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(Soviet electoral district No. 5)

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region

13546.jpg  Date of birth: January 13, 1977.
  Place of birth: Omsk.
  Citizenship: Russian Federation.
  Education, specialty: higher, in 1998 graduated from the Siberian State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, specializing in "game sports", in 2001 - postgraduate study at SibGAFK, in 2015 - Omsk Humanitarian Academy, specializing in "journalism". Has more than 20 scientific publications.
  Work experience:

  2001 - 2004 - teacher at SibGAFK;
  2004 - 2014 - correspondent, editor of the TeleOmsk-AKME Corporation;
  2014 - 2015 - correspondent of the Omsk television company (Ren-TV, "Promotion")
  2015 and to date - deputy editor-in-chief of the Obkom-TV television company, assistant to the deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation O.N. Smolin
  Secretary for ideology of the Omsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, candidate for membership in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
  Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, member of the board of the Basketball Federation LLC.  
In 2016, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the sixth convocation from the electoral association Omsk regional branch of the political party "COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION", member of the committee on social policy, member of the committee on education, science, culture and youth policy.
In 2021, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the seventh convocation in Sovetsky Electoral District No. 5, member of the committee on social policy, member of the committee on education, science, culture and youth policy.

Current place of work, position: Television company "Obkom-TV" of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, deputy editor-in-chief.

  • Certificates of honor of the Omsk City Administration and the Government of the Omsk Region;
  • The "Valor" Prize of the Governor of the Omsk Region in the nomination "Best Sports Journalist" (2013). 

Hobbies: sports, dacha.
Marital status: raising two daughters.

Reception of citizens

The first and third Thursday of each month, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mira Ave., Bldg. 37, Apt. 11, Omsk.
Tel. 67-11-44

Written requests are accepted at the address: Krasny Put St., Bldg. 1, Omsk, 644002, Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region.

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