the extension of the term of office of these election commissions, or the formation of these election commissions in a new composition.
(ed. Law of the Omsk Region of 17.07.2013 No. 1557-OZ)
4. In case of early termination of the powers of a deputy elected in a single-mandate electoral district, the Election Commission of the Omsk Region appoints additional elections in this electoral district. By-elections are scheduled for the second Sunday of September, and in the year of elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the next convocation - on the day of voting in these elections. If by-elections, including taking into account the terms stipulated in paragraph 7 of Article 10 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum", cannot be scheduled for the second Sunday of September, and in the year of holding elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the next convocation - on the second Sunday of September. on the day of voting in these elections, they must be held no later than one year after the date of early termination of the powers of a deputy elected in a single-mandate electoral district. If, as a result of the early termination of deputy powers, the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region remains unqualified, by-elections are held no later than four months after the date of such early termination of powers, and the terms of electoral actions may be reduced by one third by the decision of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 08.04.2013 No. 1532-OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
5. Repeated and / or additional elections shall not be called or held if, as a result of these elections, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region cannot be elected for a term of more than one year.
6. If, as a result of the early termination of deputy powers, the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region remains in an unqualified composition, and additional elections are not provided for in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Article, new main elections are called, which are held within the time limits established by paragraph 4 of Article 10 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation".
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)

Article 58. Registration of elected deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

1. The Election Commission of the Omsk Region, the corresponding district election commission, after signing the protocol on the results of the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, immediately sends a notification about this to registered candidates elected as deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. A registered candidate elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region must, within five days from the date of receipt of the notification, submit to the relevant election commission a copy of the order (other document) on exemption from duties incompatible with the status of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, or a copy of the document certifying that they have submitted application for release from such duties.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ)
2. The Election commission of the Omsk Region, the district election commission, on the basis of the protocol on election results, no later than ten days after its signing, register the elected deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, provided that they comply with the requirements of paragraph 1 this Article and issue them certificates of election as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904-OZ)

Article 59. Publication and publication of voting results and election results

1. The relevant election commission shall provide for review the voting results for each electoral precinct, territory covered by the commission's activities, election results for the electoral district to the extent of the data contained in its protocol on voting results and protocols on voting results of directly subordinate commissions, to voters, candidates, proxies of candidates, electoral associations, observers foreign (international) observers, representatives of the mass media upon their request.
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ)
2. Election commissions that have registered candidates (lists of candidates) send general data on election results for the electoral district to the mass media within one day after the election results are determined.
3.The official publication of the election results, as well as data on the number of votes received by each candidate (list of candidates), is carried out by the relevant election commission in the mass media not later than one month after the voting day.
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region of 30.12.2005 No. 728-OZ, of 31.10.2006 No. 796-OZ)
4. Election commissions of all levels, with the exception of precinct election commissions, publish (make public) data contained in the protocols of election commissions of the corresponding level on voting results and election results, and data contained in the protocols on voting results of directly subordinate election commissions and on the basis of which the voting results and election results were determined. Official publication (publication) of complete data on election results is carried out within two months from the date of voting.
Within three months from the date of official publication (publication) of complete data on election results, the data contained in the protocols of all election commissions on voting results and election results are posted on the Internet information and telecommunications network.
(ed.  Law  of the Omsk Region of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ)


Article 60. Appeal against decisions and actions (omissions) that violate citizens ' electoral rights

Decisions and actions (omissions) that violate the electoral rights of citizens are appealed in accordance with the procedure provided for by federal law.

Article 61. Grounds for cancellation of registration of a candidate( list of candidates), cancellation of the decision of the election commission on registration of a candidate (list of candidates), refusal to register a candidate (list of candidates), exclusion of a candidate from the list of candidates, cancellation of registration of a candidate (list of candidates)
(ed. The Law of the Omsk region of 18.05.2007 No. 904 " - OZ)
The grounds for cancellation of registration of a candidate (list of candidates), cancellation of a decision of the election commission on registration of a candidate (list of candidates), refusal to register a candidate (list of candidates), exclusion of a candidate from the list of candidates, cancellation of registration of a candidate (list of Candidates) are established by the Federal Law " On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens to Participate in a Referendum Of the Russian Federation".

Article 62. Cancellation of the decision on voting results, election results

Cancellation of decisions on voting results and election results is carried out in accordance with Article 77 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".

