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(Central-Oktyabrsky No. 10)    
"UNITED RUSSIA" Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region, Chairman of the Property Committee

16258.jpg   Born June 4, 1962 in Kiselevsk, Kemerovo Region.  
   Education: higher.
   Graduated from: Kemerovo Technological Institute (1984), qualification "mechanical engineer", specialty "machines and     apparatus for food production", All-Union Order of the Badge of Honor Financial and Economic Institute, Omsk (1992),     qualification "economist", specialty "industrial planning".
    Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences. Candidate's dissertation in specialty 05.13.12. Topic: "Automation system for designing layouts of industrial complexes".
 Scientific activity. 
Co-author of 12 patents for inventions and 2 computer programs.
  1. Work experience:
1984 - 1991 - chief mechanic of the Omsk yeast plant;
 1985 - 1986.  service in the Armed Forces of the USSR (sergeant of the airborne assault troops (122 VUS), deputy platoon commander
 1992 - 2001 - General Director of OJSC Sibpromservice;
 2001 - 2012 - General Director of OJSC OMSKNEFTEKHIMPROEKT;
2012 - 2015 - member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
2016 - present - General Director of PJSC ONHP.
2. Political activity:
In 2002, he was elected as a deputy of the Omsk City Council III convocation for the Oktyabrsky administrative district of the city of Omsk. He headed the commission on education, science, culture, youth policy and sports.
From 2007 to 2012.– Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Regionof the IV, Vconvocations (elected in single-mandate constituency No. 10 Oktyabrsky-Tsentralny). He headed the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy (V convocation);
Since August 29, 2012, by the Decree of the Governor of the Omsk Region, he was appointed representative of the Government of the Omsk Region in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. He was a member of the Federation Council Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Policy, Local Government and Northern Affairs. He headed the Temporary Commission of the Federation Council on the development of Russian legislation on engineering and engineering activities. He was the deputy co-chairman from the Russian part of the Commission on Cooperation between the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
From 2016 to 2021 - Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the VI convocation, member of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy, member of the Regional Commission for Improving the System of Management of Production and Consumption Waste in the Omsk Region, member of the Council of Heads of Municipalities under the Governor of the Omsk Region, member of the Council for the Arctic and Antarctica of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
From 2021 to the present - Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk VIIconvocation, Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Property, member of the Regional Commission for Improving the System of Production and Consumption Waste Management in the Omsk Region.
Member of the Political Council of the Omsk Regional Branch of the All-Russian Political Party «United Russia», Chairman of the Regional Council of the Omsk Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization «All-Russian Council of Local Self-Government».
3. Awards and honorary titles:
Honorary title 
«Honorary Worker of the Fuel and Energy Complex»
Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation for great personal contribution to the development of the fuel and energy complex, many years of conscientious work and in connection with the significant date since the formation of OJSC OMSKNEFTEKHIMPROEKT.
Gratitude from the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V.I. Matvienko for active participation in the preparation and holding of the 21st session of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum
Certificate of Honor of the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V.I. Matvienko for many years of conscientious work, great contribution to the development of parliamentarism in the Russian Federation and the improvement of federal legislation.
Certificate of Honor of the Association of Oil Refiners and Petrochemists of Russia for great personal contribution to the development of the institute and the introduction of modern software in the field of designing oil refining and petrochemical facilities and in connection with the 55th anniversary of the formation of OAO OMSKNEFTEKHIMPROEKT
Certificate of Honor of the Administration of the Omsk Region for impeccable long-term work and in connection with the 180th anniversary of the formation of the region
Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Omsk Region for many years of impeccable work, high professional skills and in connection with the 50th anniversary of the birthday
Letter of thanks from the Mayor of Omsk for active participation and comprehensive assistance in preparation for the 287th anniversary of Omsk.
Memorial to the Medal of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation named after V.A. Petukhov "DUTY CONSCIENCE HONOR".
Jubilee medal "200 years of Omsk region".
4. Marital status
married, three children

Reception of citizens

Public reception office of the deputy at the address: Ponomarenko st., bldg. 2, Omsk, 644076
Phones: 57-72-57, 57-46-59

Time for receiving citizens by the deputy: the third or fourth Saturday of each month by appointment

Time for receiving citizens by the deputy's assistants:

Weekly on Tuesdays - from 10.00 to 13.00, on Thursdays - from 14.00 to 17.00

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