In the electronic reception you will be able to send an appeal to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in the form of an electronic document
Enter the reception area
Date of birth: 20.06.1967.
Place of birth: Omsk.
Citizenship: Russian Federation.
Education, specialty: higher, graduated from Omsk Polytechnic Institute in 1991 with a degree in "Welding production mechanical engineer".
Work experience:
1985-1987 – service in the Soviet Army;
1993 – present – director of OOO Gorod.
Current place of work, position: OOO Gorod, director.
Hobbies: sports.
Marital status: married, two children.
Reception of the deputy
Address:1st Severnaya st., bldg. 41, r.p. Moskalenki, Moskalensky municipal district, Omsk region, 646070
Phone: +7-906-993-20-01
Reception hours for citizens by the deputy: second Monday of the month, from 10:00 to 12:00.
Make an appointment by the specified phone number or email address.