Article 63. Time limits for filing and consideration of complaints and applications

The time limits for filing and considering complaints and applications for violation of citizens 'electoral rights are established in accordance with Article 78 of the Federal Law" On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum".
CHAPTER 10. REPLACEMENT OF VACANT DEPUTY MANDATES. TRANSFER OF DEPUTY MANDATES(as amended) Law of the Omsk region of 21.07.2010 No. 1275-OZ)

Article 64. Replacement of vacant deputy mandates(as amended)  Law Omsk Region of 24 " 07. 2006 No. 774-OZ)

1. The Election Commission of the Omsk Region transfers the deputy mandate to the next registered candidate from among the registered candidates who have not received deputy mandates, in accordance with paragraphs 5-9 of Article 65 of this Law, in the following cases:
(ed. Law of the Omsk region of 02.06.2011 No. 1352-OZ)
1) early termination of the powers of a deputy elected as part of the list of candidates;
(subclause 1 as amended. Law of the Omsk Region of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ)
2) failure of the registered candidate to submit the documents provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 58 of this Law;
3) submission of the application provided for in paragraph 8 of Article 56 of this Law by the registered candidate.
2. If there are no registered candidates left in the list of candidates, the deputy mandate remains vacant until the next main election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.

Article 64.1. Is deleted. - Law of the Omsk Region No. 1668-OZ of 08.10.2014.


Article 65. Methodology of distribution of deputy mandates (as amended by the Government of the Russian Federation).  Law  of the Omsk Region of 24 " 07. 2006 No. 774-OZ)

1.Lists of candidates, each of which received 5 or more percent of the votes of the voters who took part in the voting, are allowed to distribute deputy mandates, provided that there were at least two such lists and for all these lists more than 50 percent of the votes of the voters who took part in the voting were submitted in aggregate. In this case, other lists of candidates are not allowed to distribute deputy mandates.
If a total of 50 percent or less of the votes of the voters who took part in the voting were cast for the lists of candidates, each of whom received 5 or more percent of the votes of the voters who took part in the voting, the specified lists are allowed to distribute deputy mandates.
If more than 50 percent of the votes of voters who participated in voting in a single electoral district were submitted for one list of candidates, and the remaining lists of candidates were not allowed to distribute deputy mandates, the list of candidates who received the largest number of votes of voters who participated in voting in a single electoral district among the other lists of candidates is also allowed to participate in this distribution. regional electoral district.
(item 1 as amended. Law of the Omsk Region of 08.10.2014 No. 1668-OZ)
2. Each list of candidates admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates receives one mandate. Then  3-9  of this Article.
Law of the Omsk region of 02.06.2011 No. 1352-OZ)
3. The Election Commission of the Omsk Region calculates the sum of votes cast in a single regional electoral district for each list of candidates admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates.
The number of votes received by each list of candidates is divided sequentially by numbers from an increasing series of natural numbers (divisors) from 2 to a number that is equal to the number of deputy mandates remaining unallocated after their transfer to the lists of candidates in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article. All partial votes received after the division specified in this paragraph, determined to the second decimal place, for all lists of candidates admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates, are distributed in descending order in the auxiliary row. Further, the quotient is determined, the sequential number of which in the auxiliary row is equal to the number of deputy mandates remaining unallocated after their transfer to the lists of candidates in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article. If two or more quotients in the auxiliary row have an ordinal number equal to the number of deputy mandates remaining unallocated after their transfer to the lists of candidates in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article, then of these quotients, the auxiliary row is supplemented by the quotient of the list of candidates that received the largest number of votes, and in case of a tie, by the quotient of the list of candidates, which was registered earlier. The number of members of the corresponding list of candidates located in the auxiliary row, whose ordinal numbers are less than or equal to the number of deputy mandates remaining unallocated after their transfer to the lists of candidates in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article, is the number of deputy mandates that the corresponding list of candidates receives.
(ed. Federal Law of the Omsk Region of 25.12.2014 No. 1696-OZ)
(item 3 as amended by the Federal Law of the Omsk Region of 25.12.2014 No. 1696-OZ). The Law of the Omsk region of 02.06.2011 No. 1352-OZ)
4. The total number of deputy mandates received by the list of candidates admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates is equal to the sum of deputy mandates received by the list of candidates in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article.
Law of the Omsk Region of 02.06.2011 No. 1352-OZ)
5. After the distribution of deputy mandates provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3 this Article, their distribution is carried out within each list of candidates between the regional part of the list of candidates and regional groups of the list of candidates. First of all, deputy mandates are transferred to registered candidates included in the general regional part of the list of candidates, in the order of priority of placement of candidates in the specified list.
(clause 5 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region of 02/06/2011 No. 1352-OZ) 6.
If after the transfer of deputy mandates to registered candidates included in the general regional part of the list of candidates, the deputy mandates due to this list of candidates remain, these mandates are distributed among the regional groups of the list of candidates in the following order:
1) determine the number of votes received by the list of candidates in each of the parts of the territory of the Omsk region that correspond to the regional groups of candidate lists;
2) calculate the percentage of the number of votes cast for the regional groups of the list of candidates from the total number of votes of voters who took part in voting in the corresponding part of the territory of the Omsk region;
3) regional groups of the list of candidates are arranged in descending order of the percentage specified in sub-item 2 of this item and receive one mandate in turn. Within each regional group of the list of candidates, mandates are transferred to registered candidates in the order of candidates in the regional group. If the specified percentages are equal, the advantage is given to the regional group of the list of candidates for which the largest number of votes was cast.
(clause 6 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1352-OZ of 02.06.2011)
7. The unallocated deputy mandates remaining after the distribution of deputy mandates among the regional groups of the list of candidates are transferred to the regional groups of the list of candidates in the same order in descending order of the percentage specified in subitem 2 of item 6 of this Article.
(item 7 is introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1352-OZ of 02.06.2011)
8. If, after the distribution of deputy mandates in accordance with the procedure established by paragraphs 6 and 7 of this article, the deputy mandate becomes vacant, the specified mandate is transferred to the registered candidate from the same regional group, and if there are no registered candidates left in this regional group, the vacant deputy mandate is transferred to the next one in descending order of the percentage specified in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 6 of this article. article, to a regional group of the same list of candidates that did not receive a deputy mandate.
Law of the Omsk region of 02.06.2014 No. 1635-OZ)
9. If, after the distribution of deputy mandates in accordance with the procedure established by paragraph 5 of this article, a deputy mandate from the general regional part of the list of candidates becomes vacant, the specified mandate is transferred to the registered candidate from the same general regional part of the list of candidates, and if there are no registered candidates left in this general regional part of the list of candidates, the vacant deputy mandate is transferred in accordance with the procedure established in paragraph 6 of this article.
(item 9 as amended) Law of the Omsk region of 02.06.2014 No. 1635-OZ)


Article 66. Liability for violation of citizens ' electoral rights

Responsibility for violation of citizens ' electoral rights is imposed in accordance with federal law.


Article 67. Introduction of this Law into force

1. This Law shall enter into force ten days after its official publication, with the exception of:
a) paragraph 14 of Article 29, which comes into force after the first election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation after the entry into force of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a Referendum";
b) excluded. - Law of the Omsk Region No. 604-OZ.
2 of 22.12.2004. From the date of entry into force of this Law, to recognize as invalid:
a) The Law of the Omsk Region "On Elections of Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region "(Bulletin of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, December 1996, No. 4, Article 287);
b) The Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Omsk Region "On Elections of Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region" (Bulletin of the Legislative Assembly of Moscow region, December 1996, No. 4, art. 302);
c) The Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Omsk Region "On Elections of Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region "(Vedomosti of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, December 1997, No. 4 (14), Article 511);
d) The Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Omsk Region "On Elections Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region" (Vedomosti of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, December 1999, No. 4 (21), art. 1030);
e) The Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Omsk Region "On Elections of Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region "(Vedomosti of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, November 2001, No. 3 (28), Article 1420);
f) The Law of the Omsk Region "On the time of voting in Elections to state Bodies". state power and local self-government of the Omsk Region in case they are combined with elections of federal bodies of state power" (Vedomosti of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, April 2000, No. 1 (22), Article 1059).

Governor of the Omsk region
, July 7, 2003
No. 455-OZ

Appendix No. 1
to the Law of the Omsk Region
"On Elections of Deputies
of the Legislative Assembly
of the Omsk Region"
of July 7, 2003 No. 455-OZ

Territories where electoral districts may be formed from territories that do not border each other:
Omsk and the village. Entrance;
Omsk and the village. Beregovoy;
Omsk and the village. Steep Hill.

Appendix No. 1.1
to the Law of the Omsk Region
"On Elections of Deputies
of the Legislative Assembly
of the Omsk Region"
of July 7, 2003 No. 455-OZ

List of modifying documents
(introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region of 21.12.2015 No. 1836-OZ) (numbers indicate the lines of the protocol numbered
in accordance with Article 53 of this Law)

1 is greater than or equal to 3 + 4
2 is equal to 3 + 4 + 5 + 16 - 17
6 + 7 equals 8 + 9
9 equals 18 + all subsequent protocol lines
10 equals 11 + 13 +15

Appendix No. 2
to the Law of the Omsk Region
"On Elections of Deputies
of the Legislative Assembly
of the Omsk Region"
of July 7, 2003 No. 455-OZ


No longer valid. - Law of the Omsk Region No. 728-OZ of 30.12.2005.

Appendix No. 3
to the Law of the Omsk Region
"On Elections of Deputies
of the Legislative Assembly
of the Omsk Region"
of July 7, 2003 No. 455-OZ


No longer valid. - Law of the Omsk Region No. 728-OZ of 30.12.2005.

Appendix No. 2
to the Law of the Omsk Region
"On Elections of Deputies
of the Legislative Assembly
of the Omsk Region"


Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ.

Appendix No. 3
to the Law of the Omsk Region
"On Elections of Deputies
of the Legislative Assembly
of the Omsk Region"


Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region of 02.11.2011 No. 1402-OZ.



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